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She gave a great gasp and locked her thighs on the wounding vibrator. She paid out her sex like she was the U.S. Mint spewing out coins. Her throbs of relief and submission swept her away to a dizzy, dazed state as her vagina clutched and unclutched on the machine that Crystal kept reaming in and out of her cunt to make her give up all her sex treasure. Feeling silly, weak, and totally wonderful, Leaf kicked her legs helplessly and surrendered deep, aching throbs of golden joy until her strong passion capacity ran out.

“Wooooo,” she sighed at last, tapering and relaxing. Her cunt flowed with excess juice and her belly glowed in sweet euphoria. Crystal had used her well. She just lay quietly on the bed, dazed and temporarily exhausted.

Crystal got up and off her victim, well-satisfied, her own cunt warm and glowing. It was exceedingly important that she establish sexual domination over the Pennsylvania girl, and not for her own needs, either. Not her erotic needs. She’d waited for months for the right girl to come along, and then one day Leaf Campbell had simply walked into her office…

Crystal’s apartment reflected the good salary she made from A-C. It had two good-sized bedrooms, a large living room with split levels, a terrace with a magnificent view, a kitchen crammed with appliances, and plenty of sunshine and air. It was furnished simply and cleanly with the latest comforts and necessities in wood, metal, fabrics and glass that the most professional of decorators would approve.

It also had one unique device not found in any of the apartments in this exclusive East Side district, in her building or any other. The device looked like an ordinary typewriter with a TV set mounted to one side of it. It was, in fact, a computer terminal. Using telephone lines, it hooked her to the A-C office in Manhattan and to the massive computer center of the firm across the river in New Jersey. A few other A-C officials who lived in Manhattan had these terminals. The age of the home computer terminal, which could send messages to, and receive messages from, a main computer had begun.

Crystal’s home terminal had one other feature that even the president of her company didn’t have. She could talk to any of the A-C 1100’s that she’d been assigned to cover for A-C in her job as a computer tutor.

Leaving Leaf in the bedroom, Crystal walked into the living room, sat before the typewriter keyboard and turned the power on.

“DOMINO— THIS IS STARSHELL,” she wrote. She sat back and waited. It only took seconds for her answer.



The black TV screen at her side fluttered and flashed a screenful of numbers.


“BEGUN TODAY,” flashed back.


That meant the paychecks would be written and mailed automatically with the others, but protected by the STARSHELL subroutine. She had saved a little portion of the A-C 1100 memory in the Domino machine for her private use.

“Understood. Holding.”

“Holding— and offline,” she wrote back.

The TV screen went blank, and she sat back with a smile wreathing her lips, a dreamy look in her large green eyes. The action had begun. There was risk, a huge risk, but she had no choice, none at all… There was one other computer terminal, quite close by, that Crystal Locke didn’t know about. Like hers, it was set up in an apartment, but this apartment was in a building across the street from hers. The building was less pretentious, older, and the apartments much smaller. The apartment with this second terminal was almost directly opposite her apartment facing in her direction.

As her STARSHELL messages flashed back, and forth over the lines, they also appeared on the machine that a youngish man with glowing eyes monitored. He watched the printout on the yellow roll of typewriter paper, and gave a wolfish grin.

When the messages finished, he rose, picked up some binoculars, and walked to his window. From here he could see across to Crystal’s apartment. Her sliding glass door was open. It was a fall night, but cold weather had not yet come.

He could see the beautiful girl sitting there at her terminal, practically naked. She showed enough skin anyway to make his breathing quicken. It had been a long time and a murderously long wait for this moment, and he savored his success with deep breaths of exultation. The blonde doll across the street was due for one smashing, shattering surprise in her young life!

Sydney Martin could not believe his good luck when he arrived at Crystal’s apartment a short while later. The platinum blonde, wearing a housecoat and apparently very little underneath, greeted him with a kiss— and immediately began to take off his clothes.

“You’re a— fast operator,” he gasped as he stood naked before her, his stiff prick thrilling as she pressed against him and jazzed the hard member to make it harder.

“Why waste time in polite nothings when everybody’s mind is on something else,” she laughed. “The drinks, the small talk can always come later when everybody’s relaxed.”

Then Crystal led him into her bedroom. He stopped in surprise. Lying on the bed, naked, was the sexy little girl that had applied for a job a few days before, that he’d almost screwed before being interrupted.

He turned to Crystal in shock. “Why— why…”

“Yes, Leaf and I are friends,” she laughed. “How do you think she happened to apply to Domino for a job, anyway. I told her to come and see you.”

“It’s all right, Syd. Leaf is just a little more inhibited in sex than I am. But she still wants that job, and she’s willing to be friendly, if it’s not overdone.”

Syd stood there, feeling nervous. Crystal couldn’t be a hooker. She was much too bright and had much too good a job. But…

“Syd,” said Crystal, “I know I shock people because I go straight to the bottom line without a lot of faking and teasing. I’m sorry I’m so direct. The bottom line is, Leaf wants to work for you and you want her to work for you.”

“Sure, I need somebody like her, but…”

“Syd, face it. If I don’t cut the knot, you and Leaf would waste hours, weeks of company time trying to get it off. What you want is a bright girl who’ll work hard and once in a while you give you a thrill. She wants a steady job with a good company and doesn’t mind a little action if it doesn’t get too heavy. So take the action and start off without any tension.”

All of this time Leaf laid there looking embarrassed, and a little dazed. There was a vibrator lying close by, and Syd judged that little Leaf was more than a bit sexed up.

“S-s-sure, Crystal.” He approached the bed.

“Take it in your mouth, Leaf,” Crystal said.

Leaf reached up from her prone position and took hold of Syd’s hard cock. She exposed a neat, nude breast, and slipped the rod into her mouth as he stared down at her rounded young body, her naked ass, and that sexy breast exposed. The heat and thrill of being sucked brought him up on his toes.

“She’s not good at this,” said Crystal. “If you don’t mind, I’ll instruct her.”

“Ahhh— mind? Nooo— oh!” gasped Syd.

It was fabulous. He’d expected a date with Crystal alone and hoped it would end up like that time in his office. Suddenly he had Crystal and the sexy other little piece at the same time. His sex life had gone from horribly miserable to pure gold in a few days due to Crystal.

It was fabulous. Crystal instructed Leaf to get on her hands and knees on the bed, dog-fashion. She had Syd also get on the bed on his knees, but torso up. She got up on the bed alongside of them to direct the action like a referee in a wrestling match.

“Leaf— use plenty of suction,” Crystal said. “Be careful with your teeth… use them to groove, but don’t bite… more tongue action… I want to see that pink tongue curling, curling, yes, that’s it… take it a little deeper; it won’t bite… Don’t you love that sex meat taste?”