As she found climax, she arched and cried out. He sat up with her, drawing her body against his, and continued to raise and lower her hips until his climax took him. They fell back to the bed. Her thighs trembled as she lay on top of him.
She couldn’t remember a time she’d been so thoroughly sated. Her breathing returned to normal, and her heart slowed its frantic beat. It was time to get back to the real world, where he was larger than life, and she was happy being a flower on the wall.
Natalie sat on the floor of Mr. Morrison’s office surrounded by files. She stared out the window as her mind wandered back to the care and tenderness Chase had shown when they’d shared the shower. She’d been beet-red the entire time, but she’d enjoyed every moment.
They’d managed to get out of the apartment before Rachel came in, which had Natalie counting her blessings. Meeting Chase in the office was one thing, but finding he’d spent the night with Natalie would definitely blow Rachel’s mind.
Now, he sat down the hall in his office, while she picked through files. When she could get her mind to focus on them. Every time she heard a sound she’d jump. She didn’t think Mr. Morrison worked on the weekends, but she knew her luck couldn’t hold out. Then there was Chase. She just didn’t know what to expect or how to react to him today.
She’d been a permanent shade of pink this morning. He didn’t seem to want to let her out of his sight, though he did allow her some privacy in the bathroom. She’d also convinced him to let her drive her car instead of riding with him.
The kiss he’d given her before they left the apartment had ricocheted through her sore body. He didn’t just kiss with his mouth. He kissed with his whole body, drawing her so close.
She’d sagged against her car waiting for him to get in his, before shaking herself. Time to get on with it. Maybe she was just a fascination. Something different from what he usually went after. He’d cast her aside when a shiny new something passed by.
She returned her attention to the file in her lap. Whatever it was between them, it couldn’t last. Maybe she should end it now before she got too hurt. She rubbed the ache that began in her chest at the thought. Yeah, it was definitely too late to avoid pain, but she did enjoy the pleasure.
Chase stood in the doorway of Martin’s office and took in his little accountant surrounded by mounds of paper, an expression of intensity on her face. A soft smile teased the corner of her lips. He’d put that there.
He wanted to see where this thing between them could go, but the moment the press got ahold of it they’d latch on and shake it until it broke. He could protect her from that, if they were careful. Maybe this hadn’t been his best idea-the press was already sniffing around because of the breakup, and he needed the publicity for his upcoming film.
His thoughts flew out the window when she turned her face up to him and that crimson flush covered her cheeks. For a moment, he allowed himself to sink into her wide eyes and feel the wholesomeness of her. Her lips parted in a silent invitation he wasn’t sure she was aware of.
He cleared his throat. “How’s it going?”
Her eyes wandered over the folders. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to get through this today. I need more time.”
He longed to smooth his fingers over the creases in her forehead. “I think we can put Martin off for a few days, while you continue to investigate. You give him a report that doesn’t mention the expenses. Everything matched up, right? Receipts and expenses are all accounted for?”
“Yes, there are forms for everything, but when will I be able to work on it with him being here during the day?” Frustration poured off her.
He leaned against the doorway. “We’ll stay late and go through it together. I always thought Martin was a good man and want to make absolutely sure before I accuse him of anything.”
Her gaze flitted up to his. Her eyes spoke volumes as worry, fear and desire whipped through them. What did she fear? Him? “Together,” she said, resigned.
“Let’s clean up this mess and get out of here. We could pick up some takeout and go back to my place?” Suddenly, he was nervous, like a boy asking a girl out for the first time. After last night that was a ridiculous thought, but it was there, a tingle of anticipation and fear of rejection.
If he ended it now, they wouldn’t have to worry about the press. No one would ever find out, and Natalie would stay happy in her simple life. And he’d go back to dating the same women he’d always dated. But what if this was the only shot he had at something real?
She started stacking the files without looking up at him. “Do you think we should?” Her hands trembled as she set the papers down. “I mean, don’t you have plans with Alexis? It is Saturday night.”
He knelt beside her and used his finger under her chin to turn her face to his. A sadness lingered in her eyes. “The only person I want to be with tonight is right here.” He traced her lower lip with his thumb. “Please say yes.”
The warring factions continued for a moment within her eyes. Her face flushed, and her shy smile appeared, easing the tightness in his chest. “Yes.”
Chase’s house was bigger than Natalie had imagined. He lived in Hollywood Hills with the A-list celebrities. The houses lining the streets weren’t simple homes, but complexes with long, gated drives.
She followed in her car up the drive and around to the back of the house. Two garage doors opened along the huge building. She pulled her Honda Fit in next to an expensive-looking silver car.
The garage door closed behind her. She stepped out into a huge room with a high ceiling and painted concrete floors. A couple of the cars had shrouds over them, but she could tell by the shape that they were sport cars.
She’d been happy when she’d qualified for the loan on her Fit, which she would pay off in five years. She highly doubted there were loans on the six cars in this garage. Each one was probably at least five times the new price of hers.
Chase strode to her side. “Do you like cars?”
“Um, well, they get me from here to there, but not really.” She was lucky to have the old beater that got her through college. She hadn’t needed a car before that, since her mother had homeschooled her.
His fingers laced into hers. “C’mon. Let me show you my house.”
She tried to ignore the fizzle of awareness that coursed through her at his touch. His grip was strong and gentle as he pulled her through the door connecting the house to the garage.
The kitchen was enormous. Cream-colored tile swept across the floor. Dark wood cabinets and sparkling stainless steel appliances filled one end of the kitchen, while the other end had floor-to-ceiling windows and a simple kitchen table with chairs.
Chase set the bags of food down on the table and tugged her into his arms. Kissing him was like kissing an electrical socket. Her whole body sparked to life, aware of every inch of him pressed against every inch of her. His hand loosened the knot in her hair before cradling her head.
When he came up for air, she could barely stand. Her knees turned to jelly, and her core pulsed with need.
“Welcome to my home.” He smiled down at her and kissed the tip of her nose.
“Is that always part of the welcome?” She held on to his arms to brace herself.
“For you, it should be.” His smile was warm as he set her aside. “Now, if you’ll stop groping me-”
“I’m not the one grop-”
He brushed his lips over hers. “We can eat. Then I can show you around.” With his hand on her lower back, he guided her to one of the chairs surrounding the cherrywood table. He moved around the kitchen efficiently.