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Stephen was somewhere in it too—far enough away from her that people wouldn’t think they’d come together, but near enough that he could see her. When Mina had scoffed at the idea that he could see anything in this fog, he’d said his vision was better than most people’s, and she supposed that could be true, even though his time as a dragon had come and gone.

Still, Mina didn’t like it. It would probably lead to trouble, for one thing. For another, she didn’t like him seeing Cable Street, knowing that she was familiar with the place. That could only lead to more questions—and more pity.

Some vestige of girlish idiocy, which apparently still lingered well beyond its appropriate age, did take a warm pleasure in knowing that Stephen was nearby and that he worried about her. No good reminding herself that he would probably have done the same for any woman he thought was in his charge. Part of her mind refused to listen.

Luckily for the rest of her, Cable Street offered plenty of diversion, particularly as Mina drew near to the Dog and Moon. There she found no shortage of puddles and people to step around, hands to dodge, or requests—and offers—to ignore. She’d been doing such things most of her life, but now it felt more tiring, as if she had to keep a screen up around her mind as she walked.

Perhaps it was no wonder most of the women she’d grown up with were so weary.

She glanced up briefly at the pub’s sign, making sure that it was the moon and baying hound she remembered. Then she pushed open the door and stepped into a world full of light, sound—and smell.

Not all the smells were bad, at that. The odors of vinegar and fish made Mina’s mouth water, although she’d had an excellent dinner, and the dark, nutty smell of ale was relaxing and familiar. Above those, though, rose less pleasant scents: old drink, too many bodies in too little space, and things it was best not to name.

The pub was having a good night. Fog always helped. The bar was crowded, the tables were full, and the tired-looking barmaids were almost constantly weaving their way back and forth through the crowds. Mina pushed her way forward, using an elbow or two where she had to, and settled herself at the bar.

“What’ll you have?” the bartender asked, somehow sensing a new presence without looking up. She’d seen him a few times growing up. Save for more gray in his hair, he looked the same: tall and square, broken-nosed, pale-skinned. Had his name been Smith? Smitty? She didn’t remember.

“Pint of beer,” she said, letting her voice slip back home, and slid a few pence over the bar. “An’ a bit of talk.” She added a few more. The bartender grunted but took them. Then he turned away.

Mina leaned on the bar—there wasn’t a seat to be had, though fortunately her neighbors all seemed to be immersed in loud discussion—and waited. In a few minutes, a glass arrived in front of her, complete with a thunk and an inch of liquid sloshing over the side. She picked it up and sipped.

The bartender looked at her without recognition. Mina had hoped for as much. Her time in pubs like this one had mostly involved dragging George out of them so he could clean up for dinner, and talking with a few friends who served the drinks. It was enough that she knew the ways of the place, and hopefully not enough that anyone would spot her.

“What sort o’ talk did you ’ave in mind?”

She shrugged. “Fred says as how you know ways a body can get work sometimes. ’Igh-toned men as are likely to want things done.” She rolled her eyes as the bartender—Williams? William?—began to leer. “Not that sort of thing, thanks. A girl don’t need directions to that kind of work. But Fred—”

“Fred runs his mouth considerable, don’t he?”

“Just to me,” said Mina and simpered, or tried to. She hadn’t had much practice at it.

“Then why didn’t you ask him?”

“Maybe I want work as doesn’t go through him,” Mina said. “A bit for myself. He said you know a bloke—”

The bartender’s eyes narrowed, but his mouth worked thoughtfully. He took himself off briefly to pass on more beer and then returned. “Could be,” he said.

“Well, ’as he got anything needs doing now?”

“Now? Nah.”

Mina took another, larger drink. “Is there a name about ’im?”

“John Smith,” said the bartender, and smirked. “Why do you want to know, anyhow?”

“Let’s say I do,” said Mina, with an inward sigh. “’E just comes in and asks for people?”

“Something like that.”

“And how do you tell ’im when you’ve found ’em? You must have some way of getting the word out quick.”

“You seem like you’ve got somethin’ in mind.”

She shrugged one shoulder, trying to look casual. “I might ’ave an offer a man might pay for,” she said. “If ’e was the sort of man who’d got ambition. But I want to put it to ’im myself. Saves misunderstanding.”

“Saves money, too.”

Mina dug a few more coins out of her purse and held them meaningfully in front of the bartender. “A couple shillings ain’t my concern, is it? I’ll mention your name to ’im if you like, and you can take your commission up with the gentleman.”

She put the coins on the table but kept her hand over them. The bartender stared at her for a long moment. She glared back.

“Fine,” he said eventually. “Like I said, the name’s John Smith. Thirty-nine ’Unter Street. I send a note when someone useful turns up. ’E comes in after an’ pays me. And is overdue, I don’t mind telling you.”

“Thirty-nine ’Unter,” Mina repeated. “And if ’e comes back looking, can you let me know?”

Another shrug. “If you come back afore someone else asks. If you’re done with the questions, I got customers.” When Mina didn’t answer, the man moved off.

It was good enough. Mina finished her beer, left the glass on the bar, and pushed her way out of the pub.

A short ways down Cable Street, she heard footsteps behind her. She knew it was probably Stephen, but she took a step away anyhow as she turned to face the new arrival, and she kept a tight hold on her purse. You never knew.

“It’s only me,” said Stephen, appearing out of the fog and once again confirming what Mina had told him. Wet-haired and dressed in his plainest, oldest clothes, he still didn’t fit in. He carried himself wrong: shoulders too straight and frame too easy at the same time.

Then again, Mina didn’t think she’d ever seen Stephen in a place where he did blend, just as she’d never seen him in clothing that didn’t look like a costume.

Perhaps he looked most natural in his…natural state.

Perhaps she had no call to start wondering about that.

Still, she took the arm that he offered and let herself be glad of the closeness and warmth of his large body.

“You’ve got no gloves,” said Stephen, looking down.

“Too new,” Mina said. “We’re looking for Hunter Street. Thirty-nine.” She shut her eyes for a second, calling geography to mind. “It’s not too near, but a hansom should be able to get us there quick enough.”

“Ah—” Stephen began.

It had been a long evening already, and was going to be a longer one from the look of it. Mina had no patience for chivalry. “I suppose you can drop me back at your house first,” she said, being even more careful than usual with her h’s as she spoke, “but I’d have thought you’d want to go as quick as you can. Before people start asking any questions. And I think two are probably better than one unless he’s got a job lot of men there, honestly, but you’re in charge.”

“Oh, am I now?”

“You’ve got the money, anyway.”

“Ah, well,” Stephen said and passed a gloved hand over his mouth. “That’s actually what I’d been coming around to telling you. The situation changed a bit while you were in the pub.”