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“How are we coming with the paperwork?” Pam asks.

“I just got in the room, it’s not done yet.”

“I’ll be back in a few minutes to get it from you,” she says before leaving the room. I give her a little salute to send her off.

I’m not sure what observation is taking place because as soon as the monitor is connected, nurse two leaves as well and we’re left alone for the next thirty minutes.

“You need to get someone; these are getting bad,” Jen breathes through a contraction. I jump into action, thankfully though, nurse number two walks through the door, so I don’t have to track anyone down.

“Let’s go ahead and see how things are progressing,” she says, taking the monitor strips in her hand to examine them. “Looks like you’ve been having good ones.”

I grind my teeth at the lack of care or concern anyone is showing us. I know this is no big deal to these two women who see deliveries all day every day, but this is scary and exciting for me and I have no idea what to expect.

“I have to push,” Jen shouts, gaining everyone’s attention. My freak-out mode is now soaring, but nurse number two still sees no reason for alarm; never mind we’re still in a damn observation room.

“Let’s check things out, hun, just keep breathing,” she says as she places gloves on and prepares for what has to be one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever seen. All I can think is, I wonder if this is how Five Finger Death Punch got its name.

The nurse’s eyes bug out and she jumps from the bed, shouting into the hall. “Call delivery, I need some help in here.”

“What’s going on, where are we going?” I ask, grabbing the bags as several nurses storm into the room and begin wheeling the bed into the hallway. There’s no time for IVs or an epidural. Jen’s going to be pissed she didn’t get to wear her designer hospital gown. She waited weeks for that thing to be delivered because she thinks hospital issued ones are ugly and no matter how hard you try, your ass always hangs out the back.

“Everything is okay, we need to get her to a delivery room, the baby is here,” a nurse reassures me. I’m following close behind the hoard of people until I see good old Pam waiting for me with her clipboard. “Sir, you missed a signature, can you please follow me to finish the paperwork?”

My. Head. Explodes. With Jen out of earshot, I feel it’s safe to unleash the verbal diarrhea I’ve wanted to spill onto this woman since I got off the elevator.

“With all due respect, you can shove that clipboard up your ass. I understand this paperwork is important, but making sure my girlfriend and baby are safe sits a little higher for me. Maybe if you had worried a little less about those forms and a little more about the patient, my baby would be born in a delivery room with an actual doctor instead of the fucking hallway for everyone to see.” I swipe the clipboard from her hand, sign the missing piece, and toss it back to her. “I don’t want to see your face again while we are here.”

I turn and race down the hall, following the sound of chaos to a room mid-way down the corridor. I quickly get to Jen’s side and wipe the sweat from her face. “He’s almost here,” I whisper in her ear.

The on-call doctor barely enters the room in time to catch the baby. There’s no delivering about it, she might as well have had a catcher’s mitt.

I cut the cord and when I hear him cry all of the drama and frustration to get to this moment fades away. Thankful, I’m just thankful. Looking down at Jen, worn out and shaking from the drop in adrenaline, I can’t hide my grin. “Good job, sparkplug,” I say, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “He’s perfect, you did so well. I love you, Jen. Thank you for giving me a family.”

“I love you too,” she smiles. “Go. Go check on Ryker,” she murmurs, barely able to keep her eyes open.

Excited but nervous, I tentatively approach the baby warmer where the nurses are taking care of Ryker. “Hi, little man,” I coo, allowing his tiny hand to grasp my index finger. “You were in a bit of a rush.”

“He’s fine, sir, but we’re going to need to take him to the nursery to suction him out better and give him a little oxygen,” a nurse interrupts.

Before I can question her or ask if I’m allowed to go with him, buzzers and alarms ring out around Jen’s bed. When I see she’s unconscious, I rush to her and grab her lifeless hand.

“Jen!” I shout, shaking her. “Sparkplug, wake up.” There’s no response. My frozen panic sets in as the pandemonium of the room swarms around me, pushing me away from Jen’s bedside.

“Start an IV!”

“Push the epinephrine!”

“She’s bleeding out, get the O.R. and anesthesiologist prepped!”

“Someone get her chart, now!”




“I’m sorry,” I whisper, snapping out of my trapped state of anxiety.

“Sir, does she have any known allergies or any history of clotting disorders?” the nurse asks me.

“No. She’s healthy. There haven’t been any issues with the pregnancy,” I tell her and she quickly turns, leaving me standing alone once again. “What’s going on, is she going to be okay?” I ask. No one answers; everyone is too busy working on Jen.

I push my way through the crowd to get near Jen, and grab her hand once again. “Please, what’s going on? Is she going to be okay?” I yell to the crowd, my voice breaking with the strain of the tears I’m holding back.

“Her blood pressure is crashing again!” a nurse yells and pushes me out of the way.

As nurses pass by me, I try to get their attention to get information, but no one notices me as they stay focused on feverishly working on Jen.

“Someone please tell me what’s happening!” I shout as loudly as possible. Everyone stops working for a moment to look at me. “Get him out of here,” the doctor says, drawing my attention to the space in which she’s working. Blood is covering the floor, more blood than I’ve ever seen. I can read the concern on the doctor’s face, and I know in that moment, I could lose her.

More beeping grabs everyone’s attention. “Get the crash cart!” the doctor yells as two nurses attempt to escort me from the room.

“Please. Please, let me stay. I can’t let her be alone. I need to be with her.” I fight to get back in the room as the crash cart is wheeled in.

“Sir, we are doing the best we can to help her. You need to stay out and let us do that. If we get her stabilized, we will let you know,” she says before rushing back into the room.

Moments later a team of nurses and the doctor wheel Jen’s bed out of the room and run down the hallway toward the operating room. I watch stunned as the love of my life, my sparkplug, floats away from me. I look at the nurse who took me into the hallway, the one who attempted to reassure me. I replay her words in my mind, but only one sticks out and I stumble on it like a crack in the pavement, a wrinkle in my world.

“If,” I whisper, sliding down the wall and letting my suppressed emotions of the moment pour out of me.


I hear the car honk and I kiss Brooks one last time good-bye. “I’ll call you when I know more,” I tell him. He nods and continues to rock our baby daughter, Joslyn, back to sleep.

Hustling down the stairs and out the entryway, I find two of my best friends in the car waiting for me.

“Hustle, Viv, we have to get all the way across town,” Carly says from the passenger seat as I climb into the back.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get us there,” Campbell interjects after I close my car door. Gravel kicks up from under our wheels as she peels out of the driveway. Surprisingly there is a lack of conversation in the car as we make the thirty minute trek across town to the hospital. There’s a nervous tension in the car with hope, concern, and anxiety all mixed together in a thick ball of emotion a person could choke on.