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# Happiness is like a game, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. I don’t think everyone who doesn’t win is really happy.

# External beauty is a beautiful idea that hides internal evil.

# The hardest part of patience is when you rely on the finish line.

# We still have a chance to survive if our environment is not polluted.

# What is love for God? It is love that saves everything.

# It is depressing that the masses worship the Word of the People rather than the Word of God.

# Heroes of plays and films are our roles in life. Screenwriter, playwright, director, producer – there is only one God.

# I am not an imam who tries to extinguish the hope that the sinner is committing a sin intentionally.

# Due to environmental influences, many people were resurrected and many died.

# We call only a completely purified soul SPIRIT.

# It seems that someone sits inside and commands what to say and what to do. This is not our True Self. It is simply the truth about ourselves. At the level of being, we are all perfect and like God.

# We believe that the ideal self is the self that is imagined but never realized. I am the past, I am the present, I am the future, where is my Self?

# The best thing you can do for your parents is to dedicate your life to self-development.

# One scientist said that the fulfillment of desires is just a coincidence of the Laws of Life.

# Cleansing from the Lesser Hell in this life and the Greater Hell in the Hereafter is the mercy of God.

# Performances and films should show not only real life, but also ways to solve problems in this life.

# Every scientist should know that this life is only the first experiment.

# If science is based on truth, heaven will spread across the earth. If science is false, hell will spread across the earth.

# A day without science is fear, a day without faith is regret.

# There is no problem that science cannot solve. So science, let’s catch up with these problems.

# A person on the path of truth first believes in God, and then in Science. God is facts and evidence.

# I will be happy if others surpass me because the game of life goes on.

# Indecision is a war of opposing arguments within.

# The greatest achievement is not to lose hope until the last moment, of course this is easy

to say.

# Learn to give happiness, not receive it. And learn to enjoy it.

# I don’t want to play the «who is right» game.

# If the government does not consider its people as people, there will not be an equal and just society.

# There are scientific laws, to be happy you need to know them, obey these laws, use them not against yourself, but for your own happiness.

# There are two types of happiness – fake happiness and real happiness. The choice is yours.

# Gullible people are easy to deceive.

# In the world, according to the religion of Islam, it is not God’s creation that prevails, but man’s creation.

# Atheists would believe in God if religion penetrated their hearts.

# There is no limit, there is no evil in the Supreme Consciousness.

# The most painful thing for a person is not the death of the body, but the death of the soul

# What makes a person a king or a slave is the people around him, the environment.

# Are you tired of the hype that the world is fake?

# If a person’s root is honest, then no matter how many weeds surround him, he will still grow in an honest way.

# God gave everything, but humanity was unable to systematize it all. Religion without science is a serious problem. Everything bad is not a fault, it is not a sin, it is a disease, you can cure it and become happy.

# Music is a deceptive pastime, intoxicating or maddening.

# It is not necessary to prove something to someone, first of all, a person needs to prove himself to his inner world.

# Even the one who claims to be the wisest is mistaken.

# He who does not know how to forgive does not know how to ask for forgiveness

# Where does a bad child come from if parents think that they are raising correctly. Everyone needs a ready-made good child.

# If a child changes for the worse, the parents themselves bear responsibility. It’s not good to scold a child

# Parenting is about two things – setting a good example and being patient

# Forgiveness is like begging, we fall into despair, why don’t we prevent it, why don’t we deal with the consequences. The internal vibration of each regret is unique.

# For some, life is a drama, for some, life is a tragedy, for some, life is a comedy, for others, life is just a game

# People believe that forgiveness is beneficial. Forgiveness does not solve problems, but it softens the heart.

# Religion without science, Science without religion is useless.

# Until the living feel good, the dead will not feel comfortable.

# Looking at the people around me, I am afraid of myself.

# The worst emotions a person can experience in this world are insecurity and despair.

# I’m not against anyone, I’m with myself.

# If you say you know the truth, you will be hated, so it is better to write silently than to speak.

# God makes us healthy, and we make ourselves sick, what an injustice

# If you look carefully, there are ears without a brain, is this a mosque?

# Real vomiting is one thing, mental vomiting is another

# The curse of man has no effect on the Creator, because his love is thousands of times stronger than him. There is only one force that destroys evil, and that is creative love.

# God looks at the heart before possessions. God doesn’t look at what he created, he looks at our souls. Because we created it

# The responsibility of the government to the people is to distribute wealth in a uniform system.

# Evil is not from God, because God is pure, subhanallah. It is better to glorify Allah in any situation. Everything from us. A person has to go through a lot of trials before he realizes that he is himself.

# If you feel honest and pure, God will see himself.

# An ordinary person has no choice but to imitate famous people and repeat them like

parrots. In science this is called «total environmental control.»

# One praise for knowledge, a thousand praises for action.

# If everything is according to the will of God, if my own desires coincide, is there greater happiness for a person than this?

# If the result of religion is madness, it is not the truth.

# The hardest thing for me is to believe that in the end I will win.

# Man is the twin of the earth. When God created man, he likened him to our temporary abode, planet Earth. The giant planet Earth is just one of our cells.

# The responsibility for conveying the TRUTH to the people did not rest solely with the imams.

# Marketers know when to attack the brain when our emotional control is weak.

# Losing yourself is not losing yourself completely in the forest, but opening the way to new possibilities, but there are two types of people: some look at the earth and see dirt, and others look at the sky and see stars.

# Everyone wants to understand the concept of happiness based on their current situation. In fact, there is no such thing as my happiness and your happiness, just different beliefs and ideas. True happiness is not given to anyone in this world.

# It’s time to wake up, think about life, it’s not easy for us to get to heaven, we can’t get ahead of our time.

# Abundant money flows from the lower class into the accounts of the rich. This causes the lower classes to shout that they are poor again.

# Truth is the reason for everything, whoever finds it finds science and goes on a journey to the seventh heaven.

# For me, selling smart words is like selling air.

# He who understands the essence of the Quran understands the mystery of everything