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The tongue crawled and caressed the thin, delicate petals of Kelly's pussy.

Each stroke of the tongue added its bit of erotic energy to the mass already put in Kelly by Claudia's loving.

For her part, Kelly kept working on Claudia's pussy with lips and tongue.

She never wanted to come up for air!

Kelly's moans mounted in duration and volume as the heat in her pussy mounted from each fresh tongue caress of Claudia's.

Kelly felt like her lower body was dissolving into a mass of pleasure.

Streamers of heat shot up from her pussy to race through her body.

Kelly's nipples were incredibly stiff and throbbing.

Her long legs thrashed and writhed with delight as Claudia worked on her clitoris.

Soft wet sucking sounds came from both females.

When Kelly came, it was a lightning bolt orgasm sizzling in her pussy.

Her cries of passion were muffled against the pussy covering her mouth.

She could have wept for joy…

Later, Kelly wanted to worship Claudia's splendid ass.

And what a magnificent bottom it was!

Claudia's wide womanly hips flared out, adding to the allure of a pair of buttocks which were swollen with fullness.

The creamy bottom cheeks were abundantly fleshed, flawless, shining.

Kelly knelt on the floor, naked, while Claudia, standing, presented her back and backside for Kelly's enjoyment.

Not to mention her own!

Kelly's eyes rolled in delight at the sight of that beautiful bottom.

Claudia stood with her strong legs planted well apart, and spread.

Beneath the shining moons of her bottom were the lips of her pussy.

Kelly nuzzled the bottom cheeks, as she had done with Claudia's breasts.

She savored the sliding glide of her face against that flesh.

Holding Claudia's hips, Kelly pressed hot kisses on the buttocks.

She kissed them up and down, top to bottom and all around.

Her tongue followed the course laid out by her kissing lips.

Kelly pressed the broad flat part of her tongue to the bottom flesh and licked from the tops of Claudia's thighs, to the small of her back.

Presently, Kelly's face and Claudia's bottom were coated with sticky shiny saliva.

But Kelly's erotic, self-appointed task was only half-done.

She had worshipped and licked the outside of the ass – yet the inside remained.

Saliva covered buttocks were sticky against her hands when she took hold of Claudia's buttocks and pulled them open.

Claudia's bottom cleft plunged dizzyingly between those buttocks.

Nestled down below was the winking brown eye of her anus.

Kelly wedged her face between the buttocks and ringed the anus with her mouth.

Her parted lips formed a hot hungry "O" circling the little hole.

Claudia sighed heavily from Kelly's hot, sucking kisses.

As Kelly rimmed and kissed her asshole, Claudia reached between her own legs and set to fondling her pussy.

Her fingers first walked, then writhed, over quivering sensitive pussy lips.

Juices smeared from the pussy as she fondled it, wetting her fingers.

Claudia leaned forward with knees slightly bent, to arch and thrust her bottom tighter against Kelly's worshipful mouth.

Kelly's tongue tip caressed the glowing wrinkled folds of anal flesh.

She worked her tongue up inside Claudia.

It was hot, tight, sticky – wonderful! – in Claudia's rectum.

Kelly worked her tongue back and forth, in and out, while Claudia masturbated, her pussy to orgasm.

When Claudia climaxed, her orgasm was doubly devastating.

After she got done shaking and moaning, Claudia was so weak and erotically devastated that it was all she could do to flop into bed.

Kelly joined her under the sheets and blankets.

After many sweet kisses and murmured goodnights, the females settled for sleep.

Claudia slept on her side, her heavy breasts plumping up.

Kelly was on her side, facing Claudia. She felt secure, but would feel even more so when she had her mouth wrapped around a fat nipple.

Pressing her face to Claudia's bosom, Kelly took a nipple between her lips.

In this manner, she fell asleep…

Sometimes during the night, the girl awoke with a start, plagued by bad dreams.

To calm herself, she just nuzzled against those nipples and sucked one.

At last she fell off into a deep, dreamless slumber.

In the lazy early morning sunshine, Claudia and Kelly made love again…


Right in the middle of a most intimate, probing inspection of Kelly's most intimate, private parts, a girl stuck her head into the infirmary.

Kelly was flustered, embarrassed… and more than a little excited.

Miss Jocelyn's examination was already proving to be most arousing!

Kelly was in the infirmary of a three story house located in a quiet corner of a suburb of a large Northeastern city.

It was one of the strangest places she had ever entered.

Now that she was here, she hoped she could stay for a long, long time!

It was a house of women – and girls.

Isolated – private – secure from prying eyes, accusing stares, free from curious sensation-seekers and outsiders.

A private world for lesbians and young ladies.

Here was the rendezvous where Kelly would presently be reunited with Laurel.

But it was not Laurel, nor Claudia, who now excited Kelly.

Rather, it was the exciting Miss Jocelyn.

Miss Jocelyn was one of the two masters, or rather, mistresses, of this shelter, which appeared to be a home for runaway girls.

It was that, yes – but it was so much more, as well!

Kelly sat nude on the examining table, legs dangling off one edge.

The infirmary was located in the rear of the ground floor of the building. It was a room with a linoleum floor and whitewashed plaster walls.

To one side was a cabinet whose glass front displayed bottles and vials of medicine and health aids.

There was a desk, chair, visitor's chair, filing cabinet located at one side of the room. Opposite the office furniture was the examining table.

It was a rectangular table with a leather cushioned top. Its top was now covered with a sheet of sanitary white waxed paper.

The paper was slick and cool against Kelly's warm bare bottom.

Kelly was even warmer between the legs… and Miss Jocelyn knew it.

Miss Jocelyn also served as the house nurse. She was in her late twenties, but her crisp, authoritative manner was most mature.

She was most lovely in a sharp-featured way, as Kelly most definitely had noticed.

Miss Jocelyn was very tall, standing only an inch or two under six feet while wearing her flat-heeled white rubber-soled shoes.

Pinned to the top of her jet-black hair was a white peaked nurse's cap.

Her hair, very straight and fine, was cut short, with bangs across the forehead.

She had a long chiseled face, with strong features, deep dark hungry eyes, long straight nose, high cheekbones.

Her mouth was a bold red-lipped slash, the lips like flowering orchids.

Her body was long and lean, athletic. Her breasts were high, firm, sharply pointed, and braless under her white short-sleeved uniform.

Her nipples were dark points outlined against the gauzy white fabric.

She was long and lean, with an elegant torso, a splendid heart-shaped ass, and a pair of long, luscious, dancer's legs.

She had fine straight short black hair, thick dark brows which gave her a serious look, and thick, curling lashes.

Her skin was tawny, tanned, a deep golden color.

Her dark good looks were very attractive to Kelly – very!

Miss Jocelyn fitted the earpieces of her stethoscope into her ears, then brought the metal circle against Kelly's chest.