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16. Montgomery-Hyde, Solitary in the Ranks,p. 48.

17. John Bruce, sworn testimony, Knightley and Simpson Papers, Imperial War Museum, p. 17.

18. ibid.

19. Wilson, Authorised,p. 704.

20. Bruce, sworn testimony, p. 17.

21. Knighdey and Simpson, Secret Lives,p. 193.

22. ibid., p. 194.

23. Mack, Prince,p. 525.

24. John Bruce, sworn testimony, p. 74.

25. Mack, Prince,p. 525.

26. Bruce, sworn testimony.

27. Brown Letters,p. 488.

28. ibid., p. 462.

29. ibid., p. 468.

30. Wilson, Authorised,p. 928.

31. Brown Letters,p. 408.

32. ibid., p. 486.

33. Brown Letters,p. 526.

34. ibid., p. 537.

35. ibid., p. 486.



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