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The elegantly dressed Gunnar tipped his felt hat and marched right on by, enjoying her humiliation. She would’ve kicked her leg and screamed, but that would have only emphasized her helplessness and made it better for him. The other couple went on, with New York tolerance of human foibles.

In her apartment, Gunnar threw her on the bed and calmly tied her wrists to the headboard.

“You say there’s nobody here. That nobody’s coming. That the girl I’ve seen staying here is out for the night. I plan to check first. And to make sure you don’t grab a weapon and sneak up behind me.”

“Dammit, Gunnar, we’re civilized! You don’t tie a woman up like some bitch dog, and…”

Gunnar said: “Brilliant, yes. Sophisticated, yes. Civilized, no. Not me. Towards you.”

She got her first look at him and what she saw made her shiver. He did look like some citified Dracula, impeccable in Bill Blass coordinates, but a leering savagery showing underneath. There was something altogether Nazi about the glitter in those moody blue eyes. His prison time had surely brutalized him.

He left the room. She heard him searching the apartment carefully, and it took him a long time. When he returned he’d mixed himself a drink.

“Well, Gunnar, what do you plan to do with me,” she said. She was beginning to react to this disaster, thinking up plans…

He was drinking a Scotch and soda. He took out an ice cube and tossed it on her navel, exposed in the robe. She jerked and twisted and tossed it off. He merely flicked a second ice cube on her belly. The ice burned.

“Oh, Gunnar, dammit,” she protested. She dared not get rid of the second ice cube, or he might dump the whole bucket on her. Oh, but it did burn her belly. He was torturing her, humiliating her…

He sat there like the computer brain that he was, pondering a mathematical solution. She knew he was as bright as she was, and, since prison, probably dangerous.

“That poor kid I used to be. All brain, no body. Married to a nice girl, who divorced me of course when I went to jail. That poor bright-stupid kid, victimized by green eyes and big tits that he never got to fuck. What do you think I should do to you?”

“I suppose you would fuck me,” she said with a shudder. She would be lucky if that was all he did to her. “May I be untied?”

“No, not right away.” He took the ice cube off her belly, where it had melted a little, and frozen a cold spot. He shoved it in her cunt while she squirmed and gasped.

“Oh, now, Gunnar, this is absolutely ridiculous. Oh, Gunnar, my cunt. Oh, Oh, Oh.”

“Happy Birthday to you, dear Crystal.”

“Oh, Oh, Oh.”

It was so cold that she felt the opposite. It burned her like a hot fire in her soft, tender sex passage. She twisted and squirmed.

“How about six more.”

He wanted her to beg. She begged. “Oh, Gunnar, don’t, please don’t.”

“Fuck me, Gunnar, please fuck me,” he said. “I’m a worthless girl, but I’m crazy for you to fuck me.”

She hastily repeated the message, word for word: “Fuck me, Gunnar, please fuck me,” she said. “I’m a worthless girl, but I’m crazy for you to fuck me.”

He rewarded her by taking the fire out of her guts. She sighed in relief as he fingered the cold cube from her body.

“Are you turning me over to the police, Gunnar?”

She knew that WestAir would have her extradited to California and push the trial, too, if he turned her in. If he did, she’d had it.

“Why would I do that, dear heart?” he said. “You’re a computer crook, unconvicted. I’m a computer crook, convicted, though innocent. We’re both under aliases and a long way from the last job. This suggests that the next theft be much bigger and better.”

She gasped as she strained at her bonds. “Gunnar, the only reason I’m setting up Domino is to pay back the hundred thousand. There are ways that won’t hurt them much. I want to return what I stole and clear my name with WestAir. I don’t want to get in deeper.”

“Well, well, such Disney sweetness from the ice blonde! Deeper? Let’s see how deep you really are.”

He leaned forward and plunged his fingers into her cunt.

She had to lift up her belly to this outrageous invasion of her sex organ and give a tremendous gasp at the friction of his fingers. It gave her a sexy if unwelcome thrill. At the same time she was smart enough to see that her luscious body saved her for the moment. He might’ve killed her or roughed her up. He might’ve simply sent the police to get his revenge from the distance. He’d been hung up on her good looks before prison, and he still was.

“Ah, now, Gunnar, that’s no way to treat a fellow computer th-thief!”

“Thief? Huh-uh, not you, Crystal. Not an honest thief. You stole that money for your father and sent him off to one of the Scandinavian countries to live his last two years in comfort. You figured that WestAir took the last ten years of his life, and that’s what you charged them.”

“Oh, Gunnar, your ha-ha-hands!” she gasped as he continued to jack her off.

“He was broke, miserable, suffering. Years ago WestAir was WestShip and he worked with asbestos. So did a lot of men during the war and after. He got lung cancer from the asbestos fibers, but the company disowned responsibility. You made ’em pay.”

“It d-d-doesn’t matter. Ohhh.” She writhed at his fierce use of her box. “He’s been dead t-t-two years now.”

“But the statue of limitations hasn’t run out on your theft, Crystal. They want to nail you. So does the government, because they’re death on the white collar crimes these days. So you plan to steal a little here and a little there, money a big company won’t miss. Then you pay WestAir. They’ll drop charges to get their money back. That’s the kind of thief you are.”

“I have to— ohhh. I have to think of my future now.”

“Not to worry, dear heart. I can take care of that.”

He took out his hand, stood up, and began to undress. She lay there panting helplessly.

“Oh, now, Gunnar. This is wrong, to tie me up and just f-f-fuck me like some tart.”

“Oh, ho! It’s class you want!” He jumped onto the bed naked, his weight making it creak. “Does your vibrator have class?” He picked up the device that still lay there.

She was hot, sexed up, and yet it bothered her intensely to have this twisted, brilliant man use her.

“Gunnar, don’t put a machine in me.”

He merely smiled and turned on the vibrator, then ran it along her wet, pink cunt lips. It buzzed against her pelvic bone and the vibrations seemed to dig inside of her. She stared down her naked belly in horror and saw him violate her with it even as she felt it. The thrill of that big, artificial cock penetrating her tender vagina made her thrust up with a wounded sound: “Oh!”

It was one thing to use a vibrator for your own pleasure, another to have it used on you against your will. She felt it work up her cunt that was swollen and ready from his prior finger-plunging. When she’d taken its smooth thickness and the vibrations burned against her clit she just had to thrust up in fuck motions.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!”

“Well, well. The Scandinavian Ice Princess is human after all. She gets as cunt wet as any silly high school frump.”

“Dammit, Gunnar. Oh, meeeeee,” she wailed. It felt so good, reaming in and out of her cunt, buzzing. As she took the action, she couldn’t help but think of how she herself had used Leaf’s cunt almost the same way a few hours before.

She thought she would only be getting a short reaming before he shoved his big cock into her body. It hung between his legs, hard and ready. With the heat and good sex feeling he’d already worked up in her with his masturbation and the vibrator, she almost wished he would.

But he merely used the vibrator on her, twisting it and using it expertly as she went out of her mind.