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"Yes," replied Jill. "I am katahua." This caused several of the girls to gasp in unison. It was unheard of for a tribe to steal a katahua from another tribe. It was even more unheard of for a katahua to be a white girl.

"I'm surprised," said Jackie. "They always just raid to get native girls. They use them as nursemaids and breeders. I have never known them to raid for a white girl. They just end up with us by accident and then just use us for labor."

"Maybe it was too dark for them to tell the difference," replied Jill. "They are probably regretting their decision."

"Well, it's for certain they won't use you sexually," said Emily. "They use the native girls freely but they have no interest in us."

Jill just stared at her incredulously. After having been continually raped by every male between the ages of ten and seventy, she couldn't believe that Emily could say something like that. "Then what exactly would you call what they did to me today?" asked Jill.

"What did they do to you?"

"They raped me!" exclaimed Jill. "All of them did! Over and over again!!!"

"Wow," responded Emily. "I have no idea what is going on."

The next day was a repeat for Jill. The twelve of them were fed and the other eleven were marched off to pick fruit for the day. Jill was taken back to the post in the center of the village and bound the same way she had been the day before. Then the raping started anew.

It was harder this day. On her first day, adrenalin had been rushing through her veins from the capture and the uncertainty that lay ahead of her. That must have caused some form of arousal because she had been lubricated. Today, there was no excitement or arousal; only dread. She was dry. The first male to use her found out the hard way. He tried to plunge into her but could only get in an inch before her dry vaginal walls abraded his cock painfully. He kept trying but finally gave up, slapping Jill across the cheek and making her see stars.

A second male tried with the same results and she was slapped hard again. Then, one of the women had an idea. She picked up a banana and coated it with coconut oil. She jammed it roughly into Jill's sex, causing her to cry out but the woman managed to get it all the way in. Then she pulled it out, coated it again, and sank it home again. This time, she pumped it in and out a few times before declaring that the girl was ready. Then she was raped and raped and raped throughout the day. The coconut oil did the trick for the first one. After that, the semen from predecessors provided ample lubrication for those who followed.

To Jill, it seemed to be just an exercise in humiliation. The males did not show any real interest in her. She suspected that they were just doing the job they had been assigned. Some of the boys seemed to show at least a little interest because they suckled on her full breasts as they pumped their tiny cocks into her. The women were like the men. They abused her breasts but did not really play with them. They would slap them or punch them as they passed by on their way to do something more important.

Each day, this routine was repeated and each night she was returned to the cage where the other girls comforted her. They also comforted each other and the gentle sounds of love making filled the air in their clearing in the jungle. Nobody tried to have sex with Jill, though. She obviously had enough sexual activity during the day.

On the fourth night of her captivity, she finally told the girls the rest of her story. She told them about the raid. "I don't know if this is the same tribe that raided us, but I assume it is. I think they are just seeking vengeance."

The other girl gained newfound respect for their fellow slave. Not only was she a katahua, which placed her near the top of the pecking order, but she was also Leopard Girl. Everyone pitched in to make her life as comfortable as possible when she wasn't being brutally raped.

Jill lost track of the days but she knew that it had been over a week since she had been captured. Still, they continued her nonstop rapings every day and she wondered if this would be her lot for the rest of her life. Surely they would grow tired of her body at some point. But what would happen then? Would they kill her or just have her become a fruit collector?

Chapter 11

It was shortly after midday and one of the youth had his cock imbedded in her vagina which had already been lubricated with the sperm of over a dozen other males. She looked down and saw the boy suckling on her breast and thought about her nursing duties back in her tribe. How different the tribes were, she thought again.

All of a sudden, she heard arrows whizzing by her and saw a male go down nearby. Two more males quickly fell and she heard one of them cry out for help. Another male approached her with a drawn knife and told the boy to back away. She knew that this was the end of her. He held the blade to her throat but then cried out. She saw the arrow sticking through his neck as he crumpled to the ground.

The sound of stampeding feet was heard behind her but when she craned her neck around, she couldn't see anything. Then, suddenly, they burst into the village from all sides. She recognized them immediately and breathed a sigh of relief. Her tribe had come to rescue her.

Arrows were still flying and the males of the other tribe were falling quickly. The raid had been a complete surprise and they had no time to prepare to defend. Then, the chief appeared before her and she fainted. She had seen him murdered in his hut! There was no way that he could be here.

When she awoke, she was lying on a sleeping mat and was free of her bindings. The chief was standing above her with his arms crossed and was smiling down at her. A large bandage was wrapped around his chest and others were wound around an arm and a thigh. "I came for my Leopard Girl," he said. Hal was standing beside him with his bow still in his hand.

"Thank the gods," she uttered. She started to get up but the chief placed his foot on her chest, pushing her back down to protect her as she had done to him during the first raid.

"Not yet, my katahua. They already tried to kill you once. Stay down until we have cleared their nest." The chief continued to scan the village, seeing his tribe chasing the other and seeing some of the enemy escaping into the jungle. Finally, when he deemed it to be safe, he took his foot off of her.

Jill scrambled to her feet and gave her chief a hug, which caused him to wince. "Sorry. I wasn't thinking," she said. "But thank you for rescuing me, my savior."

"Nobody takes my property, girl," he replied. And for once, she was delighted to be considered property.

After they cleared the village, the chief declared that it was time to return home. Jill remembered the other girls and asked that they be rescued. The chief was not interested in any more foreign girls. But when Jill picked up a bow and a quiver of arrows from a fallen enemy and started to head out of camp to rescue the girls herself, he relented.

Jill had no idea where to find the girls so they wandered for a bit. Eventually, however, they did spot them in a little valley, collecting berries and being guarded by a dozen or so warriors. The chief created a plan and everyone got into position. Again, Jill was allowed to fight.

And again, they had the element of surprise in their favor. The first three guards went down before they knew what was happening. Another one fled into the jungle. But the others stood their ground and fought. Another guard was killed as the skirmishing continued.

Finally, it became clear to the guards that they were outnumbered and were about to lose. One of the guards grabbed Emily and held a knife to her throat, obviously trying to use her to bargain with or as a human shield.

This infuriated Jill and she broke from cover and raced toward the guard, shrieking out a war cry. The guard stood his ground and pressed the blade tighter against Emily's throat, slicing the skin and causing Emily to cry out. Seeing the little trickle of blood dripping down Emily's neck was all it took for Jill. She nocked her arrow and aimed, watching the arrow go cleanly through the center of the guard's forehead.