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"We learned to like each other first, that was the way I wanted it to be."

"You're right," she said, and drew back a little to look at his face so that her breasts made a delightfully obscene little sucking sound as they came unstuck from his chest. "I do like you, I really do."

"And I-" he started, but hastily she covered his lips with her fingertips.

"Not yet, Craig darling," she pleaded. "I don't want to hear that not yet."

"When?"he demanded.

"Soon, I think-" And then with more certainty. "Yes," she said, 'soon, and then I'll be able to say it back to you." he great estate -of King's Lynn seemed to have "waited as they had waited for this to happen again.

Long ago it had been hewn from the wilderness.

"The love of another man and woman had been the main inspiration in the building of it, and over the decades since then it had taken the love of the men and women who followed that first pair to4sustain and cherish it. They and the generations who ad followed them lay now in the walled cemetery on" the kopje behind the homestead, but while they had lived, King's Lynn had flourished. Just as it had sickened when it fell into the hands of uncaring foreigners in a far land, had been stripped and desecrated and deprived of the vital ingredient of love.

Even when Craig rebuilt the house and restocked the pastures, that vital element had been lacking still. Now at last love burgeoned on King's Lynn, and their joy in each other seemed to radiate out from the homestead on th e hill and permeate the entire estate, breathing life and the fecund promise of more life into the land.

The Matabele recognized it immediately. When Craig and Sally-Anne in the battered Land-Rover rode the red dust tracks that linked the huge paddocks, the Matabele women straightened up from the wooden mortars in which they were pounding maize, or turned stiffnecked under the enormous burden of firewood balanced upon their heads to call a greeting and watch them with a fond and knowing gaze. Old Joseph said nothing, but made up the bed in Craig's room with four pillows, put flowers on the table at the side of the bed that Sally-Anne had chosen, and placed four of his special biscuits on the early morning tea-tray when he brought it in to them each dawn.

For three days Sally-Anne restrained herself, and then one morning sitting up in bed, sipping tea, she told Craig, "As curtains, those make fine dish rags." She pointed a half eaten biscuit at the cheap unbleached calico that he had tacked over the windows.

"Can you do better?" Craig asked with concealed cunning, and she walked straight into the trap. Once she was involved in choosing curtains, she was immediately involved in everything else. From designing furniture for Joseph's relative, the celebrated carpenter, to build, to laying out the new vegetable garden and replanting the rose bushes and shrubs that had died of neglect.

Then Joseph entered the conspiracy by bringing her the proposed dinner menu for the evening. "Should it be roast tonight, Nkosazana, or chicken curry?"

"Nkosi Craig likes tripe," Sally-Anne had made this discovery during casual discussion. "Can you do tripe and onions?" Joseph beamed. "The old governor-general before the war, whenever he come to Kingi Lingi I make him tripe and onions, Nkosazana. He tell me "Very good, Joseph, best in world!""

"Okay, Joseph, tonight we'll have your "best-in-world tripe and onions"," she laughed, and only when Joseph formally handed over to her the pantry keys did she realize what a serious pronouncement that had been.

She was there at midnight when the first new calf was born on King's Lynn, a difficult birthing with the calf's head twisted back so that Craig had to soap his arm and thrust it up into the mother to free it while Shadrach and Hans Groenewald held the head and Sally-Anne held the lantern high to light the work.

When at last it came in a slippery rush, it was a heifer, pale beige and wobbly on its long ungainly legs. As soon as it began to nurse from its mother's udder, they could leave it to Shadrach and go home to bed.

"That was one of the most marvelous experiences of my life, darling. Who taught you to do that?"

"Bawu, my grandfather." He held her close to him in the dark bedroom. "You didn't feel sick?" 11 loved it, birth fascinates me."

"Like Henry the Eighth, I prefer it in the abstract," he chuckled.

"You rude boy," she whispered. "But aren't you too tired?"

"Are you?"

"No," she admitted. "I jint truthfully say that I am." She made one or Va half-hearted attempts to break out and leave.

had a telegram today, the "C. of A." on the Cessna is complete, and I should go down to Johannesburg to collect her."

"If you can wait two or three weeks or so, I'll come down with you. They are having a terrible drought in the south and stock prices are rock bottom. We could fly around the big ranches together and pick up a few bargains." So she let it pass, and the days telescoped into each other, filled for both of them with love and work work on the photographic book, on the new novel, on collating her field research material for the Wildlife Trust, on the final preparations for the opening of Zambezi Waters, and on the daily running and embellishing of King's Lynn.

With each week that passed, her will to resist the spell that Craig and King's Lynn were weaving about her weakened, the exigencies of her previous life faded, until one day she caught herself referring to the house on the hill as "home" and was only slightly shocked at herself.

A week later a registered letter was forwarded from her address in Harare. It was a formal application form for the renewal of her research grant from the Wildlife Trust.

Instead of filling it in and returning it immediately, she slipped it into her camera bag.