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Sult did not give him long to consider it. I will speak to Heugen myself. And he jabbed one of the papers with a finger. Goyle, write to Lord Governor Meed and try to elicit his support. Glokta, arrange an interview with Lord Wetterlant. He has yet to declare himself one way or the other. Get out there, the pair of you. Sult turned from his sheets full of secrets and fixed on Glokta with his hard blue eyes. Get out there and get me votes!

Being Chief

Cold night! shouted the Dogman. Thought it was meant to be summer!

The three of em looked up. The nearest was an old man with grey hair and a face looked like it had seen some weather. Just past him was a younger man, missing his left arm above the elbow. The third was no moren a boy, stood down the end of the quay and frowning out at the dark sea.

Dogman faked a nasty limp as he walked over, dragging one leg behind him and wincing like he was in pain. He shuffled under the lamp, dangling on its high pole with the warning bell beside it, and held up the jar so they could all see.

The old man grinned, and leaned his spear against the wall. Always cold, down by the water. He came up, rubbing his hands together. Just as well we got you to keep us warm, eh?

Aye. Good luck all round. Dogman pulled out the stopper and let it dangle, lifted one of the mugs and poured out a slosh.

No need to be shy, eh, lad?

I guess there aint at that. Dogman sloshed out some more. The man with one arm had to set his spear down when he got handed his mug. The boy came up last, and looked Dogman over, wary.

The old one nudged him with an elbow. You sure your motherd care for you drinking, boy?

Who cares what shed say? he growled, trying to make his high voice sound gruff.

Dogman handed him a mug. Youre old enough to hold a spear, youre old enough to hold a cup, I reckon.

Im old enough! he snapped, snatching it out o Dogmans hand, but he shuddered when he drank from it. Dogman remembered his first drink, feeling mighty sick and wondering what all the fuss was about, and he smiled to himself. The boy thought he was being laughed at, most likely. Who are you anyway?

The old boy tutted. Dont mind him. Hes still young enough to think that rudeness wins respect.

S alright, said Dogman, pouring himself a mug then setting the jar down on the stones, taking time to think out what to say, make sure he didnt make no mistakes. My names Cregg. Hed known a man called Cregg once, got killed in a scrap up in the hills. Dogman hadnt liked him much, and hed no idea why that name came to mind, but one was about as good as another right then, he reckoned. He slapped his thigh. Got poked in the leg up at Dunbrec and it aint healed right. Cant march no more. Reckon my days at holding a line are over, so my chief sent me down here, to watch the water with you lot. He looked out at the sea, flapping and sparkling under the moon like a thing alive. Cant say Im too sorry about it, though. Being honest, I had a skin full o fighting. That last bit was no lie, at least.

Know how you feel, said One-Arm, waving his stump in Dogmans face. Howre things up there?

Alright. Union are still sat outside their own walls, trying everything to get in, and were on the other side o the river, waiting for em. Been that way for weeks.

I heard some boys have gone over to the Union. I heard old Threetrees was up there, got killed in that battle.

He was a great man, Rudd Threetrees, said the old boy, great man.

Aye. Dogman nodded. That he was.

Heard the Dogman took his place, though, said One-Arm.

That a fact?

So I heard. Mean bastard, that. Huge big lad. They call him Dogman cause he bit some womans teats off one time.

Dogman blinked. Do they now? Well, I never saw him.

I heard the Bloody-Nine was up there, whispered the boy, eyes big like he was talking about a ghost.

The other two snorted at him. The Bloody-Nines dead, boy, and good riddance to that evil fucker. One-Arm shuddered. Damn it but you get some fool notions!

Just what I heard, is all.

The old boy swilled down some more grog and smacked his lips. Dont much matter whos where. Unionll most likely get bored once theyve got their fort back. Get bored and go home, across the sea, and everything back to normal. None of em will be coming down here to Uffrith, anyway.

No, said One-Arm happily. Theyll not be coming here.

Then why we out here watching for em? whined the boy.

The old man rolled his eyes, like hed heard it ten times before and always made the same answer. Cause thats the task we been given, lad.

And once you got a task, you best do it right. Dogman remembered Logen telling him the same thing, and Threetrees too. Both gone now, and back in the mud, but it was still as true as it ever was. Even if its a dull task, or a dangerous, or a dark one. Even if its a task youd rather not do. Damn it, but he needed to piss. Always did, at a time like this.

True enough, said the old man, smiling down into his mug. Thingsve got to get done.

That they do. Shame, though. You seem a nice enough set o lads. And the Dogman reached behind his back, just like he was scratching his arse.

Shame? The boy looked puzzled. How dyou mean a

That was when Dow came up behind him and cut his neck open.

Same moment, almost, Grims dirty hand clamped down on One-Arms mouth and the bloody point of a blade slid out the gap in his cloak. Dogman jumped forward and gave the old man three quick stabs in the ribs. He wheezed, and stumbled, eyes wide, mug still hanging from his hand, groggy drool spilling out his open mouth. Then he fell down.

The boy crawled a little way. He had one hand to his neck, trying to keep the blood in, the other reaching out towards the pole the warning bell was hung on. He had some bones, the Dogman reckoned, to be thinking of the bell with a slit throat, but he didnt drag himself moren a stride before Dow stomped down hard on the back of his neck and squashed him flat.

Dogman winced as he heard the boys neck bones crunch. He hadnt deserved to die like that, most likely. But thats what war is. A lot of folk getting killed that dont deserve it. The job had needed doing, and theyd done it, and were all three still alive. About as much as he couldve hoped for from a piece of work like that, but somehow it still left a sour taste on him. Hed never found it easy, but it was harder than ever, now he was chief. Strange, how its that much easier to kill folk when youve got someone telling you to do it. Hard business, killing. Harder than youd think.

Unless your names Black Dow, of course. That bastard would kill a man as easy as hed take a piss. That was what made him so damn good at it. Dogman watched him bend down, strip the cloak from One-Arms limp body and pull it round his own shoulders, then roll the corpse off into the sea, careless as dumping rubbish.

You got two arms, said Grim, already with the old mans cloak on.

Dow looked down at himself. Whatre you saying exactly? I aint cutting my arm off to make for a better disguise, yidiot!

He means keep it out o sight. Dogman watched Dow wipe out a mug with a dirty finger, pour himself a slug and knock it back. How can you drink at a time like this? he asked, pulling the boys bloody cloak off his corpse.

Dow shrugged as he poured himself another. Shame to waste it. And like you said. Cold night. He broke a nasty grin. Damn it, but you can talk, Dogman. Names Cregg. He took a couple of limping steps. Stabbed in me arse up at Dunbrec! Where dyou get it from? He slapped Grims shoulder with the back of his hand. Fucking lovely, eh? They got a word for it, dont they? Whats that word, now?