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“The computer lecture, you dumb bell. You’ve got a big stake in our new computer. I’m paying a fortune to have this woman expert lecture you men twice a day so we can use it.”

Sydney had completely forgotten about the evening lecture.

“Oh, yes, sir. I— I— just have a few more minutes work here…”

“Now, Syd, Goddamit! The lecture’s started. I want your ass up here in sixty seconds.”

The Old Man was like that. He rode you hard. Sydney almost died. He looked at the girl. She was already struggling to put her bra back on.

“You wait for me, honey, right here in my office,” he told her. “The president wants me for an hour. I’ll be back.”

“I don’t want the job, Mr. Martin. Forget it,” said Leaf. The interruption had allowed her to regain control of her sexed-up body. She went swiftly to the door. “Thanks— thanks for the interview…”

She was going, leaving Sydney aching in frustration and sunk into despair. The one good shot at sex he was likely to have. He’d never interviewed a girl who was so available, even if she didn’t know it.

“Wait! Come back…” he begged.

“No, noo…” Her voice faded as she plunged out of his office, still dressing. Well, that didn’t matter, everyone was gone for the day. But he was fucked, screwed, shot down in flames. As usual, Sydney Martin had been cheated out of sex, even when his cock was practically in the girl’s cunt. He wanted to weep, but instead cursed viciously as he went up to the board room and the computer lecture…

Once in the boardroom with the other executives, Sydney found that his punishment was severe. It was not at the hands of the Old Man, who merely glared at him. It was in having to sit right up front, the only vacant chair left, a few feet away from the most luscious female he’d ever seen in New York. His nervous system was high with erotic desire. His cock had softened only slightly on the ride up the elevator. Now it came back to full erection as he sat only a few feet away from the computer tutor in the silver jumpsuit. He groaned silently as he grabbed papers to cover the bump in his pants and tried to keep his eyes off the fantastic sex package in front of him.

It was no use. Crystal Locke, the computer expert, had certainly been built for other purposes than discussing brain machines. She had long, platinum blonde hair. She had a long, elegant body with a symphony of curves. Her skin had a delicate ivory translucence. Her well-shaped face belonged in a fashion magazine, with a high forehead, entrancing cheek hollows, luminous green eyes, clear and direct, a small nose and a curving mouth that magnetized his lips with frenzied desire to kiss her.

Her jumpsuit looked like satin, although it was actually a crepe de chine, which was more form-fitting while just as glossy. The blouse opened in a deep V that went almost to her waist. Her breasts were near-melon size, exquisitely full— and fully half of each one tried to burst out of the V neck. Only a slim half bra protected the underside of those incredible globes and her nipples. As she moved, it looked like one of her pink nipples was going to jump into full view as her twins jiggled in the fervor of her lecture. All the men in the room kept watching those elegant beauties.

The cloth of that svelte suit pressed a flat belly and graceful thighs, and suggested that her unclad figure was a heart-stopper for any male.

Sydney’s eyes fixed on her nubile, moving body, and especially on her breasts. Her words, emerging in smooth, syrupy tones, went inside his head and dropped to oblivion.

“Magnetic core memory— five bit words — input-output hardware — intermediate retrieval — nanosecond access — VTR visual displays — hi-speed paper tapes — logic ladders — near-infinite storage — unitized components for fast repair — self-correcting trouble scans…”

The Domino Corporation had tired of its older computers and the high costs of buying out computer services. This time it had gone all the way and bought one of the newest and best computers in the world— the Avery-Cascade 1100. It had taken months to install and now it had a whole floor of its own in the Domino skyscraper. Now it was time for the various department heads to put it to work, and Crystal Locke was there telling them what it could do.

It seemed to Sydney Martin it could do everything in the world— except relieve his aching hard-on. The gorgeous female could do that, but he knew that a fantastic woman of quality like Crystal was far beyond his reach. She wore a ring and was probably married to a brain surgeon or a young, hotshot Wall Street millionaire. And he had to sit there three feet from her, hard as a rock, and suffer.

Now he deeply regretted his dalliance with Leaf in his office. She’d left him so high and hot that he couldn’t take in a word of the lecture while his erotic desires were teased unmercifully.

Sydney became aware that he was not the only one entranced more by the girl than the lecture. As she moved between the blackboard, her notes on the desk and her demonstration miniature of the A-C 1100, every eye among the seven men in the room fixed on her bosom. Even the Old Man burned his gimlet eyes on that succulent white flesh. Her movements were vigorous, and at some point one or both of her nipples had to pop out of her half bra!

“Did you have a question, sir?” came that smooth voice.

Crystal stepped forward and leaned over. Those fabulous breasts seemed to come right up to Sydney’s face as he sat out in front of the others. He felt dizzy and his cock stretched even harder in his pants. Reluctantly he tore his eyes away from the firm globes and found himself staring into bright green eyes so big he felt he would tip forward and fall into them forever. Then her eyes lowered and he knew she saw his hard-on in his pants, his covering papers having shifted. He blushed a fiery red.

“Martin, the lady asked you a question!” thundered the president.

“Those breasts— so white and…” Sydney rattled out in a loud voice — startled from his reverie. Then, as the room rocked with shocked laughter, he tried to correct himself. “I mean the rest of the white area — up there…” It was no use. Everyone in the room knew where his mind had actually been.

Crystal laughed good-naturedly with the rest of the executives.

“I think I’ve thrown enough detail at you gentlemen for one day,” she said easily. “The 1100 will automate your payroll, personnel records, inventories, billings, collections, technical data, reports from the field, and just about anything else you want to dump into its incredible memory. Fast access output hardware brings the information to your desks instantaneously, and…” she smiled at the president — “you may even have enough computer time left over to sell to outside companies and reduce the cost of buying it. Gentlemen, I thank you.”

She made a slight bow and at that moment the golden accident occurred. Her left breast jiggled and her big, pink nipple popped right out of the half bra into plain view. An electric shock surged through the men. For two precious seconds they were able to gaze at the bold, pink glory of her femininity. It was Crystal Locke’s turn to blush, look confused, and quickly ease her sexy pink tip back into its tight case. An enormous sigh went around the room. What they’d waited for all during the lecture had finally happened!

Sydney Martin got out of the room as fast as he could. He’d managed to stay hard all the time he’d been there, and he badly wanted to end the agony. Behind him, the men clustered about the white-haired young woman, and he guessed that she’d get more than one direct or indirect invitation to drinks and dinner. Not every man in Domino had a sex thing going, but sometimes it seemed like it. The president himself, so it was rumored— oh, the hell with it.

Back in his lonely office, Sydney crumpled behind his desk and put his head into his arms. The other girl was gone, of course, long gone. It served him right for being so rough on the poor kid. His only defense was his gnawing need for sex— but it was adequate punishment to have had to sit in front of the silken Crystal and suffer. There was nothing ahead of him for tonight, or any other night, except a plastic dinner at a fast food place and an empty evening in his big apartment, with his wife and kids gone.