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Plus, there is another slave in the group who is nearly as popular as she is; maybe even more so. A girl named Charity had been brought into the club by her owner this past spring. At first, that had been uncomfortable for Jill because Charity had been one of her students the year before, but they quickly became best friends.

Last Saturday, Jill and Charity had stuck together during the hunt. Usually, Jill liked to travel and evade alone. It was safer for her that way. But she always enjoyed spending time with her former student so they were a team that day.

"How high should we go?" asked Charity. They were climbing up the rocky face of one of the cliffs, hoping to get to an overhang. They figured that, once there,' they could lie on the flat rock and not be visible from below. The only way they would be caught was if someone climbed higher and happened to look right down on them.

"I think the second highest would be best," replied Jill.

"Okay," chirped Charity as she started to scramble up the rocks again. Jill smiled as she watched her student's lithe body move gracefully up the rugged terrain. The girl had boundless energy and was breathtakingly beautiful. It was a treat for Jill to watch the firm bottom and thighs tightening and flexing with each movement even though she thought of herself as devoutly heterosexual.

They reached the outcropping and checked it out for the best hiding spots. They settled on a spot that would let them lie in the sun since the day was a cool one, but which would keep them pretty well hidden from above. They laid together, facing each other, and rested their heads on each other's arms.

"Thank you for being so beautiful," said Charity, tilting her head forward and kissing her teacher on the lips.

"Look who's talking," laughed Jill. "You are the beautiful one."

"I'm pretty," replied Charity. "But you're the beautiful one. Inside and out." She planted another kiss on Jill's lips and then lingered there. There was nothing passionate about it. It wasn't even sexual. It was just two sets of loving lips touching each other.

The day progressed and nobody found them. They could hear guns going off below and heard a few cries from slaves that got hit. Even though the paintballs were not lethal, they still stung when they hit someone, especially if that someone was naked.

Apparently one of the girls had climbed up onto the ridge above them. They heard the sound of a paint gun and then the cry of the girl nearby. The hunter climbed up the rocky face barely ten feet away from Jill and Charity but never spotted them. He claimed his girl and fucked her on the spot for the next fifteen minutes. Jill and Charity listened to the grunts and wet slapping sounds of the two as they went at it. After the male filled his slavegirl with his seed, he led her off through a different, easier route back down to the ground.

"I'm horny," announced Charity after they had left. She moved her head down and started sucking on one of Jill's nipples. "Aren't you horny?"

"No," replied Jill. "But if you keep that up, I will be."

"Ooooo!" squealed Charity and then she started sucking harder and faster. Even though she considered herself to be heterosexual, Jill had made love with plenty of other females since becoming a slave and Charity was always her favorite sex partner. So the two of them took a break from the boredom of the day and made love in the sixty nine position with Charity on top.

That's when Charity got bagged. Her bottom was sticking up enough to be barely seen by the hunter but she was wiggling it excitedly as Jill's tongue drove her crazy. It was that movement that caught the attention of the hunter. With a well aimed shot, he was able to hit the bottom cheek squarely, spattering the green paint all over it as Charity was climaxing.

"Oh shit," groaned Charity as she came back down from her orgasm.

"They were going to get you anyways," consoled Jill. It was true. Sooner or later, all of the slaves got caught.

"Yeah, but it was bad timing."

Jill laughed and gave the beautiful pussy above her face another lick. "At least you got to climax."

It took several minutes for the hunter to reach the spot where the girls were. That gave Charity enough time to give Jill her orgasm. They were lying together when the male poked his head up next to the rock they were on.

"Oh, look what we have here," he said. "My two favorites."

He bound Charity's wrists behind her back and then told Jill to start running. He was only allowed to bag one girl but he could still splatter her naked body with green paintballs that would hurt so Jill took off. It was only a matter of time now, she knew, before she would get captured too. She looked back at one point and saw the hunter spreading Charity's thighs and then sinking his thick cock into the girl. Jill had been captured by him during a previous hunt and she knew that Charity was in for a tough time. He tended to be rougher than most.

Thankfully, Jill made it across the open field without getting spotted. She found a good hiding place and hunkered down, trying to stay out of sight. She actually lasted longer than she expected but thirty minutes after she settled in, she felt the pain burst in the side of her neck and knew that she had been bagged. She reached up and touched the spot where the ball hit and then she held it before her face, seeing the pink paint. She wondered which dominant was assigned pink today.

Charity's Aunt Janice, who was also Charity's owner, stepped into view. "It's my lucky day," she said as she smiled.

"Yes, Mistress," replied Jill.

"Come on," said Janice. "Let's get you out of there and get you cleaned up." She bound Jill's wrists behind her back, as was the custom, and then led her back to the ranch house. It turned out to be an easy evening for her.

Charity was the fourth from last at being bagged so she just received a light whipping of her breasts during the entertainment after dinner. Jill was second to last and only had to endure being tickled by a long feather. Compared to the ones who had been captured early, they had it easy.

That evening, Janice mostly wanted to talk. She asked questions about Hal and Jill answered them. Jill knew that Hal was interested in enslaving both Janice and Charity and she assumed that her owner for the night was trying to figure out what it would be like. They also talked about Charity for quite a bit. It was obvious that Janice prized her little slavegirl and loved her. They did have sex but it was more like making love. It was slow and tender. And they slept curled up with one another.

Chapter 4

Jill realized that she had been sitting in her office by herself for over an hour as she thought back on her recent life. But she had students who needed her help so she couldn't stay locked inside her memories and regrets forever. She got up from her desk and unlocked and opened the door to the hallway. And then she had an almost steady stream of students visiting her.

At times, it was almost comical to her. Some of the students had specific issues that they wanted to discuss or well formulated questions that they were seeking answers to. Others, however, seemed to be there just to be there. They would step into her office and stammer and sometimes blush. They always looked at her face and sometimes their eyes would furtively glance at her chest. She knew that she should be offended but she found it entertaining and comical.

Finally, the flow of students ended and she was able to get back to her research. She was still reviewing and cataloguing her notes from a recent field expedition when Charity poked her head into the office.

"Hi, sis," said Charity. "How's your neck?"