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Salmina Elena, Salmin Sergej (Pskov). Archaeological evidence and the chronicles of hostilities first quarter of the XIII century Zavelich'e medieval Pskov. The article is devoted to the archaeological findings related to the military operations on the territory of medieval Pskov. Arising as a result of armed conflicts the horizons of desolation Zapskovye, Zavelich'e and territories Roundabout City were also stadied.

Pezhemskij Denis (Moskau). Anthropology of the urban and rural population of the Pskov-Livonia porubezh'e. The study captures the lack of sharp anthropological boundaries in the areas of the Livonian-Russian contacts and mottled anthropological composition of the population in the border areas. This suggests that the nature of the resettlement of the nations had special significance in establishing the Russian-Livonian borders, so that they were left permeable on both sides.

Bessudnova Marina (Lipezk), Kun Evgenij (Velikij Novgorod). Trade policy Livonian landsgerrov at the initial stage of development of Western European trade Veliky Novgorod. Not only the mutual interest and the convenient communication but also Livonian landesgerr trade politics that had a need for continuous and intensive introduction to Livonia human and material resources contributed to Russian-Livonian trade in the XIII century. The development of, but also landsgerrov that. Livonian could not act against the interests of the North German cities and destroy the Novgorod-German contacts but although was able to effectively use them in their politics with trade embargo.

Selesnev Jurij (Voronež). Prince Alexander of Kostroma (Nevsky) at the court of the Tartar Khan. It considered the problem of the number of Prince Alexander (Nevsky) trips to the Tartar Khan rate and their temporal duration that makes it possible to judge the nature including the Prince in the Horde's statehood and the degree of dependence of the Russian principalities on the Horde in 1240–1260.

Sekretar' Ludmila (Velikij Novgorod). Sekretar' Ludmila (Velikij Novgorod). Alexander Nevsky and St. Anthony Monastery of Novgorod. The article is dedicated to the honoring traditions of Alexander Nevsky in Great-Novgorod Monastery of St. Anthon the formation of which was carried out in the interests of the individuals, the monastery and public policy.

Boldyrev Roman (Lipezk). The political struggle in Pskov and its role in preparing a campaign of the Livonian Order in the Russian land. Disagreements with Novgorod Pskov pushed to establish an alliance with Livonians and joint action against Novgorod. This made Pskov weak link in the defense of the western Russian borders.

Končakova Elisaveta (Lipezk). Battle on the Ice in the reflection of hagiography and Pskov-Novgorod chronicle tradition. Historiographical image of the Battle on the Ice is based, primarily, on the evidence of such a biased source as the «Life of Alexander Nevsky», and more objective descriptions contained in chronicles used by historians as an accessory.

Bessudnov Daniil (Lipezk). The idealization of the image of Alexander Nevsky in Russian historiography. The image of Alexander Nevsky in many ways continues to maintain ideal nature, which he has acquired over a long period of functioning as an ideological and propaganda tools during the numerous political campaigns.

Shebanova Alla (Lipezk). St. Alexander Nevsky in Russian historical and Church monumental paintings of the XIX–XXI centuries. The image of Alexander Nevsky found a bright reflection in the artists' work of 19th-21st centuries, who created masterpieces devoted to the personality of Saint Alexander Nevsky and episodes from the life of blessed Prince. Effect of the composition, picturesqueness, masterful image of surroundings and historical details are main qualities of paintings by Russian artists, which reflected the significance and grandeur of the great man's image.

Список сокращений

БЛДР — Библиотека литературы Древней Руси.

ВЕДС — Восточная Европа в древности и средневековье.

ВИ — Вопросы истории.

ВИД — Вспомогательные исторические дисциплины.

ВИЖ — Военно-исторический журнал.

Воскр. — Летопись по Воскресенскому списку // ПСРЛ. Т. 7. М., 2001.

ГВНП — Грамоты Великого Новгорода и Пскова. М., Л., 1949.

ЖАН 1995 — Житие Александра Невского. Первая редакция. 1280-е годы. Составитель Ю.К. Бегунов // Князь Александр Невский и его эпоха. СПб., 1995.

ЖАН 2000 — Житие Александра Невского // БЛДР. СПб., 2000. Т. 5: XIII век.

ИЗ — Исторические записки.

Ист. СССР — История СССР.

ЛА — Летописный сборник, именуемый летописью Авраамки // ПСРЛ. Т. 16. СПб., 1889.

МЛС — Московский летописный свод конца XV века // ПСРЛ. Т. 25. М., Л., 1949.

Н1Л — Новгородская первая летопись старшего и младшего изводов // ПСРЛ. Т. 3. М., 2000.

Н2Л — Новгородская (вторая) архивская летопись // ПСРЛ. Т. 30. М., 1965.

Н4Л — Новгородская четвертая летопись // ПСРЛ. Т. 4. Ч. 1. Пг., 1915.

НИС — Новгородский исторический сборник.

НЛ — Летописный сборник, именуемый Патриаршей или Никоновской летописью // ПСРЛ. Т. 11. М., 2000.

ОИ — Отечественная история.

П1Л — Псковская 1-я летопись // ПСРЛ. Т. 5. Вып. 1. М., 2003.

П2Л — Псковская 2-я летопись // ПСРЛ. Т. 5. Вып. 2. М., 2000.

П3Л — Псковская 3-я летопись // ПСРЛ. Т. 5. Вып. 2. М., 2000.

ПИВН — Памятники истории Великого Новгорода.

ПСРЛ — Полное собрание русских летописей.

С1Л — Софийская первая летопись старшего извода // ПСРЛ. Т. 6. Вып. 1. М., 2001.

FMU — Finlands Medeltidsurkunder. Bd. 1. Helsingfors, 1910.

HCL — Heinrici Chronicon Lyvoniae.

HGB II — Hansische Geschichtsblätter.

HUB 1 — Hansisches Urkundenbuch, Bd. 1. Halle, 1876.