6 For a detailed account of the Ice Road’s functioning see Leon Gouré, The Siege of Leningrad, pp. 205–11.
7 TsAMO: Fond 96a, op. 2011, delo 5, pp. 191–4.
8 Nikita Lomagin, Neizvestnaya blokada, vol. 2, doc. 10, pp. 38–9.
9 Charles Burdick and Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, eds, Franz Halder, The Halder War Diary, 1939–1942, pp. 561, 569 (22 and 29 November 1941).
10 Ibid., p. 598.
11 As Halder’s deputy Günther Blumentritt complained to the British historian Basil Liddell Hart after the war: ‘Only the admirals had a happy time in this war. Hitler knew nothing about the sea, whereas he felt he knew all about land warfare.’
12 Andrew Roberts, Masters and Commanders: How Roosevelt, Churchill, Marshall and Alanbrooke won the War in the West, p. 64.
1 Vera Inber, Leningrad Diary, pp. 38–9 (1 January 1942).
2 Vasili Chekrizov, ‘Dnevnik blokadnogo vremeni’, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya Istorii Sankt-Peterburga, vol. 8, p. 38 (31 December 1941).
3 Yelena Kochina, Blockade Diary, pp. 65–7, 69 (29 December 1941 and 6 January 1942). Notes to Pages 209–219
4 Dmitri Pavlov, Leningrad 1941: The Blockade, p. 123.
5 Irina Zelenskaya, ‘Dnevik’, in Kovalchuk, ed, ‘Ya ne sdamsya do poslednego. .’, p. 10.
6 Vera Kostrovitskaya, April 1942. In Cynthia Simmons and Nina Perlina, eds, Writing the Siege: Women’s Diaries, Memoirs and Documentary Prose, pp. 50–51.
7 William Moskoff, The Bread of Affliction: The Food Supply in the USSR during World War II, p. 196.
8 ‘Dnevnik I. M. Chaiko’, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya Istorii Sankt-Peterburga, vol. 5, p. 115.
9 Nikita Lomagin, Neizvestnaya blokada, vol. 2, p. 188.
10 NKVD report to Zhdanov, 2 June 1942. Given in Lomagin, Neizvestnaya blokada, vol. 2, pp. 320–23. Andrei Dzeniskevich, ed., Leningrad v osade: sbornik dokumentov, p. 412.
11 For examples of orphans exploited by neighbours see Dmitri Likhachev, Reflections on the Russian Souclass="underline" A Memoir, pp. 234, 241, and Mariya Mashkova, ‘Iz blokadnykh zapisei’, in V pamyat ushedshikh i vo slavu zhivushchikh: dnevniki, vospominaniya, pisma, p. 48 (5 March 1942).
12 Dmitri Lazarev, ‘Vospominaniya o blokade’, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya Istorii Sankt-Peterburga, vol. 5, p. 210 (January 1942).
13 Lidiya Ginzburg, Blockade Diary, pp. 9–10.
14 Inber, Leningrad Diary, p. 40 (2 January 1942).
15 Report to Popkov from the Leningrad military prosecutor, 12 February 1942. Given in Dzeniskevich, ed., Leningrad v osade, doc. 136, pp. 290–92.
16 Inber, Leningrad Diary, pp. 37–8 (26 December 1941).
17 Lazarev, ‘Vospominaniya o blokade’, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya Istorii Sankt-Peterburga, vol. 5, p. 207 (February 1942).
18 Nadezhda Cherepenina, ‘Assessing the Scale of Famine and Death in the Besieged City’, in John Barber and Andrei Dzeniskevich, eds, Life and Death in Besieged Leningrad 1941–44, pp. 47–8.
19 Lazarev, ‘Vospominaniya o blokadye’, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya Istorii Sankt-Peterburga, vol. 5, p. 207 (11 February 1942).
20 Richard Bidlack, ‘Survival Strategies in Leningrad during the First Year of the Soviet-German War’, in Robert Thurston and Bernd Bonwetsch, eds, The People’s War: Responses to World War Two in the Soviet Union, p. 93.
