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A few weeks have passed since the photo shoot at the park, and to say I’ve been patiently waiting on the call telling me the pictures were ready would be a huge lie. I have called to check in with Campbell every other day, hoping she would offer up the good news. I even wrangled Jen’s number from Campbell and texted her a few times to say I was sorry for being a dick. Not only did I want to talk to her again and actually apologize, but I was hoping she would tell me the pictures were ready to see.

This morning when Cam called and told me to gather the band and meet at Rock Bottom Brewery to discuss something important, I’ve never moved so quickly to get my ass somewhere before. I was almost thirty minutes early to the meeting when I arrived at the restaurant. I thought it would be a good idea to get there a little early and have a beer to calm my nerves.

I wasn’t expecting to see anyone here yet, so I was more than shocked to see Jen sitting at the bar, drinking a beer and laughing it up with the bartender. I can’t seem to make my feet move, instead I’m standing in the entrance, staring at her. The only word which comes to mind as I watch her free, uninhibited moment is divine…her laugh is intoxicating, her hair is shiny and gorgeous, and her tiny little body looks even smaller in the oversized barstool she’s sitting on. I suddenly wish it was me making her laugh like that.

I notice the bartender nod in my direction. His movement directs Jen’s attention my way, and instantly her mesmerizing smile fades. Great. Now I look like some creeper piece of shit. I nod in hello to her and make my way to the bar, taking the seat next to her.

“I didn’t realize you would be here,” I tell her as I signal to the bartender to bring me the same as what Jen’s drinking, a Corona with a lime.

Jen looks away from me, refusing to make sociable eye contact. “I’m not sure why I’m here, actually,” she replies before taking a swig of her beer. “I sent the photos to Campbell over a week ago. There really is no reason she should need me here, and she wouldn’t tell me over the phone what she wanted. That never bodes well when it comes to Cam.”

I’m surprised she’s willing to talk to me, even if she refuses to look at me. I take it as a good sign that her hostility toward me has tapered slightly. I want nothing more than to keep her talking so she’ll reveal those golden, honey eyes of hers. If I’m asking for things, I think I would prefer this was a two person meeting and the rest of the band would be no-shows. I can’t even explain why I’m drawn to the girl; she has been nothing but a thorn in my little toe from the moment I met her. For some reason though, I find myself intrigued by her.

“Hellllloooo? Seriously, Casen, do you have some attention disorder I should be made aware of in regard to speaking with you, or are you just that weird?” she asks.

Well, that’s fucking great. She’s caught me ogling over her again, and now I look like the team captain of the varsity douche patrol. On a positive note, at least I finally get to see those honey eyes.

“Um, sorry,” I tell her, shaking my head and focusing down on my beer. “I was just thinking I would go wherever Campbell told me, whenever she told me to do it. That girl has done more for this band in just a few months, than we’ve managed to do on our own in two years. I owe her a lot.”

“Yeah, well, Cam tends to hide things up her sleeve and then put you in a position to try and make you a better person. Usually her plans fuck up your whole day. I suspect nothing less from this little encounter she has planned for us today.”

“What’s so bad about being a good person?”

She swivels in her chair and squares her shoulders toward me, taking one final guzzle of her beer before sliding it to the bartender at the end of the bar. “Nothing is wrong with being a good person, if you already are one. It’s exhausting to pretend to be something you’re not, though. So, I prefer to remain the shell of a person I am, no matter how much Cam wants to change me.”

I’m not sure how to respond. I begin to gawk at her again, searching for the right words. Before I can get out any insightful response, I hear her laugh. She pats me on the arm like the dumbshit I’m acting like.

“Now you can forget about wanting me and move on to some band groupie who would be more than happy to fawn over your morally sound ass.” With that, she jumps off her chair and walks past me, waving to Campbell and the guys who have finally arrived.

I’m left in stunned silence. Instead of jumping up and joining the group right away, I hang back and watch them find a table and sit down. I need a minute to gather my bearings after our brief exchange. I can’t make heads or tails of what she told me, and I can’t decide how I feel about it. A part of me certainly wants to run and get as far away from her as possible. She will chew me up and spit me out, she knows it and I know it. Yet a bigger part of me wants to pursue her, find out more about this extremely complex woman. A woman who actually thinks there is nothing of heart and beauty inside of her. I want to prove to her how she’s wrong about herself. I want to make her see what Campbell sees, a beautiful person who is rough around the edges and tries to protect whatever has been damaged.

I feel their eyes on me, and sure enough, my bandmates, Jen, and Campbell are all watching me from across the restaurant area of the brewery. Everyone has taken a seat at a booth toward the back of the pub. Yet here I sit like a loser once again, daydreaming about a fucking girl who has done nothing except treat me like shit. Nonetheless, I can’t scratch the thought of her out of my head.

As soon as I notice them, I see Jen’s head dip behind a menu to shield herself from me. Campbell looks at me with a little concern and I try to deliver my best, ‘Dude, I’m cool’ look. That is until I see Royce mouth, “What the fuck?” It’s the nudge I need to peel my ass off the barstool and head to the meeting. I admit I’m acting completely out of character; they must all think I’m doped up on something herbal, or maybe I’m showing signs of a stroke. Fucking awesome. I need to get my shit together in the fifty paces it will take to get to the table.

“Fuck, dude, if you’re high, the polite thing to do is share with the group,” Royce chuckles when I finally arrive at the table.

“You’re an asshole,” I shoot back as he stands to let me into the booth. I slide in while they all take turns making some kind of joke and laugh about my odd behavior. Even Jen laughs, her menu bouncing with each giggle.

“Ha, ha, you guys are so damn hilarious. It’s been a long day, that’s all. I’m a little zoned out today.”

“Okay, boys, playtime’s over. I actually brought you here for a reason,” Campbell interjects, crossing her arms on the table and mustering her best business expression. This must be a much more serious business conversation than we all thought.

Everyone sits up a little straighter and zeroes in on Campbell and her announcement…except Jen, who remains glued to her menu. My eyes slowly wander from Jen back to Campbell and back again, in an attempt to gauge both of them.

“After the photo shoot, I had flyers and demos made up to send out to media outlets. I plan on sending record labels the same promotional materials to garner more attention for you guys on this mini-tour coming up,” she begins. Of course, we all nod, as we knew that was the purpose of the shoot.

Campbell’s serious demeanor begins to crack and a devious smile slowly shines through. “Well, let’s just say, you have been well received,” she says before shifting back into serious Campbell mode.

“Jesus, Cam. Just spit it out already,” John sighs, his patience wearing.

“Sorry,” she says with a giggle. “Not only has Sony Records inquired about signing you guys for a record deal after the tour, but they want to have a media exposé featuring the band done as a way to roll out the publicity if you sign with them and begin recording under the label.” She holds her glass up in the air. “Congratulations, boys. You made it!” she squeals.