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“Oh, baby, we’re going to seal a deal tonight,” he responded.

He drove into her as if he meant to take his time, lifting them gradually into sex heaven. That was all right with her— she needed a thorough reaming after the arid weeks. He hugged her tightly and…

The phone rang.

He picked it up with a sweep of his hand, almost casually, and handed it to her, smiling down.

“Heh— hello?” she quavered.

“Crystal— it’s me… Sylvia.”

“Oh, yess.”

Crystal burned in embarrassment to be lying on her bed talking to Sylvia while Sylvia’s husband’s cock rode up her belly. Sylvia would kill her if she knew what an adulterous cock thief Crystal was.

“Crystal— Sydney had to go. He has an early day tomorrow. I feel restless. I’m coming over to your apartment to talk to you about a project.”

“Oh, Sylvia, no!” cried Crystal.

“What? Why? What’s wrong? You sound funny.”

She sounded “funny” because Fred had shoved his cock up in her, smiling. Apparently he relished the idea that it was his wife on the line while he fucked Crystal.

“Don’t come, Sylvia. I— I’m too tired… got a headache,” Crystal managed.

“Nonsense, dear. I’m already dressed. I’ll help your headache. I need company. I’m going out the door right now. I’ll be there in ten minutes or less. Bye.”

“Sylvia— nooo,” wailed Crystal.

Crystal was too late. The phone went dead. Sylvia was on her way here!

“I thought Sylvia was up on Long Island,” said Fred.

“I must’ve been wrong, Fred. She’d drr— she’s coming right over here. She’s going out the door.”

Crystal began to struggle under Fred, but he held her down.

“What the hurry, baby?”

“Sylvia— your wife — she’s coming here — fast!”

Fred only chuckled and leaned forward.

“Crystal, do you know how long ten minutes is? It’s a lifetime. Especially with sex. The average intercourse takes two minutes. We have plenty of time to finish and for me to get out.”

He went on drilling her, groaning in his pleasure. The beautiful blonde was the hottest creature he’d touched in years.

Crystal felt a new thrill added to the sensations she already felt. Fear that she’d get caught in her own apartment with Fred, in this lewd, lascivious act. She fucked up against Fred’s cock with faster and faster motions.

“Got to get it off. Got to finish… get presentable.”

Her belly really felt great with the added excitement. She turned her head to look at the clock. Yes, they had a whole ten minutes.

“Oh, Fred, it— you — it feels so good… we’ll be done so quick,” she said.

“You know it, baby. Can’t last when anything is this good!”

He leaned forward to suckle her breasts, digging his cock in and out of her. She could tell by the straining tensions in his body and his gasps that it felt fantastic to him to fuck her and eat her nipples at the same time. He sure wasn’t going to last more than a minute!

“Ah, Uh, Uh, Uh,” he gasped, driving faster.

“Go, go, go with it,” she cheered him.

She put her mind to a fast rise to utter glory, a surrender, and a quick orgasm. Inside of three minutes they’d be done and off the bed. She thought she felt that deep down, incredible tickle that came just before orgasm when you felt with delight and a little dismay that you were going to have to give over to the furious exertion of an orgasm.

“ah, Ah, Ah.”

The tickle seemed prolonged. She felt full and rich in her belly as she willed herself to orgasm. But orgasm didn’t come right away. Instead she felt utter, delicious sexuality up and down her body. Fred’s cock was soooo tight on her sensitive areas in the front of her vagina, while her hot little box was so hungry for the erotic sensations that she really didn’t feel like ending it with orgasm right away.

“We— better hurry…” she gasped, as much as a warning to herself as to him.

“Oh, baby, just a few seconds more,” he moaned in delight.

He had used her naked breasts now, reddened them, and desensitized them with a luscious sucking and nibbling, giving her plenty of pleasure. He moved up to her mouth. She accepted his hot French kisses with cries of delight. Like most women, she enjoyed kissing, both as romance and as erotic stimulation. They gasped and surged and wallowed in their hot lovemaking, tongues plunging, mouths sucking, hearts pounding. It was rich, rich, rich, she felt.

She began to grunt and feel her legs getting that creamy, taken feeling. Purring like a pleased cat, she turned her head to look at the clock. Four minutes had gone!

“Oh, Fred— we’ve only got six…” she gasped.

“I know, Crystal, I know. Still… lots of time.”

“Still— plenty — time. Oh, oh, oh!”

He hugged her tight, most of the feeling going to his prick, gloving in and out of her cunt. Their kisses had been so hot that their lips were raw, reddened, and the nerves temporarily desensitized. It was the same for her. All the luxurious sex feelings were in her breasts and belly as she dragged lasciviously up against his cock.

“I-I— think going,” she reported.

“Good, good— have to fin-finish,” he managed.

In and out, in and out, with her belly feeling so great that she wanted to float right out into the sky over Manhattan.

Six minutes gone!

“Fred— we — be caught. Oh, Oh, Oh.”

“We won’t— answer door,” he said. “I — hide.”

She felt a new shock of horror.

“Fred— I never locked the door — left it open — ajar.”

She plunged now as fast as her loins would go, savoring the richness of that fabulous prick. Just a few more plunges— then they’d have to stop. She whimpered as she saw the speeding second hand of her bedside clock.

Seven minutes gone!

“Fred— we’ve got to stop. STop. Not time — finish.”

“Yeah. Yeah.”

“Let me up. Let me up!” she cried.

It was desperation time. No matter how good this sex felt, they only had two minutes to make themselves presentable.

Fred would not let her up. Fred held her down and drilled, drilled in ecstasy, murmuring that he had to finish in her cunt or die for it.

“Ah, Fred. Ohhh, God, Fred.”

Her own traitorous loins continued to plunge and her every nerve was on fire. Few sexual encounters had made her so hot and eager. Luscious, incredible delights flamed in her belly— and another minute was gone.

She felt a strange feeling she’d never felt before in sex, an utter, complete integration of terror and pleasure in one fusion of wild excitement. In her high, hot condition, she wanted to explode her belly, her body, and disappear in a cloud of pleasure-soaked atoms.

She couldn’t disappear, of course. She couldn’t get free of Fred, either! He held her down with his weight, hands on her shoulders, eyes bugging out in crazed delight as he drove up the hill in the final stages before orgasm.

They were so hot that their moist bodies were pasted together with sweat. Their bellies, nude, surging, squished out air with obscene, delightful sounds. It felt like his cock had burned through her flesh.

“Fred— ten minutes!” she sobbed.

“I— gonnnnne,” he sang.

He locked. His eyes widened. A look of extreme ecstasy suffused his features. “Ohhh, CrystaL— you — fuuucked,” he moaned. She felt him jerk and the hot spurts started in her cunt. At the same moment she heard the faint sounds in the other room. Sylvia Ritter had arrived.

Too late! Her own freeze swept up her loins.

“Ung,” she gasped. “Got— to…” She gave a hysterical laugh of helplessness.

The sweet, ineffable rush of orgasm took off the top of her head as her belly creamed in extreme pleasure and her cunt began its wild throbs against the hot chunks of male jissum he spurted into her cunt.