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20. SPW,Oxford text, p. 38.

21. British Library, Add MSS., 45903, Charlotte Shaw Letters.

22. SPW,1935, p. 581.

23. Cowan, Masochism,p. 248.

24. Brown Letters,p. 299.

25. See Lockman, Scattered Tracks,pp. 139ff.

26. ibid.

27. H. Montgomery-Hyde, Solitary in the Ranks – Lawrence of Arabia as Airman and Private Soldier,London, 1977, p. 40.

28. Wilson, Authorised,p. 1084.

29. SPW,Oxford text, 1926, p. 78.

30. Winterton recalled that Lawrence’s bodyguard consisted of about sixty men during the Dara’a operation, but it may be that Lawrence’s own guard was combined with Sharif Nasir’s larger ‘Agayl bodyguard at this point, or that Winterton’s memory was influenced by SPW.In any case, if Lawrence’s bodyguard exceeded the fifteen or so listed in his diary as having been paid, presumably the extra hands worked for him for nothing!

31. Wilson, Authorised,p. 1084.

32. SPW,1935, p. 28.

33. MS. Res., 55/2.

34. Friends,p. 147.

18. The Most Ghastly Material to Build into a Design

1. PRO, 882/4 251.

2. Falls, Cyril, et al., Military Operations in Egypt and Palestine,Vol. 1, 1928, Parts 1 and 2 (Official War History), p. 404.

3. SPW,1935, p. 492.

4. Brown Letters,p. 434.

5. ibid., p. 435.

6. LH,p. 105.

7. ibid.

8. RG, p.97.

9. Brown Letters,p. 434.

10. PRO FO, 882/4.

11. SPW,Oxford text, 1926, p. 99.

12. S. C. Rolls, Steel Chariots in the Desert,London, 1937, p. 221.

13. SPW,1935, p. 535.

14. Brown Letters,p. 260.

15. Rolls, Steel Chariots,p. 230.

16. SPW,1935, p. 499.

19. My Dreams Puffed out Like Candles in the Strong Wind of Success

1. SPW,1935, p. 653.

2. Hubert Young, The Independent Arab,London, 1933, p. 142.

3. ibid., p. 203.

4. SPW,1935, p. 555.

5. Young, The Independent Arab, p.199.

6. ibid.

7. SPW,1935, p. 543.

8. Young, The Independent Arab,p. 211.

9. Knightley and Simpson, Secret Lives,p. 162.

10. Young, The Independent Arab,p. 219.

11. Rolls, Steel Chariots in the Desert,p. 264.

12. ibid., p. 288.

13. SPW,1935, p. 620.

14. Young, The Independent Arab,p. 228.

15. SPW,1935, p. 620.

16. Lord Winterton, ‘Arabian Nights and Days’, Blackwood’s Magazine,207 (1920), p. 754.

17. Lord Winterton, Fifty Tumultuous Years,1955, p. 70.

18. ibid.

19. SPW,1935, p. 653.

20. ibid., p. 654.

21. Richards, A Portrait of T. E. Lawrence,p. 97.

22. Mack, Prince,p. 239.

23. Peake evidently believed, probably incorrectly, that all these Bedu belonged to Lawrence’s bodyguard. (See ch. 17, n. 30.)

24. ibid.

25. Lord Birdwood, Nuri As Said. A Study in Arab Leadership,London, 1959, p. 199.

26. Kirkbride to Liddell Hart, 8 November 1962 in MS. Res., b. 56.

27. Mack, Prince,p. 239.

28. George Staples, interviewed in the Toronto Telegraph,31 January 1963. Staples’s testimony has been challenged. Lawrence himself says that he rode in search of Barrow with only his lieutenant Ahmad az-Za’aqi.

29. SPW,1935, p. 657.

30. SPW,1935, p. 660.

31. SPW,1935, p. 662.

32. ibid., p. 666.

33. W. F. Stirling, ‘Tales of Lawrence of Arabia’, pp. 494ff.

34. Brown Letters,p. 275.

35. ibid.

36. SPW,1935, p. 682.

37. ibid., p. 659.

20. Colonel Lawrence Still Goes On; Only I Have Stepped Out of the Way

1. Young, The Independent Arab,p. 142.

2. LH,20 May 1935.

3. Wilson, Authorised,p. 603.

4. Wilson, Authorised,p. 620.

5. RG,p. 36.

6. Brown Letters,p. 332.

7. Wilson, Authorised,p. 630.

8. Friends,p. 245.

9. ibid., p. 199.

10. Brown Letters,p. 223.

11. ibid., p. 219.

12. Orlans, Lawrence of Arabia,p. 26.

13. Brown Letters,p. 172.

14. Friends,p. 208.

15. ibid., p. 214.

16. ibid.

17. ibid.

18. Aldington, Lawrence of Arabia.

19. SPW,1935, p. 580.

20. Cowan, Masochism,p. 124.

21. RG,p. 20.

22. Mack, Prince,p. 525.

23. Friends,p. 197.

24. SPW,1935, p. 276.

25. Antonius, The Arab Awakening,p. 319.

21. In Speed We Hurl Ourselves Beyond the Body

1. J. N. Lockman reports having read Lawrence’s RAF medical record, and though this was not available for publication concludes that the evidence suggests his scars were voluntarily acquired after the war. Lockman discounts Johns’s later testimony to the Sunday Times,1968. See Lockman, Scattered Tracks,pp. 139ff.

2. Montgomery-Hyde, Solitary in the Ranks,p. 52.

3. RG,p. 97.

4. Montgomery-Hyde, Solitary in the Ranks,p. 48.

5. Garnett Letters,p. 379.

6. British Library, Add. Mss. 45903, Charlotte Shaw Letters.

7. Brown Letters,p. 221.

8. Garnett Letters,p. 379.

9. Friends,p. 379.

10. Brown Letters,p. 210.

11. ibid., p. 216.

12. ibid., p. 215.

13. Wilson, Authorised,p. 687.

14. Garnett Letters,p. 375.

15. Brown Letters,p. 209.