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Laura slumped forward onto her knees on the ground and emitted a long blissful sigh of satiation as she saw Janie collapse across Pete in the water and kiss him passionately on the mouth with his cum still painting the twelve year old dark-haired beauty's lips and chin. Laura was almost comatose in the aftermath of her tremendous orgasm, and she only vaguely felt Mack's strong arms lift her up from the ground and, scooping up their clothing in a few fast movements, guide her back to their picnic area. There was a question on her mind, but she didn't have the energy to ask it and would have been embarrassed to do so anyway. What she wondered was whose girl was she now.

"Well, that was as good as hitting a home run, wasn't it?" Mack asked as they were dressing.

Home run? After that, was baseball still the only thing on his mind? Laura was sure that Pete DePow would never make such an absurd simile! She said nothing while she finished dressing but she decided that if she had any say in whose girl she was, it wasn't going to be Mack Toohey. He could have his old baseball… and his hockey, as well, for that matter.


When Janie and Pete finally returned to the picnic area, Laura busied herself with putting lunch out for everyone and avoiding both eyes and conversation. When they sat down to eat the generous sandwiches that Pete had brought… Laura had never seen so much roast beef between two slices of bread… the red-haired Lothario started to tell them of his last summer. His family had taken him out to the Finger Lakes in New York. He bragged about the Muskie he caught that was nearly as tall as he was when he held it up on the line. He had gone boating on Seneca Lake and swimming in an Olympic pool.

"One that size, you mean," Janie corrected him, and Laura wondered how she knew anything about it.

"Yeah, you could fit all the pools in this town inside it," Pete went cheerily on. Gosh, if Laura's mother had interrupted Laura's father like that, he would have gone straight through the roof and refused to speak to her the rest of the day! Laura was impressed by the freckle-faced boy's good nature.

No one else had much to say about their vacations, which were pretty humdrum in relation to Pete's. He told how he had seen glass being blown through very long tubes and described how red the liquid glass glowed when it was taken from the furnace by the apprentice. Laura had watched little glass Disney figures made in a department store, but what Pete had seen were the beautiful hand blown, hand etched Stubenware pieces. Laura spoke up.

"I know what those are. My mother has a collection of pictures. She collects the advertisements for those. Someday she wants one," Laura ended lamely, suddenly aware of how poor that made her parents look.

"My mother has some. I'll have to show you!" Pete said enthusiastically, then went on to the surprise toward which he had been building. He had actually gone to the Baseball Hall of Fame. He had seen the first baseball diamond and had listened enthralled to Babe Ruth's voice, which they had on a record there and which one could hear by putting a dime in. He described the great baseball players' uniforms and gloves and bats as though no one had ever seen pictures of them… But of course, it wasn't the same just to see an old picture, Laura knew. Her heart had begun to sink more and more, and a story that she supposed should have filled her with excitement and joy only made her desolate.

Peter DePow was definitely out of her league! She was plain envious of his trip. She didn't care about the old glass or anything like that, but just imagine swimming with Peter in a pool as big as he described! Goodness, it would take them all day to get just from one end to the other, it seemed! She pictured herself hiking with him all alone through Watkins Glen Gorge, into the caves, over the rocks, his red hair aflame in the sunlight. He said you could catch trout in Seneca Lake, too. She would like that, especially with Peter. She wondered if you could try on Babe Ruth's uniform, but of course not, she chastened herself. Now she was getting silly. Suddenly she noticed that Peter was looking at her rather steadfastly. They were eating Janie's cake, and he was eating an orange that Laura had brought.

"You look like Hector Falls," he said suddenly when she looked at him quizzically because of his staring. "I mean your hair is falling so long and over your shoulders like that all in waves because of the way you had it braided. Hector Falls is like that, broadening waves of falling water."

It sounded as though he had meant to go on, but forgot what he was going to say as he contemplated her. It was most complimentary, and Laura could not help blushing. Well, maybe he wasn't out of reach, at least temporarily.

After they had finished eating and were once more on the punch, and after Pete seemed to have run out of stories, although Laura rather doubted he had, Mack was restless and so was Janie. Janie had never been a person who could sit still.

"Let's hike along the brook and see where it starts," she suggested.

Peter did not answer at all. He was lying back, supported on his elbows, his eyes nearly closed, with a spear of grass hanging from his mouth. He looked sleepy, but Laura knew that wasn't it at all. He was looking at her, Laura Cutter, and right at the moment she felt like a princess of some kind. The last thing on her mind was getting up from here and going on any old walk! Mack jumped up as though the walk was mandatory if Janie Farragut wanted it.

"Let's go," he said. Neither Peter nor Laura stirred.

"Come on, Laura," Janie said, but Mack took her arm and turned her in the upstream direction of the brook and started walking her toward the sound of the water.

"Come on," he said. "You and I will go and leave these old fuddy-duddies to sit around and be sleepy if they want."

Laura never looked up to see their expressions, whether Mack seemed to understand that Laura and Pete wanted to be together or whether Janie's face revealed any jealousy at the change in the coupling. She only heard them walk away, sensed when they were gone. Pete suddenly got up and came over to sit by her. Wordlessly, though she meant to chide him for his infidelity in some way, she pulled his head down and held it cradled against her, feeling the soft moistness of his lips pressed against her chest just above the top button of her blouse.

Oddly and perversely, in that moment, Laura began to remember the lewd fucking she had been given by Mack Toohey. She began to remember his fleshy, blood-enraged cock fucking in and out of her defenseless cunt, his hands cupping and kneading her nakedly quivering young tits, his hot breath blowing maddeningly into her ear. She remembered how it felt with his lusty cock sliding in and out along her cuntal passage harder and faster. She began to remember her own cumming in tune with his, and how she had been floating, wonderfully floating in the throes of a climax like she had never known, that was totally unlike any other experience she had ever known!

And now, with these lewd memories flooding over her, she didn't even notice that Pete was undressing her. She moved, humped, bent to help him as he removed each article of her clothing as though she were some kind of automaton in which he had merely to turn a key for her to obey. She never noticed how exposed to the air she was though her nipples began to harden on her young beginning mounds of tits, and down between her legs her cunt mouth moistened with her softly seeping feminine juices. She could feel her loins tingling. She was aware that he pulled away briefly, but soon he was in her lap again as though he had never left, this time cradled in her warm nakedness. She began once more to stroke his red hair as though she had never stopped, stroking it gently, positioning his face so that it was pressed into the hollow between her developing tits. Her breath became ragged and pulsating as the obscene images from earlier darted back and forth in her mind.