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"Do you still have a hard-on, Pete? Let me see," she said, grinning. "Let me see if that beautiful freckled cock of yours is still hard!"

"What… what do you mean 'freckled'?" He tried to keep everything light and easy, just for a little while longer. Mack had not told him that Janie was this forward. Now he saw her eyes lower to the front of his trousers and her lips formed a mock pout when she saw that there was no longer a bulge present.

"I didn't think you just wanted to see the old brook," she said petulantly. But then she laughed softly, sensually. "I was sure you wanted to fuck me. I thought that you would like to put your big hard cock into my sweet cunt and fill me up with a great load of your cum. Wasn't I right, Peter DePow?"

Quite involuntarily, Pete's prick jumped once more into erection at the continued lasciviousness of Janie Farragut. It was throbbing wildly in his pants and his brain was reeling. He and Mack were supposed to be initiating these girls into sex, not the other way around. What was the matter with her; was she over-sexed? Christ, maybe she had made every kid in her school and he and Mack were just fools. She leaned close to him now and put her hand on his still naked chest. She let it remain there for a moment before she moved it slowly down over his stomach and began tantalizingly stroking the pulsating bulge in his pants.

"Well, Pete?" she asked, her breath like hot flowing honey against his cheek. "Did we come here to fuck or didn't we? Don't you want to fuck me?"

He didn't know what to think or say. Maybe it was the alcohol in the punch that affected her this way, although Laura had been given far more than Janie.

"Say, if you could wait a bit, Janie," he begged her. He thought he ought to turn and walk down stream a little, cooling her off that way, but he was rooted to the spot. The pressure of her gently kneading fingers on his balls and prick brought great swirling billows of heat rising upward through his loins, and his testicles ached almost painfully with sexual need.

"Wait for what, Peter?" she asked. "My cunt is on fire! Can't you tell? And your cock keeps getting big. What are we waiting for?"

Pete DePow was vainly trying to remember what his and Mack's plans had been for the girls, but his attempts were in vain. His mind was a blank. Janie was rhythmically stroking his lust-swollen cock and balls now through his trousers, moving closer to him so that the tips of her still not full tits touched his chest. Then she leaned forward, and her lips touched his cheek. Her tongue came out like a molten firebrand and traced a quick, liquid path down over his jawline and then back up over his lips before she drew her head back again.

"Gosh, Janie!" he managed to say.

"I want to fuck, Peter," she pouted but in a sensuous tone of voice. "I want you to fuck me, and I want to fuck you. Don't you like to fuck?"

Christ, what a silly question. He was trembling almost uncontrollably, his mind awhirl with panic. He wished he could remember what the plans had been. He didn't want to spoil anything, but this was a staggering situation, and he simply couldn't think. He could feel the heat of lust rising still higher inside of him from her ministrations, from her lips and tongue, threatening to consume him completely. His whole being was crying out for release.

"First I'll suck you," the twelve year old offered, and the licentious words tore through Pete like a hot knife. "First I'll take your big cock in my mouth and suck you. Maybe I'll even suck you until you cum, if you want, until you fill my mouth with your hot sticky semen. Then later we could fuck, too."

It didn't seem to Pete at this point that there was any reason why he couldn't make love to Janie first and then move on to whatever those magnificent group plans were that they had made. And they couldn't be that great anyway, he decided, if he couldn't even remember them!

"You think you want to?" he asked, not knowing whether he hoped she would say yes or no.

"Yes," she answered sensuously, squeezing and stroking down between his legs. "You do want me to suck you don't you, Pete? You want me to suck you and fuck you, suck you and fuck you, suck you and fuck you…" She was bearing down at him while she crooned the obscenities, grinning, her eyes sparkling now where they were sensuously half-lidded before. It was as though she were trying to hypnotize him. Jesus! As though he had to be hypnotized to let himself get sucked off! What had Mack been teaching this girl? Well, man, it was Mack's fault if he couldn't wait for later. Pete had to have Janie right now. Nothing mattered but the acute pleasure-pain in his groin, nothing but this hot-blooded little pixie who was stroking and caressing him.

"Yes!" he hissed savagely. "Yes, Goddamn it, Janie. What do you expect? Of course I want you to suck me. Do you think I'm nuts or something?"

Janie laughed throatily and stepped back, releasing his cock and balls. "Let's go swimming," she suggested.

He stated at her. "Swimming!" he exclaimed. "In there?" He pointed to the shallow brook.

"Sure. It's hot, and you know how much hotter it gets when you're fucking. Besides, wouldn't it be fun to sit in the water while I suck you off?"

Pete's temples were pounding with the liquor and the passion she had set to burning inside of him.

"Don't you think we should wait for the other kids?" he asked.

"Why?" she wanted to know, and he had no answer.

He wasn't sure he liked a girl to be quite this pushy, even if it was in sex, yet he was powerless to do anything but obey. Mutely, he stepped forward, intending to take over the initiative, to lead her somewhere, but she seemed to want to go not back into the woods as he led, but toward the water as she had suggested.

"It'll be so nice and cool," she purred. What could he do? "You know, my mother and father sometimes take baths together," she confided as she started to unbuckle his belt. "They probably don't think I know, but I do!" she said, smiling mysteriously. "I know a lot of things."

"Yes, I guess you do," he couldn't help agreeing. But she wasn't offended, even though his tone was a touch sarcastic.

Still her idea was beginning to arouse Pete to even more passionate heights. He and Janie fucking together in the water while Laura and Mack might come upon them at any minute. The very lewd boldness of doing it outdoors, not in the shelter of the trees but in the brook, a rather open area, where they could have company! He was sure there were other people who knew this was a great picnic area. It was quite a chance to take, and yet the gamble made it all the more lewdly exciting. Would she keep her word about sucking him off if they were out in the brook? Imagine getting a blow job so exposed like that? Imagine getting a blow job at all, actually! He had hardly expected such a thing. Never in his wildest dreams had he expected to have such a thing happen, although he had heard of it, of course.

He noticed that although Janie had unbuckled his belt, she had left him to undress herself. His blood-swollen cock palpitated maddeningly as he watched the sultry little girl reach down and pull her tank top over her head. He saw her tits were beginning to form, just like Laura's. It was exciting to think that someday they would be big and full like his mother's. He felt as though he were in on the ground floor, a political expression that his father often used. Success was always a matter of getting in on the ground floor, his father said, meaning starting at the right place at the right time. If Pete could fuck every little girl in town, he reasoned, and keep them interested while they grew up, why, when the time came, he would have his pick. Wasn't that what his father meant?