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"Dear, we can do each other together!"

"Oh, yes, I'd love that – but I want to just do you. By way of thanks."

"If you insist, dear…"

"I really would love to do it."

"Then by all means, be my guest!"

Claudia sat up in bed, with pillows propped under her back, cushioning her against the bed's headboard.

Kelly's mouth watered as she watched Claudia move into position.

In the soft dim light of the night lamp, Claudia's lush form seemed even fuller. It was white, rounded, glowing.

There were dark points ringed by dark circles where her nipples stood out on the round globes of her breasts, and there was a triangle of furry blackness where her tangled bush covered her fat pubic mound.

Kelly burned to bury herself in that lovely thicket!

Claudia sat with her legs extended on the bed and stretched open.

Kelly got on hands and knees and crawled to her, while Claudia caressed the girl's breasts and bottom as she moved.

Kelly knelt between Claudia's spread legs.

She sat with her own long thin legs folded, with her bottom perched on the backs of her heels, and her thighs all rounded and taut.

Her own nipples were stiff points jutting from pear-shaped white breasts.

Kelly pressed her palms on Claudia's smooth inner thighs and lowered her head.

She pressed her face against Claudia's savory crotch.

Claudia's high arousal perfumed her pussy with heavy musky sexuality.

Kelly rubbed her face against the pubic mound, inhaling the perfume.

The ripe aroma filled her nostrils, intoxicating her.

Claudia fondled Kelly's hair and neck and shoulders.

Kelly puckered up, pressed hot kisses on Claudia's pussy.

The pussy lips were a dark glowing rose color, full and folded intricately.

Kelly worked her kissing way up and down the slit.

Out came her long pink pointed tongue, to trace out the folds and form of the pussy, to glide down the honeyed slit.

And it was honeyed… Claudia was dripping wet.

Claudia was vocal in her moaning appreciation of Kelly's oral skills.

"Oh, dear! Oh! Oh, Kelly, that's so nice… so nice!"

Kelly's head bobbed as she rolled her tongue up and down the slit.

Sticky saliva covered the pussy lips, smearing on Kelly's face.

Kelly pressed her tongue to the slitted pussy.

"Oh, yes, Kelly, put it inside me – oh!!!"

Kelly slithered her tongue up into Claudia's pussy.

Heat rose up to smite her mightily in the face, moist body heat.

Claudia tasted full-bodied, mature, with a rich, flavorful pussy bouquet.

Her pussy was awash in thick secretions, now lapped by Kelly.

Gasping, Claudia bent her legs at the knees, raising them. Pressing her heels into the mattress to brace herself, she rocked her hips.

Kelly's lips pressed Claudia's pussy lips, while her tongue probed, penetrated.

Secretions joined the saliva smeared on Kelly's face.

Kelly's long silky blonde hair caressed Claudia where it fell on her flesh.

"My clit, Kelly, darling, do my clit!"

Claudia was extremely aroused now.

Kelly withdrew her tongue from the pussy – juices tingled on it.

Claudia's clitoris was like a long thin finger of throbbing flesh.

Kelly's tongue caressed that clitoris to erotic redness.

As she rocked her hips to meet and match the thrusts of Kelly's tongue, Claudia's big breasts jiggled with wild abandon.

Sweat shone like fine mist on the passionate matron's rounded face.

Claudia tossed her head from side to side, gasping heavily.

Kelly's tongue darted cunningly, with artful erotic caresses.

"Oh, Kelly, oh, I'm going to come!"

Kelly whipped a few more strokes across the throbbing clitoris.

Claudia climaxed.

Kelly's mouth, attached to Claudia's pussy, felt the heaving orgasmic convulsions.

As she came, she pressed her thighs against Kelly's head, squeezing it.

The pressure was strong, but not uncomfortable… quite the reverse.

After her rape ordeal, Kelly wanted to wash out those foul memories by engulfing herself in hot sweet female flesh.

It was good, to have Claudia's plump taut thighs press her head.

It was good, to have her face pressing Claudia's coming pussy, so that Kelly's nostrils and mouth were filled with steamy pussy.

Claudia's passion-contorted face gave out with some wracking cries.

Her orgasm peaked – then ebbed.

Shivering from the orgasm, Claudia slumped in sexual relief and release.

Her thighs parted, knees falling to the sides, releasing Kelly's head.

Kelly lifted her hot red wet face from the steamy, quivering pussy.

She was pleased, knowing that she had undoubtedly pleased Claudia.

Claudia lay gasping, cushioned in the masses of pillows, her big body seeming so relaxed as to give the impression of bonelessness.

Her bush was damp, her pussy lips dripped saliva and secretions, and bright patches of wetness shone on her upper thighs.

Claudia's pussy continued to quiver.

"Kelly," Claudia murmured huskily, "come here so I can kiss your loving mouth!"

Obeying the command, Kelly moved up on the bed – her nipples stiff, her pussy lips quivering, her slit seething with wet heat.

She pressed her bright wet face to Claudia's in a long hot kiss.

Claudia's tongue caressed the tongue which had caressed her pussy to orgasm.

As she kissed Kelly, Claudia's hand cunningly caressed Kelly's breasts.

Her touch made Kelly tingle.

Kelly pressed her thighs against her quivering pussy.

Which only made it quiver all the more.

At last Claudia broke off the kiss – but not the lovemaking.

"I could taste myself in your mouth," Claudia said.

"I loved the taste of you!"

"Now it's my turn to do the same for you, dear."


"Yes, sweetie?"

"Would you – would you get on top of me, and sit on my face? Please?"

"Why, darling, I'd like nothing better!"

"I really get off on having my face squatted on," Kelly admitted.


A quick kiss, then the woman and the girl altered bed positions.

Kelly stretched out on her back, on the bed, while Claudia crawled over her.

On hands and knees, while moving into position to mount Kelly's face, Claudia's heavy breasts dangled deliciously.

Her nipples were fat and full and throbbing, her breasts swayed and jiggled.

Her big round bottom shone like a full moon.

She squatted over Kelly's face, facing Kelly's feet.

Kelly's questing hands reached up, to caress, to fondle Claudia's bosom and touch the tingling nipples.

Claudia's thick thighs framed Kelly's face, pressing her cheeks.

Kelly was in a daze of pleasure as the pussy loomed over her face.

Beads of saliva clung like crystal droplets to the thick damp bush.

Claudia lowered herself down, while Kelly took hold of the woman's wide hips.

The saliva coating Claudia's pussy was a bit cool, when it first touched Kelly.

But the pussy lips simmered, and within them, heat radiated.

Kelly opened her mouth wide to accept the offered pussy.

Pussy lips pressed pretty pink lips, spreading to expose sleek membranes.

The lower half of Kelly's face was engulfed with pussy flesh.

Claudia leaned forward, to attach her mouth to Kelly's slitted sex.

All of Claudia was softly rounded… this full-bodied female had no hard edges, no angularity, just the good fine flesh.

This roundness extended even to Claudia's tongue, which, unlike Kelly's, which was long and pointed, was instead blunt and fat and rounded.

A skilled tongue it was indeed, as Kelly was to discover after Claudia's artful kisses had brought her pussy to a simmering boil.