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their metal rings. I grab on to them before they fall into the silver


“I said I provide crossing. And I have.” He waddles farther up the

pier and waves. “Give the boat a push back if you get to the other



Where is my love?

Swimming in the River Luxaria.

Has he forgotten me so?

- Folk song, Book of Cantos

“I’ve never liked duendes.” I curse and grab the oars. “Trickster,


“Forget him,” Nova says.

“I’d like to tear that old beast to bits.” Empty threats are

comforting when you’re sailing across a river of vengeful souls.

The closest to rowing I’ve ever gotten was the rowboats in Central

Park. Here, the current is quick, trying to drag us downstream and

away from our destination. It takes a few tries, but we sync up our


“You don’t think this is romantic?” he asks dryly.

I make a face at the back of his head. Our blanket of gray sky

turns dark. Out here, the cool wind provides a reprieve from the dense

heat created by the Selva.

A crooked, white hand reaches for the side of the boat and

threatens to capsize us.

“Ignore it!” Nova tells me. “Row faster!”

How do you ignore fear that makes every muscle in your body

freeze? It’s so much easier to give in to fear. I’ve done it. After

Aunt Rosaria, I refused to leave the house. After Miluna, after my

father, I couldn’t bring myself to speak. I didn’t have anyone

depending on me then. I force myself to push through the burning in my

arms. And soon enough, we’re too fast for the ghoulish hand to hold on

to, and in a swift push of our oars, it lets go.

“Do you work out?” Nova looks over his shoulder at me.

“Are you kidding me right now?”

He chuckles. His eyes are so bright, like tiny stars gracing his

brown skin. It’s hard not to notice how pretty they are. But Nova said

it himself. I can’t just go running for something because I think it’s

pretty. After seeing my mom hurt so much, I told myself I’d never get

fooled. My dad had pretty eyes too. The same stark gray as Lula’s. Me,

I got plain brown eyes to match the plain girl I’ve always wanted to


Nova turns back around and faces our destination. “Relax, I’m not

hitting on you. I’m just impressed that you aren’t tired yet.”

I am tired, but I won’t slow us down.

“If you must know, during the fall semester, I do indoor track,

volleyball, and weight lifting.”

“Weight lifting?”

“Don’t seem so surprised. It’s an easy class. The teacher is this

old meathead. He looks like a fifty-year-old Ken doll.”

“Gross, you think he’s hot.”

“I do not .” I can feel myself slowing down. Nova’s breath is

ragged. I know he’s trying to distract me, to make me laugh so we keep

going, and I appreciate that.

“It’s not like I bench two hundred pounds or anything. But I like

keeping my legs strong for when I run.”

“What about in the spring?” He looks over his shoulder at me

again. A crooked smile appears. “Outdoor track?”

“Yes. And pole-vaulting.”

“Damn, girl. I never would’ve guessed.”

“You can guess all day long. You don’t know a thing about me.”

He sucks his teeth. “I’m just saying. You’re kind of uptight. I

shouldn’t be surprised that you like sports where you don’t have any

teammates. I would’ve thought you’d spend all your time in the

library. But then I saw you in that dress.”

“Don’t try to flatter me, princess .” My voice is hard, but I

think my cheeks might be melting off, and I’m glad he isn’t facing me.

“And it just so happens,” he says, “I’m adding another five hundo

to our deal.”

“What?” I miss three rowing beats and now we’re scrambling to get

back in sync. My voice goes up an octave. “Why?”

“That’s how much my earrings and prex cost.”

“You know,” I say, “I did you a favor. You dress like you’re in an

R&B music video.”

“The ladies happen to love it.”

During my party, Mayi and Emma, even Lula, were drooling over him.

“How about,” I suggest, with a smile, “the next beast we come

across, I let it eat you?”

He shrugs, sweat dripping between his shoulder blades. That’s when

I notice the marks on his back. I’ve been so busy cursing Oros and the

skies and staring at the shore we’re rowing toward that I didn’t see

what’s right in front of me. Long, violent scars crisscross from his

neck to his lower back. I wonder when this happened. I wonder if he

would even tell me the truth.

“You could go back to Oros and give him your little moon,” he

tells me. “But you wouldn’t, would you? I’m going to let you in on a

little secret, Ladybird. If you can’t learn to sacrifice the small

things, you’ll never get the thing you’re after.”

I focus on the silver waves that undulate beneath us, the dark

shore that starts to take the shape of caves. One step closer to

getting to the labyrinth.

As we keep going, every face that I see in the wave fills my heart

with more hurt. I regret the choices I made that brought us here. I

regret putting my family in danger. I breathe the sorrow in the wind,

and its breaks my concentration.

“Alejandra-” the souls call to me, cut off by the wind.

“Alex,” Nova says. “What are you doing?”

I realize I’ve started to lean toward the water. The oar starts to

slide through the ring holding it in place. I lunge for it, but filmy,

silver hands reach up and grab it. I manage to grip the top of the

handle, but they’re so strong.

“Nova, I can’t hold it.”

“Let it go!”

The souls pull the oar out of my grasp. On the other side of the

vessel, the souls yank the other oar from my grip. The momentum makes

me fall backward. My head hits the ledge so hard I’m afraid to open my

eyes out of fear of seeing stars. What was it Oros said? If you make

it to the other side.

“Take my oars,” Nova tells me.

I step around him to swap seats and start to row. He unzips the

backpack and grabs the mace club by the handle. He swings upward and

smashes the first hand that tries to climb over the side.

“To your left!” I shout as another soul pushes itself over the

side. The spiked head of the club slams into its face, and it flies

back into the river.

“Thanks.” He turns to me with a flashing smile that doesn’t last.

His eyes widen when he sees something behind me. He jumps over my

seat, rocking us precariously. I try not to look back, to focus on

rowing, but his screams are distracting.

“It’s like Whac-A-Mole for the dead,” he says, panting more and

more with every swing.

There’s no way he can handle every one of them on both ends of the


“Keep them away with your light!”

He looks at his palm. The worry crease on his forehead is deeper

than ever. He shakes his head.

“My powers don’t work like that,” he says. “I can’t hold it for


“You have to!”

He stands, holding his inked palms up to the sky. He conjures a

light that halos his entire body. It pulses with energy, spreading all

around us.

For a while, it works. The light kisses my skin and warms the cold

breath coming from the silver river. Then he starts to weaken. He

grinds his teeth, like he’s holding on to a great weight. He falters.

And so do I.

My head throbs where I hit it. My thoughts are a messy stream of

faces. My family. Oros. The dead of the river. I can’t tell if the