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They are preparing to leave. But why? He looked around again. They moved with methodical urgency and occasionally someone would shout out a question or a direction. There was a system, an underlying strategy, to how the work was laid out. And the workers were divided into crews.

Rudolfo singled out a middle-aged man with long red hair. “I am Rudolfo, Lord of the Ninefold Forest Houses and General of the Wandering Army,” he said as he bowed slightly. “I would speak with Lord Vlad Li Tam.”

The middle-aged man nodded. “He is expecting you.” He pointed to the far side of the estate. “Follow the smoke.”

Rudolfo sniffed the air, catching the faintest hint of smoke-and he could see it rising beyond the house. He set out across the garden, the smell growing stronger as he went. As he rounded the corner of the estate’s north wing, he saw the bonfire.

Vlad Li Tam stood by it, feeding it slender, bound volumes from a wheelbarrow. His back was to him, and Rudolfo thought how easy it would be to kill him.

Still, he could not. Because Vlad Li Tam would only put himself in that position if he had weighed it carefully and seen a favorable outcome.

Perhaps death was the favorable outcome he saw.

Rudolfo closed the distance between them as Vlad Li Tam tossed the last book into the fire and turned to the handles of his wheelbarrow.

He looked up. “Lord Rudolfo,” he said. “You’ll forgive me if I continue my work while we talk? I have much left to do.”

Rudolfo nodded.

“Very good,” Vlad Li Tam said. “Follow me then.” He pushed the wheelbarrow down a narrow path lined with bright flowers and through the open doors of his estate. Rudolfo followed him through the side entrance, walking just behind him as Li Tam rolled the wheelbarrow across the thickly carpeted hallway. They turned to the right and‹€ the rig then to the left past walls that were now bare but still showed the outlines of the art that had recently hung there.

“You are leaving?” Rudolfo asked.

Vlad Li Tam looked over his shoulder. “I am.”

They slowed and entered a vast library, its shelves scattered with a few leftovers-common books of little value orphaned on the shelves by hasty hands. “Where will you go?”

Vlad Li Tam shrugged. “I do not know. Away from the Named Lands.” He gave Rudolfo a hard look. “But my personal activities are of no concern to you. The Ninefold Forest Houses has a great deal of work and responsibility ahead.”

They moved past the shelves that stretched from the floor to the ceiling, stopping before one massive bookcase that stood slightly askew. Vlad Li Tam took hold of it with both hands and pulled. It swung open to reveal a room within a room-a smaller library decorated with a large rug, a small table and a single armchair. All but one of the shelves was now empty, and Rudolfo tried to calculate how many trips the man had made to the fire outside. All the books were identical-small, black-bound volumes standing neatly in a row. Vlad Li Tam started at one end, lifting a single volume as if weighing it in his hands.

Rudolfo’s eyes narrowed. “Regardless,” he said, “I am beginning to believe that your personal activities concern me very much.” He paused. “What relationship existed between House Li Tam and the heretic Fontayne?”

Vlad Li Tam balanced the book in the palm of his hand and remained silent for a moment. He carefully placed the book in the wheelbarrow. “Very well,” he said. Then, he straightened and turned to face Rudolfo, smoothing his silk robes. When he spoke, his words were clear and firm. “I sent him to instigate insurrection in the Ninefold Forest Houses and to murder your parents.” Then his voice became quiet. “He was my seventh son.”

Rudolfo’s hands curled around the hilt of his knife. He felt heat rising in his face. “Your son?”

Vlad Li Tam nodded. “I loved him very much.”

The words struck Rudolfo like a blow, and he did not know why. Perhaps it was the way the old man said it. “Why would you do such a thing?”

Vlad Li Tam sighed. “You of all people should understand why. Certainly, you know the First Precept of the Gospel of P’Andro Whym?”

Change is the path life takes. Rudolfo nodded. “Yes.”

“And T’Erys Whym’s First Assertion?”

It was the credo of his Physicians of Penitent Torture. Change can be forced by careful design and thoughtful effort. They carved their Whymer Mazes into the flesh of their patients and hoped, by traveling those labyrinths, to bring about lasting change-true repentance. “You know I am familiar with it.”

“A river can be moved,” Vlad said, “with enough time and pressure.” He turned back to the bookcase and took down another book. “So can a man… or a world.”

Rudolfo drew his knife halfway from its sheath. “You killed my family to effect some kind of change upon me.”

Vlad Li Tam nodded. “I did. But it is about far more than just you. It is about protecting the light.” His eyes were suddenly hot with quiet anger. “I’ve done my part for the light, Rudolfo. I’ve paid my price to its service. If you need to see some kind of justice to move beyond the injustices done you, you can certainly have that. But after you kill me, go and do your part.” He turned back to the bookshelves and pulled down another volume. “I would also appreciate it if you would allow me to finish with these.”

Rudolfo released the hilt of his knife, letting the blade slide back into place. How many trips to the bonfire had the old man already made? Twenty? Thirty? It was hard to say, but Rudolfo imagined that the shelves had been full when he started. An ugly realization dawned on him. “These books…?”

Vlad Li Tam answered before he finished asking. “They are the record of House Li Tam’s work in the Named Lands, commissioned by T’Erys Whym during the First Papacy.”

Rudolfo studied the unmarked spines. The magnitude of it awed him. “They go back that far?”

“Yes. To the Days of Settlement.”

Vlad Li Tam pulled down the last volume and passed it over to Rudolfo.

He opened it and saw the script-it was a House language that he was not familiar with, though some of the characters were familiar to him. The words were crowded together, and there were numbers in the margins that he assumed must be dates. This book was only partially finished, and he realized with a start that it must be his book, this last volume. He remembered Vlad Li Tam’s words.

It is about far more than just you.

He weighed it in his hand, and thought for a moment that perhaps he should keep it. If Jin Li Tam would not translate it, perhaps Isaak or one of the other mechoservitors could, with time. B‹€, with tut did he truly want to know? And what would knowing change?

In the end, he handed the book back to Vlad Li Tam.

Now that the wheelbarrow was full and the shelves were empty, they returned to the fire. They didn’t speak until they were outside again.

Finally, Vlad Li Tam looked up and met Rudolfo’s eyes again. “I was asked by the Order to secure a new location for the Great Library under a strong caretaker.” He paused. “You are the new shepherd of the light.”

“But why me?” Rudolfo asked.

Vlad Li Tam shrugged. “Why not you?” The old man tossed a book into the fire, and Rudolfo watched the flames consume it. Whose lives were those? What deeds had been done, there on those pages? How had that river been moved and at what price?

It was a Whymer Maze that Rudolfo wasn’t certain he could navigate. And each question only drove him in deeper. “And what is your forty-second daughter’s role in this?”