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2.1 Moving the Cursor

The easiest way to move the cursor is to click the left button on your mouse or to press the arrow keys. However, it's a hassle to reach for a mouse all the time. Learn to use keyboard commands to move around so that you will ultimately achieve blinding speed and maximum productivity in Emacs.

To use Emacs commands to move the cursor forward one space, type C-f (f for "forward"). As you might guess, C-b moves the cursor backward. To move up, type C-p (for previous-line), and to move down, type C-n (for next-line). It's easier to memorize commands if you remember what the letters stand for.

Figure 2-2 illustrates how to move up, down, left, and right using Emacs commands.

Figure 2-2. Basic cursor motion

If you're at the end of a line, C-f moves to the first character on the next line. Likewise, if you're at the beginning of a line, C-b moves to the last character of the previous line. If there's no place to go, Emacs beeps and displays the message Beginning of buffer or End of buffer.

2.1.1 Other Ways to Move the Cursor

Now we'll learn some more advanced ways to move the cursor. One common way is moving forward and backward by word: M-f moves forward a word; M-b moves backward a word. You can also move to the beginning or end of the line. C-a moves you to the beginning of the line (just like a is the beginning of the alphabet). C-e moves you to the end of the line. To move backward one sentence, type M-a; to move forward one sentence, type M-e. To move forward a whole paragraph at a time, type M-}; to move backward a paragraph, type M-{. If you're in the middle of a sentence or paragraph, moving back a sentence or paragraph actually takes you to the beginning of the current sentence or paragraph.

Figure 2-3 uses a few paragraphs of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables to show how you can move the cursor more than one character at a time.

Figure 2-3. Moving the cursor more than one character at a time

You may have picked up on a pattern here. Notice the difference between commands starting with Ctrl and those starting with Meta. Ctrl commands generally move in smaller units than their associated Meta commands. For example, C-b moves the cursor backward one character, whereas M-b moves the cursor back one word. Likewise, C-a moves to the beginning of the line, whereas M-a moves to the beginning of a sentence.

There's one caveat about moving by sentence or paragraph. Emacs defines a sentence pretty strictly. You need two spaces after the final punctuation mark, unless you're at the end of the line. If there's only one space, Emacs won't recognize it. Similarly, moving backward and forward by paragraph involves understanding the Emacs definition of a paragraph. To Emacs (and to most of us), paragraphs are either indented with a tab or at least one space or have blank lines between them (block style). You can change these definitions, but first you have to understand how to use regular expressions, which are discussed briefly in Chapter 3 and in more depth in Chapter 11. Chapter 10 discusses how to change variables.

If your file has page breaks in it, you can move to the next page or previous page by typing C-x ] (forward-page) or C-x [ (backward-page). Similar to paragraph and sentence movement, moving by page involves the Emacs definition of what a page is. A variable called page-delimiter defines what constitutes a page break. If there are no Emacs-recognized page breaks in the file, Emacs regards the buffer as one very long page. In this case, the forward-page command takes you to the end of the buffer, and the backward-page command takes you to the beginning of the buffer.

In text mode, a page break is a formfeed character that tells the printer to move to the next page (to feed the next form or page through the printer, hence the term formfeed) before continuing to print. If you are in text mode and you want to insert page breaks in your file, type C-q C-l (the lowercase letter L). C-q is the quoted-insert command. It tells Emacs to put a C-l control character in your file, rather than interpreting C-l as the recenter command. A C-l character looks like two characters (^L), but it's really only one. (Try to erase one using Del and see what we mean.)

2.1.2 Moving a Screen (or More) at a Time

Like other graphical applications, you can use the scrollbar to move around in Emacs. Like most things in Emacs, in addition to using the mouse or scrollbar to move around, you should learn Emacs's own keyboard commands to maximize your productivity.

If you want to page through a file one screen at a time, use the PgDown key or type C-v. Emacs displays the next full screen from your file. It leaves a couple of lines from the previous screen at the top to give you a sense of context. Likewise, pressing M-v (or the PgUp key) shows you the previous screen. Together, M-v and C-v provide a convenient way to scroll through a file quickly.

Scrolling happens automatically if you type any motion command that takes you beyond the limits of the text currently displayed. For example, if you are on the last line of the screen and press C-n, Emacs scrolls forward. Similarly, if you are at the top of the screen and press C-p, Emacs scrolls backward.