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   Talks for a moment have subsided;    mouths chew. On all sides plates    and covers clatter, and the jingle  4 of rummers sounds.    But soon the guests raise by degrees    a general hullabaloo.    None listens; they shout, laugh,  8 dispute, and squeal. All of a sudden —    the door leaves are flung open: Lenski    comes in, and with him [comes] Onegin. “Oh, my Maker!”    cries out the lady of the house. “At last!” 12 The guests make room, each moves aside    covers, chairs quick;    they call, they seat the pair of friends


   —  seat them directly facing Tanya,    and paler than the morning moon,    and more tremulous than the hunted doe,  4 her darkening eyes    she does not raise. In her stormily pulses    a passionate glow; she suffocates, feels faint;    the two friends' greetings  8 she hears not; the tears from her eyes    are on the point of trickling; the poor thing    is on the point of swooning;    but will and reason's power 12 prevailed. A word or two    she uttered through her teeth in a low voice    and managed to remain at table.


   Tragiconervous scenes,    the fainting fits of maidens, tears,    long since Eugene could not abide:  4 enough of them he had endured.    Finding himself at a huge feast,    the odd chap was already cross. But noting    the languid maid's tremulous impulse,  8 out of vexation lowering his gaze,    he went into a huff and, fuming,    swore he would madden Lenski,    and thoroughly, in fact, avenge himself. 12 Now, in advance exulting,    he inwardly began to sketch    caricatures of all the guests.


   Of course, not only Eugene might have seen    Tanya's confusion; but the target    of looks and comments at the time  4 was a rich pie    (unfortunately, oversalted);    and here, in bottle sealed with pitch,    between the meat course and the blancmangér,  8 Tsimlyanski wine is brought already,    followed by an array of narrow, long    wineglasses, similar to your waist,    Zizí, crystal of my soul, object 12 of my innocent verse,    love's luring vial, you, of whom    drunken I used to be!


   Ridding itself of its damp cork,    the bottle pops; the wine    fizzes; and now with solemn mien,  4 long tortured by his stanza,    Triquet stands up; before him the assembly    maintains deep silence.    Tatiana's scarce alive; Triquet,  8 addressing her, a slip of paper in his hand,    proceeds to sing, off key. Claps, acclamations,    salute him. She    must drop the bard a curtsy; 12 whereat the poet, modest although great,    is first to drink her health    and hands to her the stanza.


   Now greetings come, congratulations;    Tatiana thanks them all.    Then, when the turn of Eugene  4 arrived, the maiden's languid air,    her discomposure, lassitude,    engendered pity in his souclass="underline"    he bowed to her in silence,  8 but somehow the look of his eyes    was wondrous tender. Whether    because he verily was touched    or he, coquetting, jested, 12 whether unwillfully or by free will,    but tenderness this look expressed:    it revived Tanya's heart.


   The chairs, as they are pushed back, clatter;    the crowd presses into the drawing room:    thus bees out of the luscious hive  4 fly meadward in a noisy swarm.    Pleased with the festive dinner,    neighbor in front of neighbor wheezes;    the ladies by the hearth have settled;  8 the maidens whisper in a corner;    the green-baized tables are unfolded:    to mettlesome cardplayers call    boston and omber of the old, 12 and whist, up to the present famous:    monotonous family,    all sons of avid boredom.