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Barsymes said, "Perhaps your Majesty might do more to involve the young Majesties in the preparations against the Thanasioi."

"I wish I knew how to do that," Krispos said. "If they were more like me at the same age, there'd be no problem. But—" His own first taste of combat had come at seventeen, against Kubrati raiders. He'd done well enough in the fighting, then puked up his guts afterward.

"But," he said again, shaking his head as if it were a complete sentence. He made himself amplify it. "Phostis has chosen now to get drunk on the lord with the great and good mind and on the words of this priest he's been seeing."

"Will you reprove piety?" Barsymes asked, his own voice reproving.

"Not at all, esteemed sir. Along with our common Videssi; language, our common orthodox faith glues the Empire together. That, among other things, is what makes the Thanasioi so deadly dangerous: they seek to soak away the glue that keeps all Videssos' citizens loyal to her. But neither would I have my heir make himself into a monk, not when Emperors find themselves forced to do unmonkish things."

"Forbid him to see this priest, then," Zaidas suggested.

"How can I?" Krispos said. "Phostis is a man in years and a man in spirit, even if not exactly the man I might have wished him to be. He would defy me, and he would be in the right. One of the things you learn if you want to stay Avtokrator is not to fight wars you have no hope of winning."

"You have three sons, your Majesty," Barsymes said. The vestiarios was subtle even by Videssian standards, but could be as stubborn in his deviousness as any blunt, straightforward, ironheaded barbarian.

"Aye, I have three sons." Krispos raised an eyebrow. "Katakolon would no doubt be willing enough to go on campaign for the sake of the camp followers, but how much use he'd be in the field is another question. Evripos, now, Evripos is a puzzle even to me. He doesn't want to be like his brother, but envies him his place as eldest."

Zaidas spoke in musing tones: "If you ordered him to accompany the army you send forth, and gave him, say, spatharios' rank and a place at your side, that might make Phostis—what's the word I want?—thoughtful, perhaps."

"Worried, you mean." Krispos found himself smiling. Spatharios was about the most general title in the imperial hihierarchy; though it literally meant sword bearer, aide more accurately reflected its import. An Emperor's spatharios, even when not also the Emperor's son, was a very prominent personage indeed. Krispos' smile got wider. "Zaidas, perhaps I'll dispatch you instead of Iakovitzes on our next embassy to the King of Kings. You have the plotter's instinct."

"I'd not mind going, your Majesty, if you think I could serve you properly," the wizard answered. "Mashiz is the home of many clever mages, of a school different from our own. I'd learn a great deal on such a journey, I'm certain." He sounded ready to leave on the instant.

"One of these years, then, I may send you," Krispos said. You needn't go pack, though; as things stand, I need you too much by my side."

"It shall be as your Majesty wishes, of course," Zaidas murmured.

"Shall it?" Krispos said. "On the whole, I'll not deny it has been as I wish, more often than not. But I have the feeling that if I ever start to take success for granted, it will run away from me and I'll never see it again."

"That feeling may be the reason you've held the throne so long, your Majesty," Barsymes said. "An Avtokrator who takes anything for granted soon finds the high seat slipping out from under his fundament. I watched it happen with Anthimos."

Krispos glanced at the eunuch in some surprise; Barsymes seldom reminded him of having served his predecessor. He cast about for what Barsymes, in his usual oblique way, might be trying to tell him. At last he said, "Anthimos' example taught me a lot about how best not to be an Avtokrator."

"Then you have drawn the proper lesson from it," Barysmes said approvingly. "In that regard, his career had a textbook perfection whose like would be difficult to find."

"So it did." Krispos' voice was dry. Had Anthimos granted to ruling even a tithe of the attention he gave to wine, wenching, and revelry, Krispos might never have tried to supplant him—and if he had, he likely would have failed. But that was past for the historians now, too. He said, "Esteemed sir, draft

for me a letter of appointment for Evripos, naming him my spatharios for the upcoming campaign against the Thanasioi."

"Not one for Phostis as well, your Majesty?" the vestiarios asked.

"Oh, yes, go ahead and draft that one, too. But don't give it to him until he finds out his brother was named to the post. Stewing him in his own juices is the point of the exercise, eh?"

"As you say," Barsymes answered. "Both documents will be ready for your signature this afternoon."

"Excellent. I rely on your discretion, Barsymes. I've never known that reliance to be misplaced." When he was new on the throne, Krispos would have added that it had better not be misplaced here, either. Now he let Barsymes add those last words for himself, as he knew the vestiarios would. Little by little, over the years, he'd picked up some deviousness himself.

Phostis bowed low before Digenis. Gulping a little, he told the priest, "Holy sir, I regret I will not be able to hear your wisdom for some time to come. I depart soon with my father and the armament he has readied against the Thanasioi."

"If it suited you, lad, you could remain in the city and learn despite his wishes." Digenis studied him. The priest's thin shoulders moved in a silent sigh. "But I see the world and its things still hold you in their grip. Do as you feel you must," then; all shall surely result as the lord with the great and good mind desires."

Phostis accepted the priest's calling him merely lad, though by now Digenis of course knew who he was. He'd thought about telling Digenis to address him as your Majesty or young Majesty, but one of the reasons he visited the priest again and again was to rid himself of the taint of sordid materialism and learn humility. Humility did not go hand in hand with ordering a priest about.

But even though he sought humility, he embraced it only so far. Trying to justify himself, he said earnestly, "Holy sir, if I let Evripos serve as my father's aide, it might give my father cause to have him succeed, rather than me."

"And so?" Digenis said. "Would the Empire crumble to pieces on account of that? Is your brother so wicked and depraved that he would cast it all into the fire to feed his own iniquity? Better even perhaps that he should, so the generations which come after us would have fewer material possessions with which to concern themselves."

"Evripos isn't wicked," Phostis said. "It's just that—"

"That you have become accustomed to the idea of one day setting your baser parts on the throne," the priest interrupted. "Not only accustomed to it, lad, but infatuated with it. Do I speak the truth or a lie?"

"The truth, but only after a fashion," Phostis said. Digenis' eyebrow was silent but nonetheless eloquent. Flustered, Phostis floundered for justification: "And remember, holy sir, if I succeed, you will already have imbued me with your doctrines, which I will be able to disseminate throughout the Empire. Evripos, though, remains attached to the sordid matter that Skotos set before our souls to entice them away from Phos' light."

"This is also a truth, however small," Digenis admitted, with the air of a man making a large concession. "Still, lad, you must bear in mind that any compromise with Skotos that you form in your mind will result in compromising your soul. Well, let it be; each man must determine for himself the proper path to renunciation, and that path is often—always—strait. If you