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He smiled. “Relax. It won’t kill you, Leaf. No, somehow you got the idea that your only value in this world is your hot little tunnel. Especially to men. If you can fuck a man, he’ll be nice to you and won’t hurt you. So a man looks cross-eyed at you and you drop your panties.”

“They drive me crazy. Sometimes when we start it I don’t even care.”

“How would you like to get over that. Stop men from using you. Tell ’em ’no’. Never have sex unless you really want to?”

“I know I have to do that,” she said, hanging her head.

“Crystal and I can help you do that,” he said. “But we need your help, too. You help us— we’ll get you to a place you want to be. You’ll be able to say ’no’ all day long. Pretty soon they won’t look at you in that special way they do now.”

“I’d like that.”

“You need that. Leaf, you couldn’t be a hooker. You’d be afraid to ask for money. Instead, if you don’t have friends, your life will be taken over by selfish and surly men who’ll use you and dump you until you’ve lost your looks and nobody will care.”

She shivered at his dark prediction of her possible doom. It was easy to see that the same idea had crossed her mind more than once.

“Well, if you and Crystal can help— I trust Crystal. I like Crystal,” she said.

He slapped her fanny. “Good. Go into the bedroom and talk to her now.”

She fled gladly. Gunnar Strand was one of those men she couldn’t stand up to for a single second, for some reason.

She found Crystal in the bedroom, laying on the bed. Crystal had removed her jump suit and lay there in her bra and panties. She stared up at the ceiling, eyes seeing something far away. Leaf stopped momentarily, thinking something was wrong, but Crystal beckoned. Leaf advanced to the bed shyly. Crystal was so fabulous looking, especially near-naked as she was at this moment. Those high beautiful breasts, that flat belly, those exquisitely curved thighs and legs, small feet. And, of course, there was her beautiful face and incredible hair. No woman should have such beauty. A photographer could walk right in the room and take a picture of her on the bed, and it could go right into one of the big magazines as a center spread.

Leaf looked behind her apprehensively, but the door remained closed. Gunnar had not followed.

Leaf sat gingerly on the bed by her friend. Crystal took her hand.

“Leaf, would you sleep with a man who was married?”

“Why, I…” Leaf looked surprised, and then giggled. “I’m afraid I probably have, Crystal. Maybe more than once.”

“That’s adultery according to the moral code. It’s even against the law.”

“Well I…”

Crystal squeezed her hand.

“You see, Leaf, my father’s company destroyed his lungs many years ago. He didn’t know it. They didn’t know it at the time. But when he got old he had no money for medical care and he couldn’t hold a job. Who else owed it to him, except the company. They could do something about it— just a few thousand dollars. They wouldn’t. I got mad. I took money from them and gave it to him. He had it better until he died, but it still cost him ten years of his life.”

“Oh— I didn’t know — I’m so sorry.”

“Maybe the company didn’t owe him. Legally I was wrong but I did it. They found out— they want to catch me, and I’ll go to prison.”

“Oh, Crystal!”

“Leaf, I can return that money and not go to prison!” Crystal’s hand gripped Leaf’s. “Gunnar has a scheme that won’t mean stealing at all— but it is illegal. We need your help.”

“Well, I— I…”

Crystal pulled Leaf down and hugged her.

“Will you help— please?”

Leaf wanted to cry. She was a sentimental type anyway and Crystal’s story was so sad. She hugged Crystal back and felt tears slip down her cheeks. She admired Crystal so much! Crystal was her one true friend and maybe she and Gunnar could do what she couldn’t— keep all those wolves off her back.

“Sure, I’ll help,” said Leaf. “You know I will.”

She buried her face on Crystal’s shoulder. Crystal was like having a powerful big sister, even a mother. Crystal was sexy, too. Leaf got a secret kick out of feeling Crystal’s warm, near-nude body plastered to hers. They lay there in silence, hugging and Leaf’s tears dried, while her breathing became deeper. Crystal was so warm and lovely.

Crystal stroked Leaf’s back and gently kissed her cheeks. Her long fingers trailed over Leaf’s velvety flesh, to settle under her chin to turn Leaf’s face up. Crystal’s soft, curving mouth closed on Leaf’s. Leaf felt a thrill in her belly but was ashamed. Crystal only wanted to tell her she loved her.

Crystal nibbled under Leaf’s throat and down to the soft spot where the girl’s neck joined her shoulder. Leaf shivered in ecstasy— it was one of her most erotic spots. Crystal undid Leaf’s blouse, laid it back, and gently cupped one of Leaf’s meaty breasts in its bra case. Leaf felt a deep rush from her nipple, which stood to attention at once.

Once again Crystal’s mouth sought hers. This time Leaf felt a daring devilish tongue probe at her lips, which made her heart begin to pound. Her cunt warmed up. Oh, it was terrible to be such a ninny about touching flesh. All she could ever think of was sex, sex, sex! She hoped Crystal didn’t know that this attention sexed Leaf up.

Crystal’s tongue slipped inside Leaf’s mouth. Leaf wanted to be cool about it, but she had gotten so hot that she sucked eagerly on Crystal’s probing tongue and sought honey saliva from her friend. She moaned.

With Crystal’s hand on her breast, stroking, and Crystal’s tongue in her mouth probing, Leaf felt the sweet distress of rising sexuality. She wanted to pull back so as not to embarrass her friend, but the sugary kiss was too delicious. She felt Crystal’s incredible breasts pressing on her body and that excited her more.

She finally broke free with a gasp.

“Is this— all right?”

Crystal’s face had a curious look to it. Those large green eyes were luminous and hungry. Exciting. There was the faintest of a rose blush on her cheeks.

“We give our embraces— our juices — our bodies to men all the time,” said Crystal. “Why not hold back a little for ourselves now and again!”

“Oh, yes!” cried Leaf.

It was fabulous to hug and kiss and feel all sexed up and delicious and not have to present her body for some man’s stiff cock! She relaxed as Crystal, moving slowly, tenderly, took off her bra to expose Leaf’s small, full breasts.

Leaf held her breath. She feared she’d break the golden spell if she said the wrong thing or made a wrong move.

Everything was fine. Crystal dug her hand into Leaf’s nude tit and Leaf gave a deep gasp of pleasure, while Crystal’s breath hissed.

“That— feels so goooood,” Leaf went.

“You have a beautiful body,” said Crystal.

She bent her head. Leaf had to choke back a cry of hot desire. Crystal’s mouth closed on her nipples, making her arch her belly toward Crystal’s and experience a stunning sex thrill throughout her body.

“Oh, Crys-Crystal,” whispered Leaf. “That does feel good— but— but…”

“But— what?”

Crystal lifted her beautiful head, that looked creamy and hot.

“You— you— might make me c-c-c-cum,” stuttered the girl. “Oh, oh, oh.”

“Silly girl!” laughed Crystal. “We’re only a couple of innocent females playing a little game.”

“I know.”

“You’re a million miles from juicing,” said Crystal. “Look!”

She ran a hand up under Leaf’s skirt and boldly felt her cunt. Leaf’s sex box already boiled with desire. Her girl syrup had stained her crotch, her inner thighs, and her pubic hairs. As soon as Crystal’s hand touched her pelvic area she arched against the hand with a grunt of pleasure.