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"Your weight on me kind of hurts now," he sputtered.

"That's what you get," she admonished, but she was smiling to herself. She was pleased with herself. "That's what you get for fucking out in the brook under the sunlight with no protection. It's lucky your ass was under water or you wouldn't be able to wear pants."

"Hhhmmmmm," he murmured, contemplating the possibility. "I might like that. I could live in the tree house if you'd feed me."

She looked him over from a standing position now. He would be utterly untouchable for some time, she decided.

"Who'd feed me!" she wanted to know.

"Fido?" he asked with mock despair.


When they finally got back to Pete's house, as stiffened as he was, he wanted to make a mess of spaghetti and have them all stay and eat with him. His parents would not be home for two days, he explained, and the cook would just love a vacation from having to cook dinner for him. It was not very difficult for Laura to get permission from her mother to eat at the DePow's house, and probably Janie's mother would let her eat anywhere. Mack had no trouble winning permission because he frequently ate there. And so they had a spaghetti party downstairs in the family room.

They had no sooner finished eating when Pete asked them if they wanted to see a movie. Mack, apparently, knew to what his pal referred.

"Let's play cards, Pete," he said. "You're in no condition to watch any movie tonight."

"Sure I am! What are you talking about?" he asked, trying to keep a straight face without any luck.

"You're nuts," Mack laughed as his friend set up the projector. Mack went to the wall and pulled down a screen.

"It's just that I'm going to need help, you see," Pete muttered, giggling all the while. The two boys were finding something very funny.

"You girls better sit over there," Mack ordered. "I'll run the projector and Pete has to be kept on ice."

The girls were mystified. Laura could understand, though, that a dark room was a temptation that her new boyfriend couldn't afford with the painful sunburn he now had. Even holding hands in the dark, something that was bound to lead to other things, would be mean to him. Suddenly, Pete got up and left the room. He came back leading Fido.

"Should you let the dog in the house?" asked Laura.

"It's okay to let him in down here," Pete said, still grinning mischievously. He and Mack passed a look, and Mack responded with an amused shake of his head. Then he flicked out the lights and began the film.

The film was in color and the room it showed was more luxurious than anything Laura had ever seen. She wondered at first if it was a home movie of something upstairs in this very house. But then a sweet-faced little girl of about their own age appeared. The camera came down over the draperies to light on her, spread naked and exposed on a lovely large bed with a bright lavender and pink flowered spread, her long legs spread wide to reveal the pinkly glistening folds of her cunt, that had more chestnut brown hairs than either Laura or Janie yet had. Her tits, though, were small and taut, with tiny nipples ruby and succulent-looking on petal-like aureoles, which further added to an aura of innocence and purity about her that even her lewdly exposed position could not deny. Her pubic mound was covered with her thin, softly curling chestnut hair that matched her long chestnut tresses. She was simply lying on the bed in that splayed position, her eyes tightly shut, and her head to one side as if she were peacefully sleeping. There was a soft, beautiful smile on her soft-looking red lips.

Suddenly the camera left the child on the bed and, pulling back, revealed the fact that she was in a cage with gold glistening bars that reached from the floor around the bed to the ceiling. Perhaps she was supposed to be Sleeping Beauty, thought Laura, who, despite the girl's nakedness, still was unsuspicious of the film.

And then the scene changed to an old set of creaking stairs with cobwebs stretching from one side to the other like flying buttresses. Coming up the stairs was a dark figure, and as the camera zoomed in, and the figure turned, it proved to be a witch with a hooked nose and bushy eyebrows, just the way you would expect a witch to look.

But then, amazingly, the witch reached the top of the stairs, pushed open a door there, and entered upon the luxurious room with the naked little girl in it. Oh, no, Hansel and Gretel, Laura corrected herself. Of course, it could be Snow White! Just then, before Laura could do any more speculating, the witch shook out of her enveloping robe. It seemed to melt down to the floor and she, too, was naked, with large, proudly upthrust tits and a bushy triangle of gray pubic hair that seemed to cover the entire area up between her thighs. Her lips were spread in a wide lascivious grin as she looked over her hooked nose at the sleeping lovely girl on the bed, and one of her hands began to move slowly up and down her side while the other passed lightly, tantalizingly, over the side of her full, high-set titties. For a witch, thought Laura, she sure had a gorgeous body. Laura had always thought of witches as something akin to scarecrows.

After a moment, the witch turned and looked back at something in the hallway outside the bedroom. Momentarily, she made a motion with the hand which had been stroking her hip and there was a wand in it. With a wave of the wand, a huge, black furry form materialized, sitting on the floor at her feet, just inside the bedroom. God, it looked like a panther! Laura had never been to the zoo. There was none in her town, but she recognized the muscular and dangerous cat from pictures. The witch stared at it a moment, scratching that hooked nose and waved the wand again. The big cat transformed into a huge German Shepherd, as black as the cat, but even more ferocious looking. Now the witch seemed to chuckle. She was satisfied with herself. Apparently the cat had been a mistake. The dog's long red tongue lolled wetly out of the side of its fanged jaws like a red tie hanging out of a black suitcase. It stared up at the gray-haired witch almost anticipatorily, its thick bushy tail wagging to and fro with excitement.

Now, on the flickering screen, the witch and the huge dog were walking across the bedroom to the teenager on the bed. As they approached, the girl's eyes flashed open to stare first at the woman, then at the dog, in what was obviously mounting horror. She tried to slide away to the far end of the bed, but there was obviously nowhere to go because of the bars. Her lips were parted in fear, but the witch, opening a gate, caught the girl's arm and held her, pulling her down into a prone, spread-eagled position. Laura felt Janie cuddle against her, in fearful reaction, she supposed although by accident, one of Janie's hands brushed against Laura's budding tit, and then she felt Janie's nipple on her arm. Also, Janie's hand came to rest against the outer swell of the blonde's curvaceous thigh. It didn't feel so bad, thought Laura, and focused her attention back on the screen.

The gray-haired witch began to speak to the child then, gesticulating and motioning with her hands, and after a moment the teenager nodded convulsively. The witch lay down on the bed, spraying her slender legs wide and smiling salaciously as her yawning hair-lined cuntal mouth, with its glistening wet, petal-like lips was exposed to the camera.

The young girl licked her innocent and tender lips, still with the fear on her face, and then gave a quick shudder as if a chill had passed through her. Then she moved down on the bed, moving on all fours in between the witch's widely spread legs. She looked back over her shoulder once to see the big shepherd guarding the open gate to her cage, and then she leaned forward to dart her head between the opened legs and bury it against the witch's flaming cuntal slit. The gray-haired ogre arched her hips, drawing her knees up almost to her tits, flowering wider the huge lust-inflamed cavern as the girl's young tongue snaked out to flick inside the burning circle, lick up along the moistened furrow to locate the quivering, blood-red clit. The child took the miniature phallus between her teeth and began to nibble it, her actions somewhat looser now, her obscene mouthings of the witch's pussy becoming a little more frenzied, her fingers digging harder into the milk-white thighs of the woman she was suckling.