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"Well, yes."

"Set your fears at test, dear. All of us at the shelter are a family, a sisterhood. We share equally with each other in all things, and all loves."

"Wow! This sure is some place, all right!"

"That it is, Kelly, that it surely is. As for Claudia, well, you needn't worry about her. She's being quite warmly entertained by one of our girls."

"Well, then, ma'am – please examine me as much as you want!"

"My pleasure, Kelly."

Teasingly, Miss Jocelyn rubbed Kelly's pussy.

The sensation of rubber gloved fingers sliding and stroking heat into her pussy was quite breathtaking to Kelly.

She responded accordingly, with secretions oozing inside her slit.

When Miss Jocelyn had fondled Kelly's pussy lips to feverish heat, she parted the pussy lips, gently inserting her middle finger.

"Ooh! Aaaaaaaaah…"

A polite knock sounded on the infirmary door.

"Come in," Miss Jocelyn calmly called.

She added to Kelly, "Don't alarm yourself, Kelly. I told you we have a sisterhood here – so there are no secrets between sisters. Not among our sisters, anyway."

"Besides, Kelly, a pretty girl like you has nothing to be ashamed of. All our girls will see you in the nude before very long."

The first one to see Kelly naked, besides Miss Jocelyn, was the pert and pretty newcomer who stepped into the infirmary.

She was a short, petite, dark haired charmer with a delicate face, delicious uptilted pear-shaped breasts, and a ripely rounded bottom.

She was in her mid or late teens, and was dressed conventionally enough in short-sleeved blouse, knee-length skirt, socks, shoes.

"Good afternoon, Abby," Miss Jocelyn said warmly.

Abby wasn't nearly so cool and self-possessed as Miss Jocelyn – but then, few ladies, in the shelter or out of it, were.

Abby's pink-lipped mouth gaped open to form an "O" of surprise.

Coloring, the girl instinctively lifted a startled hand to her face.

"Oh, excuse me, Miss Jocelyn! I didn't know you were – occupied!"

"No problem, Abby. Abby, this pretty creature on the table is Kelly. Come around and say hello to her!"

Miss Jocelyn still stood there with her middle finger planted deep in Kelly's pussy – which quivered against it.

Abby came around to the side and took a shy but fascinated look at Kelly.

"Hello!" Abby said forthrightly.

"Um, high," Kelly mumbled.

Kelly could not help noticing that Abby was a very pretty young Miss herself.

"I'm Abby… and I'm very pleased to meet you!"

"I'm Kelly…"

"You're very pretty!"

"Thank you… so are you, Abby!"

"You're sweet!"

Turning to Miss Jocelyn, Abby said, "I like her! Is she going to stay with us?"

"Yes, indeed," Miss Jocelyn replied. "Come here, Abby."

Abby went to the nurse – whose finger remained in Kelly's now-seething pussy.

Standing at the foot of the table, fingering Kelly with one hand, Miss Jocelyn slipped her arm around Abby's slim shoulders.

She drew the girl nearer and gave her a warm hug.

"Abby is one of my very special pets," Miss Jocelyn declared to Kelly.

Although it was perhaps a bit unreasonable, Kelly twinged with a jealous flash, wishing that Miss Jocelyn would speak of her in the same way.

"Give Kelly a welcoming kiss, Abby."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Abby disengaged from Miss Jocelyn and approached Kelly from the side.

Leaning over the table – casting a quick, hot eyed glance at Kelly's stiff-nippled pink breasts – Abby bent down to kiss her.

"Oh, you are so very pretty!" Abby breathed.

Kelly was liking Abby more and more…

Abby pressed her lips against Kelly's and kissed her sweetly.

Kelly's pussy quivered, dripping humid membranes heaving against the penetrating finger that Miss Jocelyn worked erotically.

Miss Jocelyn said, "That's right – you're overdue for a weekly cleansing, aren't you, Abby?"

"Yes, ma'am! I have some free time from classes this afternoon, so I thought that I might take my session now."

"But, since you're busy, I guess I'll come back another time…"

"Not at all!" Miss Jocelyn said. "Not at all! No time like the right time, and the right time is now!"

"Well, if you don't mind – and Kelly doesn't – I'd love to stay!"

"I insist," Miss Jocelyn said. "And so does Kelly."

Completely intrigued – and quite hot, and feeling quite hot-blooded and wanton enough to take on two females at a time – Kelly quickly agreed.

Miss Jocelyn said, "Go close the door and lock it, Abby. I'm not equipped to handle more than two patients at once! And hurry back!"

Abby's flat-heeled loafers scuffled across the checkerboard pattern of the floor as she hastened to carry out her task.

The door shut and locked, Abby hurried back to the table.

Miss Jocelyn said, "Now, disrobe, Abby… do it where Kelly can watch you, and where I can watch you, too."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Abby stood to the side of the examining table, facing Kelly.

Miss Jocelyn's fingers slid with caressing urgency on and in Kelly's steamy pussy, while Abby slowly, teasingly took off her clothes.


Kelly's aroused senses felt close to over loading.

Her back and bottom were sweaty where they pressed the sanitary paper covering the examining table under her.

Her breasts were crowned with nipples aching with soreness.

Her pussy lips, shiny with sticky secretions smeared there during the fondling, glowed with electric heat under Miss Jocelyn's erotic massage.

Kelly's eyes feasted on the erotic sight of Abby removing all her clothes.

Abby was a sweet-faced little Miss with a petite, but sensational body.

At first glance, the teen looked girlish, barely pubescent.

But a second glance discovered the pear-shaped plumpness of her high firm breasts, and the juicy roundness of her bottom.

And that was with her clothes on!

Off – she looked even better, as Kelly happily discovered.

Smiling shyly, excitedly, Abby cast her glance downward as her fingers plucked open the buttons of her blouse.

Pulling the tails of the blouse clear of the top of her skirt, she took it off.

Abby wore a bra – for modesty's sake.

There being no need for modesty in the privacy of Miss Jocelyn's domain, Abby removed the bra, along with all her other garments.

Her breasts were surprisingly full, for such a slight-bodied girl – in fact, her overall slenderness made her breasts loom larger.

She unhooked her bra, took it off.

Her bosom was high and firm. The nipples were bright, shocking pink in color, about as wide as dimes, perhaps a little larger.

They resembled nothing so much as bright pink buttons pasted on the tips of her sharply pointed breasts.

Abby slipped off her shoes. Putting a hand on the edge of the examining table, to maintain her balance, she took off her socks.

Lifting a foot, she rolled the knee-length sock down with one hand.

When both socks were removed, the saucy Miss unfastened her skirt.

A pair of precious white satin bikini panties, a size too small perhaps, stretched across Abby's hips, pressing her tightly.

In front, her tufted pubic bush made a gentle mound in the panty crotch.

Behind, the panties stretched across only the very bottoms of the cheeks.

Teasingly, Abby slipped her fingertips in the top of the panties and pulled them down to the tops of her taut, pale pink thighs.

She had a little brown tufted bush over a narrow, thin-lipped pink slit.

Her panties fluttered down her legs and she stepped out of them, naked.

"You're gorgeous, Abby!"

Kelly gasped the compliment – her breath came shakily and unsteady, thanks to the erotic effect Miss Jocelyn's fingering was having on her.