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Chapter 5

Work evaded Jill as she sat in her office. She kept thinking about sweet Charity and her loving mistress and the events of the past weekend that she and Charity had just talked about. "It's a wonder that I get any work done at all any more," she thought to herself. She was always either being a slave or thinking about it, it seemed.

She was able to get some of her research done though. She had recently returned from a month long field research expedition. In fact, she and Hal were presenting tonight based on that trip. He had gone with her.

In fact, he had insisted that they go. She did not want to. Their research styles were complete opposites. She was an observational sociologist. She believed that one could only study a culture from a distance. Any contact with the group being studied would interfere and change behaviors. Therefore, you would be studying something artificial.

Hal called himself an immersion sociologist. He said that you could only really understand a culture by becoming part of it. She considered that schlock science and tended to totally discount what was published by these participatory scientists. But Hal had insisted that they conduct this research together and that they do it his way.

He never said why he grew such a sudden interest in one of the tribes she had been studying but she knew exactly why. She had published a paper on them six months ago based on the research she had done in the previous three years. The paper, "The Sociological and Sexual Behaviors of the Incunu Tribe of Papaluana," had brought her a few compliments from colleagues but there was nothing earth shattering about the work. But Hal had taken an interest in it and Jill suspected why. The culture of the tribe was very similar to that practiced by devotees of bondage and discipline. It was a male dominant society which probably made it even more appealing to Professor Bascomb.

Jill had become quite proficient in the Incunu language during previous visits so she was sent ahead to make the arrangements. She had taught Hal a few words so the he would not be at a total loss and she also typed up a little translational dictionary for him to study.

When Hal arrived two days after Jill did, she was already naked with her hands bound behind her back and a vine tied around her waist. This acted as a leash. The chief had been suspicious but amused by Jill's request for immersion in the culture. She had always wanted to maintain somewhat of a distance in the past. After much discussion and haggling, the chief finally agreed. His price was that the beautiful redheaded scientist would belong to him. So she was kneeling at the chief's feet without a stitch of clothing when Hal stepped off the boat. The chief held her leash.

"Welcome to our island, teaching leader," said the chief. All dialogue was in the Incunu language but has been translated into English for the benefit of the reader.

"Thank you, great lizard," replied Hal. Jill gasped when she heard that. It was obvious that Hal had not studied her dictionary very thoroughly. She glanced up and saw the chief's face tightened into a scowl with his hand on the hilt of his knife. She knew she had to intervene.

"Please excuse the teaching leader, my savior," Jill said to the chief. "He meant no insult. He is new to your language and needs to learn it."

Hal looked puzzled. He had no idea that he had made an error until Jill informed him in English what he had just said. He grew embarrassed and apologized.

"My sorry," Hal said. "I am but a palm tree with fish." Jill just rolled her eyes. She had no idea what he was trying to say. She just looked up at the chief and shrugged. This was going to be a very long month. The chief smiled back at her and shrugged his shoulders with her and then ruffled her red hair. She washed it every night but combs had not yet been introduced into this culture so she did not use one. After only two days without a comb, her hair was now a long, wild mane.

The group got through the introductions without further incident and then moved off of the beach. Hal was shown to the hut that he would be using and he unpacked the few items that he brought on the trip. Since this was immersion research, he would be wearing whatever the tribe wore.

After he settled in and made a few notes, he finally looked at the dictionary that Jill had created for him. He should have done that earlier. He had almost lost his life earlier because he had failed to study. He was still studying when Jill arrived at his hut, escorted by two young males who were obviously her bodyguards.

"We should speak English now," said Jill. "But after this discussion, it should be strictly Incunu. I see you are studying the dictionary."

"Yes, just brushing up, really," lied Hal.

"I see. I must have had a few typos in that thing based on some of the things you said earlier."

"It just takes a little getting used to," Hal said. "What's up with the two henchmen?"

"They are my protectors," she replied.

"What do you need protection from?" asked Hal.

"You, I think," responded Jill. "But the chief was not specific."

"Hmmm" said a puzzled Hal. "Why would you need protection from me?"

"Because I am the property of the chief," she replied. "That was the only deal I could strike. He was not going to let us live with the tribe any other way."

"I see," nodded Hal. "Do I get a girl too?"

"Yes. He said that you will be given a girl after you pass the manhood initiation and then you. You can claim the girl of your choice other than any katahuas. That's what they call the main girl of each of the males. And I'm a katahua."

Hal nodded again as he listened. He remembered from Jill's article on the tribe that each adult male had a main girl. This was sort of like the head slave or chief concubine. She was not the male's exclusive bedmate but was the principal one. And she typically assisted when the male decided to bring a different girl to bed. Main girls were rarely shared with others and it was typically for ceremonial purposes when they were.

Hal sighed. It looked like he would not be able to play with his favorite sex toy for the next four weeks. It was a shame, because she looked so erotic right now that he could easily fuck her on the spot. She stood proudly with her shoulders squared back. Her large breasts thrust forward invitingly and her tangle mane added to her exotic look. And her body glistened in the sunlight. Tanning oil had been her one compromise on immersion. She knew that she would probably be scantily attired for the month and that her fair skin would be ravaged by the intense tropical sun. She had no idea that she would be kept completely naked though. But she had brought plenty of oil with as much sun protection capability as possible. Even with that, she could tell that she was darkening already after only two days on the island.

"What's the initiation all about?"

"I don't know the whole thing," replied Jill. "I just know that the last part requires that you stand on the point all night." She gestured toward a little spit of land that stuck out into the ocean near the beach.

"Oh, that doesn't sound so bad," he said.

"At high tide, the point becomes submerged. And there are sharks in these waters."

"Oh," gasped Hal. "Maybe this immersion wasn't such a good idea after all."

"I'm sure you'll survive," responded Jill.

"Do they ever lose anyone?"

"Not often."

"When is the initiation?"

"In about an hour."

Hal gasped. "Ohmigod!!! I'm going to die!!!" Normally, he put on an act of confidence and manliness. Jill was surprised at how quickly that façade crumbled. She just hoped that he didn't embarrass her. In her mind, having him eaten by sharks was preferable to having him act like a coward. She made some reassuring comments and tried to bolster his courage. Then she left him to his thoughts and was once again flanked on each side by her protectors.