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Correspondence between Maurice S. Shahan and Stewart H. Madin, 4 February 1953; 10 February 1953.

Memorandum "Proposed Agreement — Department of Agriculture — Re: Fort Terry, N.Y.," from Deputy Commander, Colonel W. R. Currie to Commanding Officer, Chemical Corps Procurement Agency, Army Chemical Center, Md., 20 February 1953.

Correspondence from Maurice S. Shahan to Joseph L. Melnick, Section of Preventative Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, 13 March 1953.

Correspondence between Jerry J. Callis, Acting Official in Charge, Bureau of Animal Industry, and Maurice S. Shahan, 5 February 1953; 11 March 1953; 16 March 1953.

Memorandum for the Record "Report of Conference on Agent Transportation," Headquarters Fort Terry, 17 March 1953.

Correspondence from Maurice S. Shahan to Lt. Col. Don L. Mace, Commanding Officer, Fort Terry, Plum Island, 19 March 1953.

Correspondence from Maurice S. Shahan to Dr. Howard L. Bachrach, Virus Laboratory, University of California, 21 January 1953; 5 May 1953; 17 June 1953.

Memorandum "Biological Warfare: Support of Research and Development in Anti-Animal and Anti-Crop Agents," from Ralph O. Moore, Secretary, Armed Forces Policy, Department of Defense, to Deputy Secretary of Defense, Secretary to the Army, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Research and Dev.), 11 August 1953.

"Report by the Joint Strategic Plans Committee to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Chemical (Toxic) and Biological Warfare Readiness," 13 August 1953.

"Inventory of Animal Viruses and Antisera Procured by the Cooperation Between the Chemical Corps and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and Stored on Plum Island," U.S. Army Chemical Corps, 1954.

"Report of visit to Plum Island to review general supply activities," John B. Holden, Chief, Division of Procurement and Property Management,

USDA, 28 May 1954.

Memorandum "Plum Island," from S. P. Williams, Director, Administrative Services Division, ARS, to F. H. Spencer, Assistant Administrator for

Management, ARS, 22 June 1954.

"Plum Island Animal Disease Laboratory," Animal Disease and Parasite Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, 8 July 1954.

Memorandum "Meeting at Plum Island: July 7 and 8, 1954," from H. W. Shoening to B. T. Simms, 12 July 1954.

Correspondence from A. W. Linquist, Head, Insects Affecting Man and Animals Section, Animal Disease and Parasite Research Branch, ARS, to George E. Cottral, Plum Island Animal Disease Laboratory, 7 September 1954.

Memorandum "Reassignment from Department of Defense to Department of Agriculture of Responsibility for Protection of Crops and Domestic Animals against Biological Warfare (N.S.C. Action No. 1120)," Edwin H. J. Carns and Richard H. Phillips, Joint Secretariat, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 9 July 1954.

Memorandum "Telephone Conversation with Murray Davis, New York World-Telegram and Sun," Maurice S. Shahan, Plum Island Director, 14 July 1954.

"Notes of Telephone Conversation with Dr. Schoening," Maurice S. Sha-han, 14 July 1954.

"Notes of Telephone Conversation with Mr. McPhee," Maurice S. Shahan, 14 July 1954.

"Research Begins on Plum Island," Agricultural Research Service, USDA, August 1954.

Fellowes, O. N., G. T. Dimopoullos, and J. J. Callis, "Isolation of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus from the Blood of an Infected Worker," Biological Proceedings, 1955.

Press release, "USDA Reports First Results of Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Research in U.S.," USDA, 10 October 1955. Correspondence between William B. Hinshaw, Chief, Virus and Rickettsial

Division, Chemical Corps Research and Development Command, U.S.

Biological Warfare Laboratories, Fort Detrick, and Maurice S. Shahan,

5 May 1952; 18 June 1952; 28 August 1956. "Interim Report of the PIADL Committee on Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Vaccination," Plum Island Animal Disease Laboratory, August 1960.


