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“I— kinda wet,” she apologized.

“No reason to wet your clothes,” said Crystal.

She pulled up Leaf’s dress, causing Leaf to raise her arms and lose it. Crystal next pulled down Leaf’s panty hose and panties, stripping her. Her bra was already gone. Leaf let herself be undressed, heart thumping. It looked like Crystal wanted to do— other things.

“Do you like my breasts, Leaf?”

Leaf closed her eyes and nodded, her pulse fluttering.

When she opened them again one of Crystal’s heavenly globes, naked, descended to her mouth. She gave a glad cry and sucked on the hard pink ripple. Her hand eagerly sought the other naked breast. Oh, Crystal’s silken flesh felt fabulous— warm ivory.

It was Crystal’s turn to give a gasp of pleasure as Leaf’s teeth and tongue gave her nipple hot service. Crystal slid on top of the smooth, naked woman’s body. She felt down the soft belly and located Leaf’s cunt. It was oily with sex need. Crystal put the heel of her hand on the pelvic bone and dipped her fingers into the hot, wet flesh.

The result astonished her. Down below, Leaf’s hot little box crushed eagerly against her hand, the clit almost forced on her fingers. Leaf undulated hotly from her waist down, like a sinuous trapped snake. Up above she sucked one of Crystal’s breasts and her hot hand kneaded the other.

Leaf’s dark eyes widened and then became glazed. Her cunt forced against Crystal’s hand. She gave up her first token of sexuality in light, quick throbs of orgasm.

It drove Crystal almost out of her mind.

“You sexy little piece,” she said in a husky voice. “You’re the most fuckable girl animal that ever walked the streets of New York.”

“Ah, Crystal, ah, ah, ah,” moaned the helpless girl, twisting under her.

Crystal felt enormously stirred. Much as she wanted to help Leaf, she clearly understood the high sex flames that seemed to burn eternally in the girl’s box. No wonder men went for it. That dainty little cunt literally begged for finger, mouth or cock, that was all there was to it.

With such a sex-prone girl it was no embarrassment to feel right up Leaf’s cunt and thrill to the physical evidence of a hot female expiring in sexual surrender. The velvet, hot passage clipped on her finger, giving off positive tokens of the result of her lovemaking.

Crystal was also aware that the bedroom door was open and had been open for several minutes now as Gunnar feasted his eyes on the sight on the bed.

Crystal leaned over Leaf again. The dark-haired girl had finished her light orgasm and her eyes opened, glowing, sane and clear. Crystal laughed and kissed her on the mouth, a friendly wet kiss.

“You little pig. You stole an orgasm before I knew what was going on.”

Leaf grinned shyly. “It’s your breasts, Crystal. I’ve always been crazy to touch ’em. Now to feel them, hug ’em and love ’em— it was just too much. I mean, you know. Girls get curious as to how other girls feel to men. You look at somebody and wonder what kind of stuff she likes and how she lets her men use her. Do I make sense?”

“You do. Now, my hot little pigeon, you’re going to get a chance to play the bigshot lover all on your own for once. In other words, instead of getting fucked, you’re going to do the fucking. I’ll even let you take off my panties before you suck me.”

Leaf sat up. “You’d -let me do that?”

“Just tonight, honey. Just this once. So we both know what it feels like.”

Crystal arranged herself, lying back on the bed.

Eyes, glowing in joy at the chance to be the aggressor for a change, Leaf first mounted Crystal’s body, as if she were a man about to plug the Scandinavian blonde. She bent over and began to kiss Crystal on the mouth. Crystal went slack and let the hot little tongue dig into her mouth. Leaf was cute and Leaf was sexy even as the aggressor. There was something so incredibly hot and human about the sexed-up ball of fire that Leaf was.

Crystal was already hot. The seduction of Leaf had fascinated her from the very first touch. In fact, she wasn’t sure whether she’d seduced Leaf or whether it was the other way around. It just seemed like once you hugged Leaf a fuck was on the way, whether you were animal, human, fish or fowl!

It was the tyranny of the weak, thought Crystal. Some women said “no” to men— and saved them from the exhaustion of durable cunts. Others said “yes, yes, yes,” until the poor guy wore himself out and felt he’d lost his manhood because he could never satisfy an insatiable box.

Crystal lay in naked splendor while Leaf, on top, kissed down the blonde’s body. The tongue, the little dabs of saliva, the hot breath, made Crystal shiver with delight. She could turn her head and see Gunnar, himself naked, watching the lesbian scene with hot eyes, his cock rock hard. Leaf did not know they were being watched, which amused Crystal. She found it delicious to put on this exhibition for the man.

Lower and lower crept Leaf’s tongue, making Crystal’s belly hotter and hotter. The tongue twined through the forest of Crystal’s pubic hair and reached her cunt. Crystal held her breath. Would Leaf be able to apply the full girl suck to her box?

She needed to have no fear. Leaf was in a high erotic state, unable to turn off the sex if she wanted to. She did not want to. She opened her mouth, covered Crystal’s love lips, and gave a succulent inhalation, spearing her tongue inside Crystal’s wet, swollen box.

“Wow!” gasped Crystal. “That’s deee—lish—usssss!”

She gyrated her loins in pleasure at this bold attack of her girl lover. Sweeps of hot sex rushed up from her belly as Leaf found the target and tongue-stroked the hot clit inside Crystal’s cunt.

“You can take me,” cried Crystal happily. “Oh, Leaf,you can take meeeee.”

Leaf couldn’t answer, but she sucked harder on the victimized cunt.

Crystal did not consider that she was lesbian. She did realize that she had a hot, erotic makeup, not much different from Leaf’s, except that hers was under better control. When she closed her eyes and gave herself up to the full pleasure of the sex, she couldn’t tell if it were a man or a woman who sucked her—except that Leaf, as a girl, had a better sense of how to treat her clit-ravishing.

“Uh, Uh, Uh,” said Crystal. “You’re… girl fucking… meeee.” She had to push back on Leaf’s head to ease the pressure somewhat, because her hot lover shot thrills up her cunt almost too fast to stand. Yet it was fabulous to be crowded like this into high, hot belly thrills.

“Ha-hoooo— I feel it— I feel it!”

Leaf made happy sounds in her throat. After so much sex where she was the one on the bottom as a junior partner in following, not leading, she called the tune. She sucked in a circle of Crystal’s pink cunt flesh, that contained the sheathed little clitoris. She laved alongside the small sex mound with an exquisite sense of just how much Crystal could stand. The result was fantastic. Crystal’s whole, gorgeous body writhed in hot passion, Crystal crying “Oh, Oh, Oh,” as Leaf controlled her just by tongue brushing her aroused clit.

Leaf sucked the pouring, hot juices out of Crystal’s cunt, relishing the pungent flavor of the other woman. A thousand times she’d wondered what another woman’s cunt tasted like, and now she had the privilege of finding out. In her own hot rising to new desire, it was delicious.

“I can d-drink your sexy well dry,” she gasped to Crystal.

“Drink— eat…” Crystal moaned, bucking faster and faster under the demanding girl tongue.

Maybe it was because the girls performed what was considered a perverted act, but Crystal rose up to a consuming lust much faster than was usual. Each stabbing thrill of her lover’s outrageous tongue drove her to more ecstatic joy, her belly burning, her breasts glowing, her thighs and legs working, soft muscles supple under the skin as she gave herself up to the cunnilingus.