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   Into the snow she's fallen; the bear deftly    snatches her up and carries her;    she is insensibly submissive;  4 stirs not, breathes not;    he rushes her along a forest road;    sudden, 'mongst trees, there is a humble hut;    dense wildwood all around; from every side  8 'tis drifted over with desolate snow,    and brightly glows a window;    and in the hut are cries and noise;    the bear quoth: “Here's my gossip, 12 do warm yourself a little in his home!”    and straight he goes into the hallway    and on the threshold lays her down.


   Tatiana comes to, looks:    no bear; she's in a hallway;    behind the door there's shouting and the jingle  4 of glasses as at some big funeral.    Perceiving not a drop of sense in this,    she furtively looks through the chink    —  and what then? She sees... at a table  8 monsters are seated in a circle:    one horned and dog-faced;    another with a rooster's head;    here is a witch with a goat's beard; 12 here, prim and proud, a skeleton;    yonder, a dwarf with a small tail; and there,    something half crane, half cat.


   More frightful still, and still more wondrous:    there is a crab astride a spider;    there on a goose's neck  4 twirls a red-calpacked skull;    there a windmill the squat-jig dances    and rasps and waves its vanes.    Barks, laughter, singing, whistling, claps,  8 the parle of man, the stamp of steed!31    But what were the thoughts of Tatiana    when 'mongst the guests she recognized    him who was dear to her and awesome — 12 the hero of our novel!    Onegin at the table sits    and through the door stealthily gazes.


   He gives the signal — and all bustle;    he drinks — all drink and all cry out;    he laughs — all burst out laughing;  4 knits his brows — all are silent;    he is the master there, 'tis plain;    and Tanya is already not so awestruck,    and being curious now she opens  8 the door a little....    Sudden the wind blows, putting out    the light of the nocturnal flambeaux;    the gang of goblins flinches; 12 Onegin, his eyes flashing,    making a clatter rises from the table;    all rise; he marches to the door.


   And fear assails her; hastily    Tatiana strains to flee:    not possible; impatiently  4 tossing about, she wants to scream —    cannot; Eugene has pushed the door,    and to the gaze of the infernal specters    the girl appears; ferocious laughter  8 wildly resounds; the eyes of all,    hooves, curved proboscises,    tufted tails, tusks,    mustaches, bloody tongues, 12 horns, and fingers of bone —    all point as one at her,    and everybody cries: “Mine! Mine!”


   “Mine!” Eugene fiercely said,    and in a trice the whole gang vanished;    the youthful maid remained with him  4 twain in the frosty dark;    Onegin gently draws Tatiana32    into a corner and deposits her    upon a shaky bench  8 and lets his head sink on her shoulder;    all of a sudden Olga enters,    followed by Lenski; light gleams forth;    Onegin brings back his raised arm 12 and wildly his eyes roam,    and he berates the unbidden guests;    Tatiana lies barely alive.


   The argument grows louder, louder: Eugene    suddenly snatches a long knife, and Lenski    forthwith is felled; the shadows awesomely  4 have thickened; an excruciating cry    resounds... the cabin lurches...    and Tanya wakes in terror....    She looks — 'tis light already in the room;  8 dawn's crimson ray    plays in the window through the frozen pane;    the door opens. Olga flits in to her    rosier than Northern Aurora 12 and lighter than a swallow. “Well,”    she says, “do tell me,    whom did you see in dream?”