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Dogan ripped his pack from his shoulders and unzipped it. He pulled the three grenades free along with one of his two Laws rockets and sifted through twenty powerful bombs composed of plastic explosives for another machine-gun clip. He lifted the Laws rocket up to his shoulder and snapped up the sight. His target was the first of the dozen jets in line for takeoff. His object at this point was disruption.

He fired the rocket and the jet exploded in a roar of flames. The eyes of the men in the machine-gun nests were drawn to it long enough for Dogan to rise with the pins already pulled from two grenades. He was stripping the pin from a third while the first two were still airborne, not direct hits but good enough. The machine guns were neutralized, and his third grenade took out the troops rushing to defend the runway from another position. Men were fleeing the airstrip now, both troops and pilots.

The battle behind him was still raging, Mandala’s men having regrouped somehow, as Dogan sprinted for the runway. He was in the open, but if anyone was there to take a shot at him, confusion prevented it. Here was a lone man sprinting toward the jets without a gas mask. He could be rushing in to provide reinforcement as easily as anything else.

Dogan slid behind one of the jets and checked the area. He hoped he could stay out of the Rangers’ approaching fire and not get himself shot by his own side. The thick gas was blowing over the runway now, but he forced himself to concentrate on setting the detonators in place as quickly as possible.

Dogan rested his pack on the hardened dirt and extracted four small yet deadly bombs. Since his Laws rocket had disabled the first of the jets, he would need to set only eleven charges. He turned the timers to the four-minute mark and stuck the first one against a Lear’s tail. The second and third charges wedged in tightly but the fourth wouldn’t stick. Dogan checked the adhesive strip and had bent over to wet it when he felt the blow to the back of his skull.

Only the fact that he had been leaning over saved him from a direct hit and certain death. He turned to face Shang.

The Mac-10 was back with his pack, leaving him only the Heckler and Koch. He drew it quickly. It would have to be a head or neck shot, Dogan knew. Nothing else would have any effect on the Chinese giant protected by thin, bulletproof steel. He got off one shot with the world still spinning before him and missed. Shang was rushing him now and a second shot grazed the side of the giant’s head, tearing his ear off but barely slowing him down. He was upon Dogan too fast for the pistol to be adjusted, and Grendel’s next three shots hit the stomach, accomplishing nothing. Then the pistol was ripped from his hand and tossed into the gray smoke.

Shang went for him with a vicious swipe at the head. Dogan ducked and the giant’s hand slammed into a jet’s steel side, denting it. Shang went for another blow and Dogan ducked again. He backed away from the giant and they faced off. Shang smiled, almond eyes narrowing, as he beckoned to the man he thought he had killed in Rome.

Dogan charged, going for a leg sweep. But Shang anticipated the move perfectly and tripped Dogan up, then kicked at his head as he lay on the ground.

Dogan caught the foot and yanked, then thrust one of his own feet up for the giant’s groin. He felt the thud of impact, but the steel had saved the giant from the effect of the blow and Shang was able to grab Dogan’s foot with both hands and twist violently. Grendel felt his knee go and spun quickly onto his stomach, kicking free.

Another of Shang’s feet caught him in the stomach and lifted him into the air, pitching him sideways. The pain was incredible but Dogan swallowed it down. Another foot leveled at him and he managed to grab it and yank hard. Shang lost his balance and staggered backward.

Dogan struggled to his feet and, pain exploding in his stomach and knee, faced off against the giant again. His pack rested ten yards to Shang’s right. If he could get to it …

Shang rushed him. Dogan couldn’t believe a man his size could move so fast. The giant was on him in no time and Dogan felt the massive arms closing around him. Shang thrust him back till his shoulders smashed into one of the jet’s wings. Shang pounded him again. A knifelike pain surged through the area between Dogan’s shoulder blades and he realized the giant had lifted him off the ground. He pounded the giant’s head, especially the wounded side where the ear was torn off.

The giant grimaced and released his grip. Dogan slipped to the ground as Shang stumbled slightly, a fresh flow of scarlet pouring down onto his white suit from the hole where his ear had been. Enraged, he went for Dogan, but Grendel easily ducked under his attack and pounded the back of his head with an elbow. Shang slammed up against the side of a jet face first. Dogan threw all his weight forward into the monstrous frame and Shang’s face mashed forward again.

The giant, blood painting his face, turned quickly with a wild swing. Dogan deflected it as it passed Shang’s center and weakened, then followed in with a set of rigid knuckles into the giant’s exposed throat. Shang gasped. His eyes bulged. Dogan went for another blow, a killing one this time, but the giant snatched his fingers out of midair with a massive hand and jammed them backward, sending Dogan to the ground howling in agony.

That could have been it, would have been if Dogan had given in to the pain instead of rising suddenly as the giant leaned over to finish him. He came up fast and hard, neck tensed as his head drove upward and slammed under the giant’s chin. Shang’s head snapped horribly backward, crunching his vertebrae together. Shaken, he lashed out wildly but Dogan was already under the strike, hitting him square in the gut with his shoulder and feeling his entire body tremble from impact against the steel. But the giant was forced backward, the back of his skull driven hard against a wing. Dazed, he could do nothing to thwart Dogan’s outstretched fingers from rising for his eyes.

Shang managed to close them but Grendel’s fingers still dug deep. The giant screeched in agony, clawing and striking blindly.

Dogan limped away, making for his pack as fast as he could.

Shang staggered forward, one hand still swiping at his eyes as he swayed from side to side. He righted himself and his free hand produced a massive, shiny knife from inside his jacket.

Dogan reached into his pack and came out with his second Laws rocket. He popped the safety off, extended the stock, and fought to steady the weapon in his trembling hands.

Shang mounted his final rush, the long blade glistening overhead.

Dogan fired the Laws rocket.

It blasted into the giant’s midsection, through the steel body armor, and blew him apart, showering the immediate area with pieces of his flesh. Particles of metal fluttered in the air as well, no match for a rocket.

Dogan caught his breath but couldn’t let himself relax. In the rising noxious mist he could see Mandala’s men had succeeded in moving their line back against the Rangers, holding them off to provide the pilots with time to reach their Learjets. There would be no dispersing the fungus from these, Dogan realized. They were merely courier aircraft assigned to transport canisters to other areas across South America.

Dogan struggled back to his feet. He grabbed his machine pistol in his good hand and his pack in the twisted one. He had to finish the job of taking these planes out, even as a number of Mandala’s troops were rushing toward them, hoping to clear the way for the pilots. Dogan fired a burst at them and darted from one plane to the next as bullets richocheted off steel around him.

The detonators he had already set had ticked down to the one-minute mark, so each explosive he jammed on the jets’ frames as he ran would be set for only fifty seconds. He wedged two home, then a third, was handling a fourth when a bullet grazed his side and spun him around, bringing him face to face with three of Mandala’s troops rushing from the end of the runway.