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Behind every success, healing, miracle, there is a simple reason – an idea. idea will make a million dollars, it will cure an incurable disease. it can restore all life! if you are open to new ideas, they will come to you. sometimes they come as sudden insights, sometimes they take a detour and come to you by faith from the pages of a book, from a conversation with a friend, from the voice of a mentor. ideas are our way out of self-imposed limitations that can become our prison and hell. All you need is an idea to cure any situation in your life. that’s why prayer and meditation are such an important part of a successful life – they open you up to inspiration and insight. if you pray and meditate regularly, you will never stop getting new ideas. Although new ideas may not come during prayer and meditation, they will eventually.

An idea can enliven anyone’s life if it becomes an effective force of consciousness. it can confidently lift you up: you will reach a higher standard of living, increase your strength and achieve success. This idea consists in understanding that everything in the world works for good, goodness, good. Live with this idea, this belief, and you will overcome any challenge in life. When you look at your experiences in light of this idea, you will know that you are a better person than you thought. Any life experience becomes a trait of your character.


Do you sometimes think that you are not happy enough in life? Maybe you sometimes look around and think: «Everything should have been different, everything is wrong, why did I do this?» you say Are you the kind of person who tries to live off yesterday’s achievements? Trust me, it’s a closed minded way of thinking. No one eats yesterday’s rotten potatoes, and no one can live off yesterday’s achievements. You probably know people who have done something serious in their lives, written a thick book about it, then a thin book, then a pamphlet, and finally spent the rest of their lives trying to remind people of how great it once was. When we try to live by yesterday’s victories, we die today. Think about it!

Several high-ranking military leaders once came to Napoleon to elect a young captain. Napoleon: «Why do you choose him, is there no one else?» he asked. He was told that a few days earlier he had won an important victory thanks to extraordinary courage and military prowess. Napoleon thought for a moment, then said, «That’s fine, but what will he do next time?» No one knows the answer, indeed this young captain is not mentioned anywhere in history. You see, there are two kinds of people in our world: those who rarely have inspiration and those who work hard every day and give their best to the end. In other words, there are «small butterflies» and «pahars». Trust me, your life will turn to dust if you live with the idea that one concept can provide you with enough, carefree days. Today’s rewards are for today’s work, today’s love is for today’s love. You say, «Oh, how I loved him yesterday, why doesn’t he love me the same way today?» you can’t say. If you want to love today, you must love today, tomorrow’s love is not yet, yesterday’s is gone. TODAY’S HAPPINESS IS EARNED FOR TODAY’S WORK. You cannot live a meaningful life if you rejoice in yesterday’s victories.

Yes, there were yesterday’s achievements, but don’t feed them the mind, pride, image – it’s like feeding them rotten potatoes. Take one small success today and prepare for tomorrow’s success. If you can achieve a significant success – well, great, but only feed on today’s achievements.

Live, rejoice, love, share and help today. Accept the rewards of today’s efforts, and you will live on today’s spiritual food, not on the rotten potatoes of yesterday’s achievements.


Are you careful with your choice of words? Let’s stop for a moment and think about the importance of every word we say.

You see, words have more power than simple letters and sounds. It’s a magnet! The brain is full of thoughts it wants to express, i.e. inner words. He is alive with the power of these ideas. So constantly using words that contain the idea of lie, denial, and destruction will keep the idea of lie, denial, and destruction in your mind. For situations we often want to overcome with our words, we feed our brains with associated words and store them. Remember to think before you say words out loud, and the thoughts that fill your mind become the images that fill your life.

Almost all people talk a lot. If you check the appropriateness of your words by passing through three narrow gates, you can avoid many misfortunes:

First, is this word necessary?

Second, is this statement true?

Third: Is it polite?

If you use this simple method, many words will be left unsaid. Are they necessary? Are they true? Are they polite?

Talk to others only constructively. Speak with understanding and sincerity. Be honest. Soften your friend’s heart with kind words, enlighten his mind with useful words, try to raise his spirit with motivating words.

We don’t realize how deep our words go and reach their ears. It can be difficult to constantly control your words, but with practice, you can develop thinking and speaking skills. A simple removal process can help you. Do you remember how you learned arithmetic? You already know that crossing out is a quick and easy way to solve many problems. Cross out rude comments and replace them with polite ones. Whenever you come up with negative thoughts, cross them out and replace them with positive thoughts. Repeat this several times – a thousand times a day if necessary. Saying to yourself in the evening: «Today I lived, thought and spoke as well as possible» will be a good conclusion of your day.

Your words have power. After all, your words are the clothing of your thoughts, and the quality of your thoughts determines what goes into your experience. This is because the unconscious mind plays the role of an involuntary servant. It accepts the causes of both good and bad: the unconscious does not care. Then he brings the reasons to a logical view of human life. Thought is the first logical step in the brain’s creative activity. The next step is the spoken word. We always think. When we put thoughts into words, their creative influence on our lives becomes stronger. Therefore, thoughts, words and the situation of our life are arranged one after the other in a logical sequence. Remember: thoughts, words, and then the circumstances in which you live. It’s definitely a sequence!

According to the laws of the material world, everything is constantly changing. if we speak true words of truth, positive words, constructive words, it will create a perfect situation for our life. the only reason these terms are not fully used is that we use too many contradictory words. like a saw, our words first go up and then down: first constructive, then destructive.

You must decide now to watch your words – they are important to you and your life.


Most of us take a test at one point or another. In our time, all young people and children go through this. Anyone who wants to get a job is thoroughly vetted with appropriate tests.

I once read an interesting post about a leading expert in human engineering, Dr. Stevens Institute. He was once asked if a person who passed all series of tests with negative results had at least once in his experience. He objected that there are so many tests and exams that it is impossible for anyone not to pass at least one test. But he laughed and replied, «No, we have people who fail all our tests. One in 8,000 people could not pass any of them at all.» He replied: «What are you going to do with such people?», «We will accept them to the institute.» We don’t worry about them. They are not a problem for us. Usually these are the manager or president of the future firm.