"The New Dean," The Cornell Veterinarian, July 1932, 22 (3): 211. Fox, Major Leon A. "Bacterial Warfare: The Use of Biologic Agents in Warfare," The Military Surgeon, May 1942, 90 (5).

"U.S. Gets Suffolk Plan for Plum Is. Today," Newsday, 8 December 1949.

"Plum Island Bids Thrown Out by Govt. as Too Low," East Hampton

Star, 15 December 1949. "County Gets Plum Island at Bargain Price; Could Already Sell at a

Profit," Long Island Traveler-Watchman, 30 March 1950.

"Plum Island Adds Another Blessing to Suffolk," Long Island Traveler-

Watchman, 13 April 1950. "Suffolk Holding Plum Island but Profit Considered," East Hampton Star, 1 June 1950.

"Suffolk County to Buy Plum Island on Cash Basis," East Hampton Star, 3 August 1950.

"Plum Island 'Frozen' by Government Order During Emergency," East

Hampton Star, 21 August 1950. "Plum Island Not 'Frozen' by Federal Government," East Hampton Star, 7 September 1950.

"Plum Island Sale to Suffolk Is Off," East Hampton Star, 31 January 1952.

"Lab for Hoof-and-Mouth," The News, 23 July 1952.

"Report on 'Plague Island,' " Saturday Evening Post, 1959.

"Dr. William A. Hagan, 1893–1963," Journal of the American Veterinary

Medical Association, 15 February 1963, 142: 423. "Dr. W. A. Hagan, 1893–1969," Veterinary News, March-April 1963, 27 (3): 16–18.

Bernstein, Barton J. "The Birth of the US Biological-Warfare Program,"

Scientific American, June 1987, 256: 116–121. Piller, Charles. "Lethal Lies about Fatal Diseases," The Nation, 3 October 1988.


Memorandum "Material on Arrests," from Harry H. Ramm, Chief, Procurement Branch, ARS, to Lyle B. Shanks, Asst. Director for Management, Plum Island Animal Disease Laboratory, 24 November 1954.

Memorandum "Safety Regulations," from R. A. Carlson, Administrative Officer, ADP Branch, ARS, to Maurice S. Shahan, 15 December 1954.

Memorandum "Sensitive Clearance for Isaac Gaston," from Lyle B. Shanks to C. E. Schoenhals, Agency Security Officer, 22 December 1954.

Correspondence from Maurice S. Shahan to E. G. Moore, Director, Information Division, ARS, USDA, 20 October 1955.

Correspondence from Robert R. Hurt, Assistant Chief, Reports, Training and Orientation Division, Chemical Corps Research and Development Command, Biological Warfare Laboratories, Fort Detrick, to Maurice S. Shahan, 26 July 1956.

Correspondence from Herald R. Cox, Director, Viral and Rickettsial Research, Lederle Laboratories Division, American Cyanamid Company, to Maurice S. Shahan, 1 August 1956; 31 August 1956; 5 September 1956.

Memorandum "Invitations to PIADL Symposium, September 27 and 28," from Maurice S. Shahan to H. W. Johnson, Chief, Animal Disease and Parasite Research Branch, ARS, USDA, 8 August 1956.

Correspondence between Maurice S. Shahan and Major General William M. Creasy, Chief Chemical Officer, Chemical Corps, U.S. Army, 20 August 1956; 23 August 1956; 30 August 1956; 5 September 1956.

Press release "USDA Plans Dedication of New Plum Island Animal Disease Laboratory," USDA, 22 August 1956.

"Attendees of 1956 Dedication and Symposium," Plum Island Animal Disease Laboratory, September 1956.

"Plum Island Animal Disease Laboratory Dedication Week Ceremonies: Final Report — Committee X," September 19, 1956.

"Research — Defense Against Diseases," address by Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson at the dedication of the Plum Island Animal Disease Research Laboratory, Plum Island, New York, September 26, 1956.