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He glared at her a moment longer. Suddenly he grinned.

“Well now,” he said softly. “It turns out you’re sharper than I thought.”

He walked over to the bed. She took hold of his stiff cock.

“How would you like it? Soft or hard?”

“I’m flexible.”

“It looks to me like you’re ramrod stiff.” She laughed and sucked his prick into her mouth. She was delighted to have spotted his phony begging game. The guy was real dangerous the way he used all the emotions. But where was the real Gunnar?

His cock tasted good. It felt good in her mouth. She felt a rush of emotion.

“Gunnar, I’m not like you!” she cried, releasing his steady blade for a moment. “I react to a loving penis. I like cock. I turn on to it. I like it in my mouth and I like it in my cunt. It scares me because it ruins me.”

“Every woman’s afraid of liking it too much.”

“Every woman isn’t stuck with a body that won’t stop. Oh, I know that sounds conceited, but I’m made aware daily how many guys want to prong into me.”

He took hold of her head and fucked his rod into her mouth.

“I’ve got to get it off.”

She withdrew, squeezing the big, hard jong with her fist, relishing the hardness and the soft skin glazed with honey saliva.

“Gunnar, you’re all prick,” she said. “You don’t have any human feelings. You’re probably a crazy psychopath.”

“I love you. I’m crazy about it. I dream of you, honey, day and night. I hide it behind this psycho exterior.”

“You see? That’s what I mean. Behind your great male bod, you’re a weird-o, a freak, and you’ve only got one oar in the water. We’ll end up in prison for life.”

“Oh, shit,” he said. “The truth is, Crystal, I sort of like you.”

“Wow. We made it all the way to first base.”

She bent her head and began to suck. The cock dug into her mouth and he groaned in pleasure. At least give him that. In sex he was real. She sucked gloriously on the cock, giving him lots of tongue and masturbating the shaft down below so he got good prick skin movement. He let out a string of sexed-up groans.

Her body felt weird. The evening had been a long, erotic one, with the masturbation and oral sex at the restaurant and then the exhausting romp at the apartment. Then came the in-between rest on the taxi ride home— and here was Gunnar and more sex.

She began to think that as long as he was around, her life was going to be one orgasm after another. Left to her own devices, she’d managed with only one trip with Sydney Martin and lots of space after that. This way she was falling into a bottomless well.

The worst of it was, she couldn’t stop her body from responding. She wasn’t sure she liked Gunnar very much at all. The real man was too shadowy and extremely dangerous for her. Yet here she lay in her bed sucking his cock as if she were the luckiest girt in New York. Woooieee!

He pushed into the bed beside her. He turned her around into sixty-nine position, with his head to her cunt and her head to his cock. He dove his mouth into her cunt. Her belly gave a great golden surge, her head went back, and she yammered in pleasure.

“Oh, my God— you’re doing me— sucking meee— eating my poor, dirty, used up miserable cunt off…”

“Mmmm. Your mind’s dirty. Your cunt’s delectable. It gives off the sweetest girl honey I ever tasted. It’s pink and innocent and warm and friendly.”

“Well, now,” she said, using his speech peculiarity, “in that case you can chew the happy little thing right out of my body because it— does— feel— good. Oh, so good. Ahhhhh!”

She bucked her loins and took her suck happily, feeling incredible rushes of joy. Was all this crazy fucking and sucking ever going to stop? But it was heavenly, even at the hands, or mouth, of a mad, creepo-psycho.

“Ahhh, Gunnar, it’s a golden needle up my spine! I am sucked!”

He laughed. “You’re worse than your friend, Leaf, who is one huge, quivering clitoris. That girl is so vulnerable she melts and flows down the sidewalk, scooping up pricks from everywhere.”

“I know. And you plan to use her.”

“Tomorrow night, Crystal. Or rather tonight. I want the both of you alone in this apartment with the phone shut off. I’ll reveal our master plan.”

“Yes, mighty master.”

“You’ll say anything to get your stupid little cunt licked.”

“Unfortunately that’s true. Where’s your prick? I lost it. Oh— there it is — come here, prick. I have a bowl of prick food for you to nuzzle in.” She sucked his big blade back into her mouth, savored the busy tongue on her cunt, and sighed happily. Tomorrow they’d have their heads chopped off, but tonight all was happy orgasms.

There was a silence as the room filled with rich slurping sounds, tongues digging and sucking and lashing and teasing, her cunt running wet and hot, his cock throbbing and easing out preseminal fluid, satiny and pure.

She began to cry very softly. It was a weird feeling, crying and sucking on a cock at the same time. Her body felt sad and very sexy. She was the doomed woman of all the ages and her body was her downfall, surging and singing with the joy of elemental love and sex, paying for its ecstasy by the surrender of her mouth to the dominating male prodder, eating it tenderly and harshly, making it squeeze so tight and so hard that it drove the male owner crazy.

“Oh, my God, what a suck. Crystal, you’re turning my guts to boiling liquid. Everything inside’s melting and falling into the soup to be blasted out into space. Uuuuuuu, that feels sooo good!”

“Go, tiger, I’m one scream from extinction,” she murmured, and felt her belly rise to the most massive orgasm of the evening. She was on the final trail now, her body twisting and writhing in heavenly ecstasy from the reaming of his thrusting tongue.

“Oh, Gunnar, can’t take it. Please stop…”

She didn’t want him to stop. She wanted to rush screaming out in space, explode her belly and all her insides in one final, doomsday orgasm and die right here in her bed, one large mass of fucked out girl, who’d achieved the world class orgasm of all time. Her surrender would become a legend, the only time in the world’s history that a woman’s cunt shot right out of her body and zoomed around space clipping and squeezing, leaving an empty shell behind.

“Damn— I’m hot!” she whined.

He was right along with her. Tonight she was so extremely sexual that every move she made on his prick was delicious. She dug her teeth in— just so. She licked with her tongue — just right. She applied the pressure elegantly. It felt to him like his penis was going to peel through the skin and the red, living meat was going to slip right out into her mouth and down her throat, followed by his balls and his pipes, and his prostate. His insides would explode and pour down her throat in a death ecstasy of great feeling.

“Baby— you suck — oh, how you’re sucking me.”

She couldn’t stop crying and the release to her nerves made her cunt feel platinum elegance. It was coming now… the big one, the world stopper.

“Here— you go!” she screamed.

He stopped and lifted his head in amazement to feel the way her body locked. He’d never experienced a female in such iron tension. Her soft body suddenly froze in tight muscular paralysis, her eyes widened, and her butt tensed as she arched up to lift his weight off the bed. She gave a cry: “Hoooo— arrrrr.”