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Ben pulled away from her suddenly.

"Where are you going?" Betty gasped. "Don't leave me now."

He chuckled softly in the semidarkness. "I'm not going anywhere. I just want to look at you for a minute. Then I'm going to take your clothes off, very slowly, piece by piece, until I see every inch of you. Is that all right?"

"Oh, yes, yes, yes." She tossed her head from side to side, excited beyond all reason.

As she watched him through passion slitted eyes, Ben slowly removed his shirt. Betty blinked, fighting to focus. His chest was so muscular, the pectoral muscles standing out in huge, well defined blocks. It was hairy too, with a lush mat that made her want to caress it with her fingers. She wondered how it would feel when her sensitive breasts were crushed against the firm wall of his chest, and a fresh thrill of passion coursed through her body.

Ben unsnapped the waistband of his cutoffs. His big fingers caught the tab of his zipper, and he began pulling it downward. Betty realized now that in seconds she would see him naked, and a look of raw lust filled her violet colored eyes. She could hardly wait.

The lush bush of Ben's pubic fuzz appeared, and Betty caught the scent of his totally masculine crotch. The tangy smell seemed to fill her lungs, its effect traveling at once to her throbbing, drooling pussy. She squirmed impatiently on the mattress, her eyes never leaving the widening vee in his shorts.

Slowly, very aware of how his leisurely striptease was exciting the girl, Ben pushed his cutoffs down over his trim, muscular hips. They feel to a pool at his ankles. Betty gasped at the sight of his huge organ, now totally erect. It jutted thickly in front of him, the ten inches of it throbbing and gleaming in the half light of the tiny bedroom. What would she do? His penis looked much too large to fit into her tiny, tight sided cleft. It would kill her if he tried. Still, she was so excited by now that she found it difficult to care. If he killed her, she would die fulfilled. A loud moan escaped her straining throat as she looked at him. It was like being alone with a classical god.

Ben stepped quietly out of his shorts, kicked them aside, and fell into her arms. As they kissed passionately again, his hands roamed freely, commanding her youthful body, touching her everywhere, making her gasp loudly with raw desire. She could feel his naked phallus pulsing against her flat belly and rubbed back and forth against it until it leaked a trail of hot precum across her silken flesh. The tip of it fit between her skirt and sweater, and that would do for the moment. More than anything, though, she longed for Ben to strip her bare. She wanted to feel his skin against hers, totally.

Before they were finished kissing, Ben had lifted her sweater, raising it to expose her smoothly pointed breasts. He squeezed them in his big hands, touching her intimately, kneading her tender flesh, bringing fresh gasps from her gaping mouth. She was going to be stripped naked, as though she were a package, a present prepared for male pleasure. She was going to be opened, played with, kissed all over, and fucked to death.

Next his hands moved in under her skirt. It was already hiked up high on her hips, and in seconds his fingers touched the moisture that had soaked through her panties and pantyhose.

"Hmmm," he grunted. "You're all ready for me, aren't you?"

"Oh, yes, my darling," she whispered. Tm more ready than I've ever been for anything in my whole life."

Ben loved the way she rubbed his stiff penis between their bodies, and he knew she was telling the truth. Here he was with her, and her every movement told him how hungry she was for him.

"Take my clothes off now," Betty begged. "Plee-eeeease." Her voice ended in a passion touched whine.

Quickly, with a sureness in his movements, Ben pulled her sweater off over her head. The teacher settled back onto the bed and smiled up at him, her milky white breasts jutting out like small, abrupt mountain peaks. She was so slim that he could see her ribs beneath her translucent flesh, and he was spurred on to finish the job of disrobing her.

Ben fumbled clumsily with the hooks at the top of her skirt, and Betty reached down to help him, opening them quickly and then lying back again. He undid her zipper and eased her skirt down over her softly flaring hips, while she raised them slightly to make the way easier for him. Betty gurgled softly deep in her throat and twisted about lewdly on the bed, every pore singing with raw passion.

"Hurry. Oh, please hurry," she moaned. "I feel as if I'll explode."

"Oh, yes, Baby, I'll do a lot of things. Be patient. The longer we wait, the better it will be. You'll see." Hooking his fingertips beneath the elastic top of her pantyhose, he began easing them down and off. They slid slowly, slithering silkily down her long, tapering legs, catching at her ankles. With a quick jerk, Ben pulled them off. Then he paused for a moment, lifting her slim foot and planting an open mouthed kiss on the sole of it. Betty giggled with excitement.

He looked down at her. All that remained to cover her flesh was a pair of tiny bikini panties, white and lacy. He could see the dark outline of her pubic bush inside. The crotch of her panties was soaking wet, mute evidence of her mounting lust.

Eagerly, Ben parted her legs, and his hand reached in to stroke at the crotch of her briefs, his fingers soaking up the wetness. He licked his full lips, thinking of how her fragrant cunt leakings would taste. He would soon be lapping it up, catching every drop of it on his thick, greedy tongue, glorying in the musky flavor of her.

Her body was quivering all over now, and Ben was half afraid she would climax before he even touched her as intimately as he wanted to. "Oh, God," she groaned, "keep it up. It feels so good when you rub me there."

Positioning himself on his knees between the girl's widely splayed legs, Ben reached beneath her fleshy buttocks, taking the cheeky flesh in both hands and lifting her high. He pulled her to him, bringing her up onto his naked lap, one leg on either side of his waist. Betty giggled as she felt Ben's ten inch cock nudge against her thighs.

He bent his head and began laving and kissing at her inner reaches, his mouth making a wet trail up her milky white thighs, moving slowly and deliberately, touching every inch of soft flesh.

Betty moaned, and the moans grew into broken cries of lust. She tossed her blonde head from side to side, lost in passionate thoughts. Ben's tongue moved on, closer and closer to the warm silkiness of her pants, and she cried out loudly, knowing the man's hotly alive mouth was only an inch from her leaking pussy.

Suddenly, Ben clamped his fleshy lips over her fabric covered cunt. Immediately he began sucking, pulling the tasty moisture of her lace panties and onto his taste buds. Betty pushed hard against his lips, massaging his cheeks with her moist, sizzling crotch, wetting his face with her female wetness.

He raised his face and smiled down at her. "God, you taste wonderful. Do you know that? Do you ever wonder how this might taste? Do you ever run your fingers into your hot little slit and then lick them of-f?"

Betty shook her head "no," half scandalized by his words but at the same time excited by them to new heights of lust.

"You should," Ben said flatly, "because you taste great." He dipped his face to her open crotch again and quickly and greedily sucked up the remaining juice. Sensual sounds came from his mouth, great, exciting slurping sounds, and soon he was pushing his hot saliva into the fabric of her panties and then sucking it back into his mouth.

Betty was going mad. She tossed about on the mattress, hardly able to contain herself. "Eat me!" she moaned. "Eat out my twat. I love it, looooove it! Do it now. Do it forever!" Her fleshy, lushly warm thighs crushed his cheeks, caressing him, urging him on to greater feats of sensuality.