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Jill pointed out that Emily did not yet fully understand the culture. He only replied that "she sure knows how to fuck, though. The boy will be a man by the time she's finished with him… if he survives." Emily and the boy were both grinning from ear to ear when she brought him back to the center of the village at the end of the day.

The day that they left, the chief had another surprise for Jill. He had Jill's spots freshened, much to her dismay. Just as they were fading, she was to be marked anew. But she could not refuse. The spots were meant as an honor and it would be an insult to refuse. She wished she had brought different outfits to travel in, though. She had an open neck blouse and a skirt. Some of the spots on her chest were visible, as were the ones running down her leg. She had given her other travel outfit to Emily but it was no more concealing. She would just have to endure the stares along the way.

Chapter 13

Fresh posters of Leopard Girl adorned the campus when they returned. Either Hal had sent pictures ahead of time, which she could easily imagine him doing, or someone had hacked into the server. Either way, the damage was done. It showed her standing authoritatively with her hands on her hips. The leopard spots were clearly seen running diagonally across her naked body and down her leg. Her hair was a wild mane of red. The backs of other naked girls of various sizes and colors could be seen in front of her. This picture had obviously been taken when she was telling her girls about their opportunity for freedom.

Again, her lecture halls were filled to overflowing. She gave up her plan to hide her spots since everyone had already seen them in the poster and just wore whatever she felt like. She also decided to get back to combing her hair more slowly than she did after her first trip. She would occasionally comb out her locks but, on most days, wore her hair as the wild mane she had on the island.

She had a lot of adjustments to make. At first, she was having difficulty getting back to wearing clothes. She had grown accustomed to being naked during her latest trip and enjoyed the freedom. Her clothes chafed and irritated her for the first week. The shoes were especially bad and the bras were like torture. She gave up wearing both and could be seen walking barefoot through the campus with her large, heavy breasts moving seductively beneath her blouse or jacket.

Having the freedom of her hands was another adjustment. They had been bound behind her back almost the entire time she was on the island. Now she never knew what to do with them. Her solution was to just clasp her hands behind her back as she walked or stood. This delighted the males and some of the females on campus because it thrust her delicious breasts forward, making them even more prominent than they were before.

But the worst adjustment was the cameras. Everyone seemed to have one and all of the lenses seemed to be pointed at her. It was like being constantly surrounded by paparazzi.

She did settle back into her old life with those minor adjustments, though. She was once again Dr. Wallings and was not sure that Leopard Girl would ever reemerge.

Emily took up residence at Hal's and became a consistent addition to the club's gatherings. Jill was surprised at how easily Emily adjusted to her life as a slavegirl, but she did seem to take to it readily.

Jill had taken a shine to the cute British girl. She was always so enthusiastic about everything and took delight in every new discovery and adventure. Jill supposed that kind of thing happened to some people after all that Emily had been through. Either they would be thrown into a deep depression or they would get a new lease on life. Emily definitely was the latter and she was living life to the fullest.

She also turned out to be a favorite at the hunts. Jill and Charity were still highly prized but so was Emily. Jill found it amusing that, at Emily's first hunt, five different hunters had been stalking her. As she stepped into a clearing, all five shot her. She was a multicolor mess and an argument broke out among the hunters over who should own her. Finally, a judge was called in to sort it out. But even that didn't help. When Emily said that she couldn't tell what part of her body had been hit first and that it felt like all of the shots hit her at the same time, she was cleaned up and sent out to be bagged again.

It took no time for another hunter to claim her and she was the first catch of the day. As entertainment that night, she was mounted by a Great Dane and fucked before the audience. She was thrilled by the exciting day and climaxed twice during the bestiality and countless other times when she was alone with the master who had claimed her for the night.

One of the advantages of having Emily around was that Jill was not summoned nearly as often. Apparently, Emily was keeping Hal sufficiently satisfied sexually. And her husband was rarely called. Every five or six weeks, he would be summoned and used but Jill was convinced that this was just to remind him who the boss was. As a result of Emily's presence, Jill's life returned to near normalcy.

But it wasn't completely normal. While Hal may not have used her as frequently, he still exercised his property rights over her and would often loan her to other dominants. He even threatened to loan her outside of the circle of dominant friends. One time, when she was arguing with him over something, he told her to shut up or he would loan her to one of the fraternities on campus. That ended the argument immediately.

But life was starting to become more normal. She could have her Saturday picnics or go sailing with her husband. It was as good as it could get until their term of slavery ended two years from now.

Chapter 14

Janice was one of the first dominants to borrow Jill. It was Charity's birthday and she wanted to give her niece a surprise present. When Charity woke up on that Saturday, she found a very tightly bound and gagged Jill in bed with her. Pinned to one of the ropes was the gift card. "Happy birthday, sweetie. Enjoy your present. She belongs to you until Sunday night. Love. Your Mistress."

Charity squealed with delight and quickly unwrapped her present and then retied Jill spread eagle across the bed. She left the gag in so that Jill would not protest, even though Jill would have been unlikely to protest. Then she feasted on her beautiful Leopard Girl, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm until mid afternoon.

Finally, she took out the gag and kissed her beautiful gift. "Are you trying to kill me?" asked Jill once she could speak.

Charity silenced her with another kiss before replying. "You belong to me, Pussy Girl," she giggled. "I can do whatever I want."

"But I won't survive many more orgasms."

Charity laughed. "Then my mistress will just have to buy me a new present if my love for you kills you." Then Charity dove between Jill's thighs again and licked and nibbled her to another orgasm.

Charity was hungry and went down to the kitchen to get some food. She left Jill bound where she was, though, stretched widely on the bed. Her aunt was sitting in the kitchen, reading, when she arrived.

"How's your present?" asked Janice as Charity entered.

"It's my best birthday ever, Mistress," replied the naked Charity. She went to the table and hugged and kissed her aunt. "Thank you so much. I just love her."

"I'm glad you like your gift," smiled Janice. "Are you going to keep her tied up all weekend?"

"Maybe," giggled Charity. "I just love playing with her body."

"Yes, she has a marvelous body. I hope you'll share it with me later."

Charity stopped what she was doing and turned to her aunt with a surprised look on her face. "Oh, Mistress, of course you can play with her. I assumed that since you own me, that everything I own belongs to you."