"No Swine Fever Link to AIDS Seen," New York Times, 23 September 1986.
Leishman, Katie. "AIDS and Insects," Atlantic Monthly, September 1987.
Callis, Jerry J. "PIADC Notes — January 1986," 15 January 1986.
Attached Memorandum "ASF/AIDS Workshop Sept. 11, 1986," from R. E.
Shope et al. to Dr. Terry Kinney, ARS, and Mr. Bert Hawkins, APHIS. Correspondence from Frances K. Demerest to Jerry J. Callis, 24 November 1988.
Facsimile from R. E. Shope, Yale Arbovirus Research Unit to Jerry Crawford, Director, PIADC, 8 January 1993.
"Report of the USAHA Committee on Foreign Animal Diseases: Foreign Animal Disease and Pest Diagnosis and Research," 1998 Committee Reports, U.S. Animal Health Association.
"Report of the USAHA Committee on Foreign Animal Diseases: Biocon-tainment," 1998 Committee Reports, U.S. Animal Health Association.
"Report of Commercial/Industrial Program Options and Opportunities at Plum Island Animal Disease Center and National Animal Disease Center," Science and Education Administration, USDA, 25 January 1980.
"U.S. Views Cuts in Plum Island Payroll," Newsday, 21 February 1980.
"Plum Is. Support Work by Contract Eyed," Suffolk Times, 21 February 1980.
Correspondence from Frank Bush, Vice President — America Federation of Government Employees Local 1940 to Honorable William Carney, United States Congressman, 1 April 1981.
"Plum Island Plan Dropped," Newsday, 1 November 1983.
Plum Island Diary, July 1987.
Plum Island Diary, September 1987.
"Changes in the Wind at Plum Island," Suffolk Times, February 1988. "Plum Island Researchers Get the Axe," Suffolk Times, February 1988. "USDA Honchos Visit Plum Island," Suffolk Times, February 1988.
Aerometric Informational Retrieval System Facility Subsystem Updates, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1975–1988.
Certificate to Operate an Air Contamination Source, Incinerator Renewal Application, 6 April 1987.
"A-76 Implementation Booklet," Agricultural Research Service, circa 1990.
Memorandum "Plum Island Animal Disease Center In-house Bid Evaluation Panel Report," from Louise S. Welker, Chairperson IBEP, to T. J. Clark, Deputy Administrator, 20 July 1990.
Memorandum "In-House Bid Evaluation Panel Report for PIADC," from T. J. Clark to Roger Breeze, Center Director, PIADC, 13 August 1990.
Memorandum "American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1940, Appeal of Cost Comparison," from Edward L. Hollreiser to A. M. Campbell, ARS Special Projects Division, circa August 1990.
Potential Hazardous Waste Site Preliminary Assessment of Plum Island, E.P.A., 9 April 1992.
Memorandum "Inspection of the PIADC April 30, 1992," from Eileen Governale, Department of Health Services, Suffolk County, to Claude Crawford, 5 May 1992.
Memorandum "Biosafety Practices," from R. W. Powitz, Safety Officer, to
Claude Crawford and Roger Breeze, 20 July 1992. Summary of Safety and Security Regulations for Contractors, 20 July 1992.
Log Book Entries, Lab 257, 29 October 1992.
Notices of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Conditions, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 1988–1993.
Citations and Notification of Penalty, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 1988–1993.
Letter "Notice of Violation, Plum Island Animal Disease Center," from George C. Meyer, Chief Hazardous Waste Compliance Branch, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, to Dr. Robert Powitz, Environmental Director, PIADC, circa 1993.
Memorandum "Suffolk County Health Department Review of Sewage and Waste Treatment Facility," from Jack Rief, PIADC, to Charles Wen-deroth, EPS Manager, 6 January 1993.
Letter "Notice of Violation and Request of Information Pursuant to Sections 308 of Clean Water Act," from Richard L. Caspe, Director, Water Management Division, EPA, to Mr. Claude G. Crawford, Deputy Area Director, PIADC, 4 February 1993.
Memorandum "TSCA Section 6(e) PCB Inspection of PIADC," from J. R. Olechowski, Chemist, E.P.A., to Daniel J. Kraft, Chief of the Toxic
Substances Section, 3 March 1993. Memorandum "Asbestos Information Requested by EPA," from Carlos Santoyo, General Engineer, to R. W. Powitz, Safety Officer, 24 March 1993.
Letter, "Plum Island Animal Disease Center Inquiry," from C. G. Crawford to Conrad Simon, 16 March 1993.
Press release "E.PA. Seeks Fines Totaling $190,700 for Federal Hazardous Waste Rule Violations at the Plum Island Animal Disease Facility," 23 January 1995.
ARS Plum Island Research News, Issue 2, February 1995. Federal Facilities Enforcement and Compliance Accomplishments Report F.Y. 1999, E.P.A., December 2000.
"Plum Island Director Moved to Research," Newsday, 1 February 1991.
"US Contract Switch Places Plum Island Jobs in Jeopardy," Long Island Traveler-Watchman, 28 February 1991.
"Plum Island Hiring Plan Disputed," Newsday, 7 March 1991.
"Feds Lose Plum Island Appeal," Suffolk Times, 9 May 1991.
"Job Havoc on Plum Island," Newsday, 10 November 1991.
"Off North Fork, Two Islands in Disputes," New York Times, 24 November 1991.
"Plum Island Tug of War Gets Tugging," Suffolk Times, 13 February 1992. "U.S. Bulwark Against Animal Disease Cuts Back," New York Times, 26 November 1992.
"Island's Shroud of Secrecy Lifted," Newsday, 15 December 1992. "Research Unit Is Postponing Major Projects," New York Times, 24 December 1992.
"Plum Island to Be Un-privatized?" Suffolk Times, 3 June 1993. "Plum Is. Administrator Moving On," Suffolk Times, 10 June 1993. "Savings Questioned at Plum Island," Newsday, 11 March 1995. "Privatizing Plum Island," Southampton Press, 3 August 1995. "Plum Island Bird Kill Probed," Newsday, 2 July 1993.
"Plum I. Cited for Lax Safety," Newsday, 23 March 1993.
"Plum Island Cited for 61 Violations," Suffolk Times, 27 October 1988.
"More Violations Cited on Plum Is.," Suffolk Times, 25 March 1993.
Letter, "Plum Island Animal Disease Center," from Conrad Simon, Director, Air and Waste Management Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, to Claude G. Crawford, 17 February 1993.
Letter, "Plum Island Animal Disease Center," from James H. Pim, Office of Pollution Control, Suffolk County, to Robert J. Wing, Chief Federal Facilities Section, E.P.A., 18 February 1993.
E.P.A. Complaint Compliance Order and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Pursuant to 3008 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, In the Matter of U.S.D.A. Plum Island Animal Disease Center, 20 October 1994.
E.P.A. Federal Facility Compliance Agreement, Plum Island Animal Disease, 20 January 1994.
E.P.A. Complaint Compliance Order and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing Pursuant to 3008 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, In the Matter of U.S.D.A. Plum Island Animal Disease Center, 22 December 1994.
E.P.A. Consent Agreement and Consent Order Pursuant to 3008 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, In the Matter of Burns & Roe Services Corporation, 15 March 1996.
E.P.A. Consent Agreement and Consent Order Pursuant to 3008 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, In the Matter of U.S.D.A. Plum Island Animal Disease Center, 16 February 1999.