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“Is this your first place?” Mina asked, but she didn’t hear the answer.

As sudden and illuminating as a gas flare, the uneasy feeling she’d had before came back and swamped her, turning to real fear in the process. Mina couldn’t name the threat, but she knew that there was one—and that it would likely be deadly.

“Miss Seymour? Are you all right?”

“No,” Mina said, because she surely didn’t look it. The blood had drained from her face, and every object in the room stood out in sharp relief. “When will the others be home?”

“Not for another hour at least,” said Emily. “Mrs.—Mrs. Baldwin said she and her husband were going to have a good dinner, and Mrs. Hennings is—”


“What’s happened? Do you need to lie down? Are you sick?”

“No. There’s about to be trouble.” Mina met Emily’s eyes. She put every bit of force she’d ever learned into her voice, every atom of command she’d mastered dealing with younger siblings and cheeky grocers and Professor Carter’s visitors. “Go to the pantry. Get into the corner.”


“I can’t explain. Please.”

Mina leaned forward, taking the other girl’s shoulders in her hands. “Please trust me on this. If nothing happens, you can make fun of me later or be angry, but please go now.”

Now Emily’s face was white and her hands shook, but she nodded. “And you?”

Mina picked up the largest knife from the butcher’s block. “I’m coming too.” Then, as an afterthought, she grabbed a second knife and held it out, hilt first. “At least there’ll be two of us.”


Once again, night stretched out above Stephen, and in dragon form he soared over the rooftops of London. This time, with a destination in mind, he could watch the streets below or the stars above. This time, he also had company, as Colin flew beside him, blue scales shimmering in the moonlight.

“It’s been a while,” said Colin, in the wordless speech they used when flying. At such heights, the wind would have taken away all sounds. “I think we were at Loch Arach the last time we flew together.”

“No, it was Italy,” said Stephen, laughing at the memory. “Aunt Elizabeth’s house. I remember we came in just before dawn and interrupted one of her spells, and she threatened to turn us both into frogs.”

“And then said it wouldn’t make much difference. Quite a blow to the pride for a young man.”

“A young man as drunk as you were shouldn’t have had much pride left.”

“I’d matched Alessandro drink for drink. Considering his bloodlines, I thought my pride was well-founded, thank you. And I hadn’t noticed you abstaining.”

“You weren’t in a state to notice much,” said Stephen.

The two of them banked and curved, coming around over the Thames and then making for the east.

“She always did have a temper,” said Colin absently. “And she never did understand why Mother married as she did. As though she had any grounds to talk.”

“Tiberius was human enough,” said Stephen, “after his fashion. And he looked human all the time, which was the important thing to her, I expect.”

“I expect so,” said Colin, rolling his eyes. “Knowing her.”

“Be fair. Most women wouldn’t want a husband like one of us,” said Stephen.

“In my experience, most women want a husband who’s wealthy and not around often. As long as you don’t track mud on the drawing room floor, old boy, I expect the next Lady MacAlasdair won’t care what you turn into.”

“That’s a nice romantic view of the matter.”

Colin laughed. “Even most humans are wise enough to be cynical about marriage.” He craned his head around to peer at Stephen. “And you’re brooding on the topic. Thinking about the succession, are you?”

“No,” said Stephen, which was true.

He peered down at the buildings below. They were rougher now, crumbling brick and stone, and the streets were smaller and darker. Had Mina grown up here? What had her life been, always in the city, always surrounded by people? Had she come to like it?

Would she ever want to leave?

“Don’t worry,” said Colin. “There are half-breeds to go around, and I’d imagine you can even choose yourself a tolerable one. The title alone will give you your pick.”

“Thank you very much,” said Stephen. “Take a look below, will you? I think we’re almost there.”

Finding Brick Lane required flying closer to the ground than Stephen had done for most of his previous excursions: a risk, but one that the fog again lessened. He folded his wings and came in closer. Still unable to read the street signs, he pictured the map he’d done his best to memorize on short notice and tried to match the buildings to the clusters of numbers he’d seen.

In this form, they all seemed much alike and fragile. With very little effort, Stephen could have broken through any wall he saw. Any of his bloodline could, when full grown. It was why Loch Arach had rooms lined with blessed silver and chains forged with magic. The houses and offices in front of him would crumble at one blow—at least, as far as Stephen could tell.

He could sense no significant magic. Perhaps somewhere on this street a crone told fortunes with real accuracy, or a spirit truly did linger near its loved ones, but Stephen felt nothing of the power that even his own private room, slapdash as it was, gave off. Neither did he feel the sense of inhumanity that had hung about “Mr. Green’s” part of town or the chill that accompanied the manes.

There was still something wrong. Restlessness prickled beneath his scales and down the length of his spine, making Stephen lash his tail and wish, in the darkest chambers of his heart, for either enemies or prey. Below him, though, he couldn’t find any trace of magic large enough to stand out.

He looked over at Colin, who’d always been better at occult matters. “Have I missed aught?”

“No,” said Colin, with no trace of doubt. “Wherever your man keeps his creatures, it’s not here. That means—”

Like a sudden gust from the still air, a wave of terror sent Stephen reeling sideways. Snarling, he whipped his head around to confront the new threat, his teeth bared and his body ready to lunge.

Nothing was there.

His eyes registered blank night as his mind caught up to the true situation.

“What was that?” Colin came up to him, keeping a careful distance.

“We have to get back,” Stephen growled. “There’s danger at home.”

* * *

Not much light got in under the pantry door. Mina could make out the outlines of the room, but the pots and pans on the walls were only vague shapes. If Emily hadn’t been wearing a light dress, Mina never would have seen her where she huddled in the corner.

Mina stood in front of the scullery maid, trying not to clutch at her knife. How did one hold a knife properly? She’d never had occasion to find out. All she knew was that it felt much heavier than any knife ever had when she’d been chopping meat for dinner at home, and that she kept having to wipe her sweating palms off on her skirt.

She and Emily had tried to move the big table in front of the door, but their combined weight had budged it all of two inches. Besides, Mina had said, they might need to get out in a hurry.

Now she wished there was something more substantial between the door and the two of them. At the same time, she was beginning to feel silly. She wasn’t sure how long they’d been in the pantry, but so far, everything outside had been calm. Fear still twisted its way through her body, though. She bit her lip and tried to decide how long she wanted to heed it.