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irrevocable property - –neatceļams īpašums

irrigation - apūdeņošana –

island formed in the river - sala, kas radusies upē



joining property - lietu savienošana (979.p.)

joint creditors - kopkreditori

joint debtors - kopparādnieki

joint ownership - kopīpašums

joint ownership of property - mantas kopība

joint ownership rights - kopīpašuma tiesības

joint property - kopīga manta, kopīpašums, kopmanta

jointly and without division - kopīgi un nedalīti

judgment - spriedums

justified self-defence - atļautā pašaizstāvība

justly - taisnprātīgi



kin - radinieki

kin in a direct line (§ 207) - Kin in a direct line are those who have descended from each other by birth and are called either ascending or descending kin, depending on whether the calculation is from children to parents, or vice versa. - radinieki taisnā līnijā

kind - šķira (107.p.)

kinship - radniecība


labourer - strādnieks

lack of care - uzmanības trūkums

lake bed - ezera gultne

land register - zemes grāmata

land surface - zemes virsa

landowner - saimnieks (2196.p.)

lapse of the prescriptive period - noilguma termiņa notecējums

last will - pēdējā griba

last will instructions - pēdējās gribas rīkojums

late-payment interest (§ 1759) - Interest shall also be paid even if not specifically agreed to, on the basis of law, in the following cases: 1) regarding lateness in regard to each payment of a debt, even though the debt itself may be interest-free; such interest is called late-payment interest. - nokavējuma procenti

lawful basis - tiesisks pamats

lawful inheritance - likumiska mantošana

lawful relations - tiesiskas attiecības

lawful transaction - tiesisks darījums

lease payment - nomas maksa

leasing - iznomāšana

leasing contract (§ 2112) - –A contract, which grants the use of a fruit-bearing property in order to gain fruit thereof is a lease, but any other contract granting use, is a rental contract. - nomas līgums

legacy (§ 500) - If someone has been bequeathed not the whole estate, nor a share in relation to the whole of the estate, but only a separate inheritance object, then the bequest is called a legacy, but the person to whom it has been bequeathed, a legatee. - legāts

legal age - pilngadība

legal basis - tiesisks pamats

legal capacity - tiesību spēja

legal force - tiesīgs spēks

legal impediments - likumiski šķēršļi

legal person - juridiskā persona

legal relations - tiesiskas attiecības

legal representative - likumīgais pārstāvis, vietnieks (690.p.)

legally binding force - tiesiski saistošs spēks

legatee (§ 500) - legatārs

lender - aizdevējs, patapinātājs

lending contract (§ 1947) - A lending contract (a loan for use) is a contract by which a person transfers to another person property without compensation and for a specific use, with the condition that the same property is returned. - patapinājuma līgums

lessee - nomnieks

lessor - iznomātājs

letter of intent - priekšlīgums

liability - atbildība

limits - robeža (94.p.)

liquidation - likvidācija

liquidator - likvidators

list - saraksts

List of Monuments Protected by the State - valsts aizsargājamo pieminekļu saraksts

littoral zone - jūras piekrastes josla

livestock path - lopu ceļš

loan - aizņēmums

loan agreement (§ 1934) - A loan agreement is a contract whereby ownership of a certain quantity of fungible property is transferred, with the duty to return property in the same quantity and of the same kind and quality as the property received. - aizdevuma līgums

local government - pašvaldība

lose the habit - atmest paradumu

loss (§ 1770) – A loss shall be understood to mean any deprivation which can be assessed financially. - zaudējums

lost income - atrauta pelņa (2347.p.)

lost profits - atrautā peļņa

lost property - nozaudēta lieta

lot - loze

lottery (§ 2285) - Lottery is a contract by which the owner of an object obtains the object according to a definite plan, but the participants in the lottery acquire, for a certain price or free of charge, the chance of winning it. - izloze

lower standing parcel of land - zemāk stāvošs zemes gabals

lucid intervals - gaišie starplaiki


maintenance - uzturs

make a gift of - dāvināt (648.p.)

management - apsaimniekošana

management of the property of other persons - svešu lietu pārziņa

manager - pārvaldnieks, saimnieks

manifestly - acīmredzami

market price - tirgus cena

marriage contract - laulības līgums

maternal line - mātes līnija

member - biedrs

member of a partnership - sabiedrības biedrs

mental capacity - garīgās spējas

mental illness - gara slimība

mentally ill - garā slimais

mercantile marine ship - jūras tirdzniecības kuģis

mineral resources - izrakteņi

minister - garīdznieks (50.p.)

minority - nepilngadība

minors - nepilngadīgie

missing person - pazudušais

mistake - maldība

mistake in substance - svarīga maldība

mistake of fact - faktiska maldība

mistake of law - tiesiska maldība

mistake of little substance - nesvarīga maldība

mixed condition - jaukts nosacījums

modes of transport - transporta veidi