21 Chekrizov, ‘Dnevnik blokadnogo vremeni’, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya Istorii Sankt-Peterburga, vol. 8, p. 50 (5 February 1942).
22 Report to Zhdanov and Kuznetsov by Antyufeyev, 5 February 1942. TsGAIPD SPb: Fond 24, op. 2v. Notes to Pages 220–231
23 Vladimir Garshin, ‘Tam gde smert pomogayet zhizni’, Arkhiv Patologii, vol. 46, no. 5, 1984, p. 84.
24 Inber, Leningrad Diary, p. 33 (25 November 1941).
25 Ales Adamovich and Daniil Granin, A Book of the Blockade, pp. 424, 440.
26 Geraldine Norman, The Hermitage: The Biography of a Great Museum, p. 252.
27 Aleksandr Boldyrev, Osadnaya zapis: blokadniy dnevnik, pp. 25–8 (9 and 10 December 1941).
28 Ibid., p. 56 (12 February 1942).
29 ‘Dnevnik I. M. Chaiko’, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya Istorii Sankt-Peterburga, vol. 5, p. 117 (25 March 1943).
30 Nikolai Ribkovsky, in Nataliya Kozlova, ed., Sovetskiye lyudi: stseny iz istorii, pp. 263–4 (15 March 1942).
31 Vera Kostrovitskaya, April 1942. In Simmons and Perlina, eds, Writing the Siege, pp. 47–52.
32 Nikolai Sokolov, ‘Tyoplaya vanna dlya begemota: zoosad v gody voiny’, Rodina 1, 2003. I. M. Gergilevich, Podvig tvoi bessmerten (1942–1945), unpublished paper.
33 Report by the ‘Burial Affairs’ section of the City Communal Enterprises Management, 5 April 1943. Dzeniskevich, ed., Leningrad v osade, doc. 153, pp. 319–43.
34 Sofia Buryakova, in Simmons and Perlina, eds, Writing the Siege, pp. 100–101.
35 Lazarev, ‘Vospominaniya o blokadye’, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Muzeya Istorii Sankt-Peterburga, vol. 5, pp. 202—4 (24 January 1942).
36 Likhachev, Reflections on the Russian Soul, p. 250.
37 Barber and Dzeniskevich, eds, Life and Death in Besieged Leningrad, 1941–44, pp. 1, 63. The Burial Trust report of April 1943 gives what it admits is a ‘far from accurate’ number of 1,093,659 corpses interred in the twelve months to 1 July 1942. This is generally accepted to be a substantial overestimate, driven by the fact that cemetery and corpse collection staff were paid according to productivity.
1 Mariya Mashkova, ‘Iz blokadnykh zapisei’, in V pamyat ushedshikh i vo slavu zhivushchikh: dnevniki, vospominaniya, pisma, pp. 37–9 (17 February 1942).
2 Lidiya Ginzburg, Blockade Diary, p. 11. Pavel Gubchevsky of the Hermitage remembered marvelling at the extravagance of energy and organisation that had gone into pre-war productions at the Philharmonia and the Mariinsky — why had he not gone to concerts and the ballet more often before? Notes to Pages 233–245
3 Aleksandr Boldyrev, Osadnaya zapis: blokadniy dnevnik, pp. 41–2 (11–13 January 1942).
4 Ivan Zhilinsky, ‘Blokadniy dnevnik’, Voprosy istorii, 5–7, 1996, part 3, p. 3 (30 January 1942).
5 Lidiya Ginzburg, Blockade Diary, pp. 62–3.
6 Boldyrev, Osadnaya zapis: blokadniy dnevik, p. 83 (4 April 1942).
7 Klara Rakhman, 20 December 1941. Unpublished manuscript, in possession of the diarist’s family.
8 Interview with Dr Lyuba Vinogradova, Moscow, July 2007.
9 Yelena Kochina, Blockade Diary, pp. 86–8 (1, 5 and 7 February 1942).
10 Dmitri Likhachev, Reflections on the Russian Souclass="underline" A Memoir, pp. 249–50.
11 Olga Grechina, ‘Spasayus spasaya chast 1: pogibelnaya zima (1941–1942 gg.)’, Neva, 1, 1994, pp. 242–3.