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Hal had obviously sensed something because he started walking toward Janice. She ducked into the underbrush and tried to hide. Her heart was pounding and she tried to calm herself. Charity was able to deal with this. She should be able to also.

He was walking straight toward her. She knew that she had been discovered. When he got about a hundred yards from her, she stood up and started running. He just kept walking. She ran out of breath and stopped, looking over her shoulder. He was still walking. She ran and hid and ran again. He continued to walk, moving toward her constantly.

It was four fifty in the afternoon when the blue dot exploded between her shoulders. She had almost made it. In another ten minutes, she would have won and would have been free.

At five fifteen, Charity received an email. It said simply, "Your mistress will be occupied for the next week. Clear your calendar for the following week. You will be similarly occupied."

Attached was a picture. Hal had strung up his prize. Janice dangled from her wrists with her feet several inches above the ground. Her body was still painted with the mud that she used for camouflage and she still wore her loincloth and makeshift bra. The brightly colored feathers were also still braided into her hair. Charity thought she looked beautiful.

Charity quickly forwarded the email to Jill and then called her. "Oh my gosh, he got her! I just sent you the email I received."

Jill went to her computer and opened the email and photo. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "She sure went native! She's beautiful!"

Chapter 17

Hal was pleased with the outcome of the hunt, although he knew how it would end before it even started. He had invested a fortune in the high tech equipment and felt as if he were now better equipped than the CIA. He had been surprised that Janice had been able to evade him for so long, though.

The chase at the end had been exciting. He owed a great deal of his success to the Incunu. With them, he had learned three important rules about hunting. Be stealthy. Be calm. Be patient. With all of his electronic gadgetry and the fact that his prey was unarmed, he did not have to worry about being stealthy. But he was very calm and very patient. He slowly stalked her and bagged her.

He had tried to act magnanimous when he offered the terms of the deal to Janice. She would get Jill for two whole days. He would possibly not get Janice at all in return. Only the luck of the hunt would determine whether or not Janice would serve him.

But there was to be no luck involved. Hal was determined to capture the beautiful mistress. Someday soon, she would belong to him. And her beautiful, nubile slavegirl would also become a permanent part of his growing harem.

Hal drove to Jill's house immediately after loading Janice into the car. He had to deposit Emily somewhere for the next week. He did not want any witnesses to his time with Janice. Jill's place seemed like the logical choice. After all, Jill had owned her before he did. Charity was already at Jill's when Hal arrived. He left Janice in the car as he led Emily, who was now wearing a blue sundress, to the front door.

They exchanged their pleasantries at the door. Hal declined the offer to come in, saying that he had pressing business to attend to. He left Emily with Jill, but not before taking the opportunity to taunt Charity.

"Get lots of sleep this week, slavegirl," he said to her. Charity was dressed for once. She was wearing cut-off jeans and a polo shirt and looked adorable with her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. "I have lots planned for you when I collect you in a week. You will be very busy."

Jill had already decided to let Charity stay with her for the week. Jill was going to claim Emily again as her katahua. Charity could become her husband's katahua. She suspected that Bill would not mind his new role as chief. And she suspected that he would love having three females to serve him and meet his every need.

Hal had time to think through his plan again as he drove home. Janice was bound securely and gagged, so he had no worries about being distracted. His goal was to break her during the week that he owned her. Once he did that, Charity would belong to him also. And if he failed to break her, although he could not conceive of failing, he would still have the following week to break Charity. He believed that if he was able to get either one of them to permanently submit to him, he would get both.

He had envisioned several phases as he planned out the enslavement. The first phase was to be romantic. He would be charming and kind and would woo her. There was a chance that this would be enough to cause her to agree to become permanently his. It was a long shot, but he planned on wooing her at first.

There were three more phases to his plan: pain, humiliation and threat. He had no idea what the best order was for those three, though. Then, of course, there was always phase five in which he would have Charity in his clutches and would be able to play with her delectable body until she broke.

When they arrived at his home, Janice was treated like a queen; a naked and bound queen but a queen nevertheless. She would spend most of the week with her wrists bound behind her. He had grown fond of that look during his time with the Incunu.

He carefully removed the tiny garments that she had fashioned for herself during the hunt. He admired her body but would inspect her more properly after she had washed the mud off. He decided to let her keep her feathers for now and then led her to the bathroom.

For some reason, Janice was not embarrassed to be naked in front of Hal. After all, she reasoned, he had seen her naked before. Once was just this morning at the beginning of the hunt when she stripped by the cars. The day that she had been sold for the charity auction, she was also naked and was sure he had seen her then.

Hal ran the shower first and used a washcloth to gently scrub all of the mud off of her. Once the water was clear, he filled the tub and helped her to sit in the warm bubbly water. Then he lovingly shampooed her hair and washed her body.

"See?" he said as his fingers worked the suds into her raven mane, "being captive isn't so bad after all. Is it?"

"I think that Charity would agree with that," Janice replied. "She seems to enjoy being my slavegirl."

Hal rinsed out her hair and then picked up a fresh washcloth, soaping it and then running it over his slave's body. "There must be at least a little bit of slave in you," he said. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have let yourself get captured."

"I did not let myself get captured," she responded. She had to bite her lip. She wanted to call him a cheater but did not want to anger him. "You won me. I will not say that it was fair and square. But you won me."

"Not fair and square?" Hal asked with mock indignation. "What rule did I violate in the agreement?"

Janice again had to bite her lip. She could kick herself for assuming that they would be using the normal hunt rules. That was her fault. She knew that Hal was sneaky by nature. She should not have been so trusting. "Look. You won me. Let's leave it at that."

Hal lifted one of the milky white breasts in his hand and leaned forward, kissing the firm, soft flesh. "Yes. And what a precious thing I have won. I will truly enjoy claiming my prize."

He finished her bath and then dried her. He blow-dried her hair, letting her mane become full and wild looking which was not a normal look for her at all. Her hair had always been carefully coiffed when he had seen her in the past. But the new look fit well with the colorful feathers that she had woven into her hair. Plus, Hal needed to remove her from her normal life as much as possible. This was a small change, but it was a change.