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She remained that way through the night as the men paddled. She sobbed as she thought about her poor chief and wondered if this would have happened if she had not been there. This was another reason not to do immersion research. She would add this to her next lecture…. if she got out of this alive.

She tried to protest several times but each time she did, she was savagely kicked by the male in the back of the canoe. She lifted her head to see if she could tell where they were or where they were going. The male in the front of the canoe smashed his paddle down on top of her head, almost causing her to pass out. She remained silent and very still after that. They arrived at their destination at mid morning.

One male grabbed her under the armpits while a second one grabbed her bound ankles. They carried her to the sand and then dumped her unceremoniously onto the ground. A rope was tied to the rope binding her ankles and then she was dragged several hundred yards into their village.

There was a lot of whooping and hollering and many of the males pranced around her prone body in a kind of war dance or victory celebration. This tribe also spoke Incunu so she could make out that she was a war prize and now was their slave. There was an argument about who would own her but one of the males tabled the debate and declared that the chief would decide.

Jill was dragged to her feet and led to a post. Her wrists were untied and then raised above her head and tied to the top of the pole. They untied her ankles and pulled her legs apart, tying them to stakes that had been sunk in the ground. She was left in the hot sun, vulnerable and exposed, stretched tightly, and utterly defenseless. The mighty Leopard Girl was now a lowly slave. She sobbed with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Throughout the day, she was raped and brutally treated. Any male that walked by took advantage of her helplessness and fucked her. Even boys availed themselves of her charms, although some of them had to pull over a log to stand on to reach her pussy. The women, who wore loincloths in this tribe, unlike her own tribe, seemed to enjoy tormenting her breasts. None of them were very well endowed themselves and seemed to be fascinated with the large breasts of the redheaded white woman. She inherited a new name from one of the women and it gained acceptance among the rest of the tribe. She was now "Spotted Udders."

The women sucked on the luscious breasts and spanked them and punched them. Some grabbed her nipples and stretched them away from her chest while others bounced them up and down, seemingly amused by how they jiggled.

This tribe might share a common language with her own tribe, that that was where the similarity ended. They were crude and rude and brutal. She saw nothing of the loving, caring tenderness that she so admired in her own tribe.

At the end of the day, a coffle of other slaves was paraded back into the village, led by two males with bows and machetes. Jill assumed that all of them were also slaves and she saw that all of them were women. They were also attractive women and several of them were indeed beautiful. Two of them were oriental, probably Japanese. Four of them were black. And five of them were white, although they were darkly tanned now. Their bodies were fit, probably from working, and they were all naked but for the rope that led from one to another and was tied around their necks and the ropes that bound their wrists together.

Jill was finally released from the post and was tied at the end of the coffle. Then the coffle was led into the jungle. Jill wanted to ask questions but did not want to incur the wrath of the guards, so she remained silent. She could ask questions later.

They reached a clearing where three large cages sat on the ground. The girls were released one by one and pushed roughly into the cages until each one held four naked females. The cages were then lifted by ropes slung over tree limbs until all three cages were about six feet off the ground. Then the guards left.

"How long will they leave us here?" asked Jill. Most of the other women did not speak English but two did. One of the Orientals was from California and one of the brunettes was from England.

"Until morning," replied the Californian.

"But what about food?" asked Jill.

"We get fed in the morning and then again in the middle of the afternoon. We go to bed hungry. It's like that every day."

"Oh god," groaned Jill. "I haven't eaten since yesterday. I'm so hungry."

"Sorry, hun," consoled the Brit who was in the same cage as Jill. "That's the way they do things here. Every day it's the same."

Jill had tons of questions and the two English speakers did their best to answer them. She learned that they worked each day picking fruit which the tribe sold to the mainland. Each morning, a boat arrived on the other side of the island to collect what was picked the day before.

She learned that Jackie, the Oriental, had been a student working on an archaeological dig on a nearby island when she had been captured. The others in her party had been killed during the raid. She had been the sole survivor and had been taken into slavery.

"How long ago was that?" asked Jill.

"I don't know," replied Jackie. "A long time ago. Maybe two years?" Jill groaned at that news. These people played for keeps. Everything seemed so hopeless.

Emily was the Brit and she had been vacationing with her husband. They had rented a sailboat and had made the mistake of anchoring for the night in one of the island's many coves. The tribe had boarded their boat, taken it to deep water, and scuttled it. She was taken into slavery.

"What happened to your husband?" Jill asked. "Did he survive?"

"For a little bit," Emily replied. "Then they ate him."

Jill gasped. "Ohmigod!!!"

"They have no use for males other than as a food source. They eat all of the ones that they catch."

Jill gasped again. "That's horrible!!!" she groaned. These people were definitely not like her tribe.

Jill gave Emily a hug, trying to console her over the loss of her husband. After Emily told her how they had disemboweled and roasted him, she could not believe that the petite, brunette was holding up so well. But she supposed that time healed all wounds, as her grandmother used to say. She just hoped that time would heal the wounds of the loss of her chief and of her freedom.

They talked for a bit longer and then one of the males from the tribe walked past the cages. He shouted for them to be quiet and sleep. Jill shouted back in Incunu. "We are too hungry to sleep. Bring us your chief to eat."

The male laughed and banged his bow against the cage, telling them again to sleep. The girls in the cages all turned to Jill in amazement. "You speak this language?"

"Yes, of course I do," she replied.

"But how?" they asked. "And why have you only been speaking English?"

"English is my native tongue," she explained. "And it never occurred to me that any of you would understand Incunu." All of them did speak the local language but one. The beautiful blonde did not speak Incunu or English. Emily explained that she thought the girl might be Russian and had been newly captured.

They spoke Incunu from then on. They all wanted to know how Jill came to be captive with them. She did not know how much she could trust all of the girls so she only told them part of the story.

"I was asleep," she started. "I was sleeping soundly with my chief. They sneaked up on us, killed my chief and killed my sister. They took me and brought me here."

"Are you a katahua?" asked one of the girl.