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Chapter 6

"Did you make the arrangements yet?" Susie Walters whispered as she leaned over to Dale Paulson.

"Arrange what?" he asked teasingly, pretending he did not know what she was talking about.

"The gang. I told you I wanted sex with the motorcycle gang."

He chuckled. "Sure, I arranged it. Tonight at the clubhouse."

Susie drew an excited gasp. Miss Wingate rapped on the front desk and scowled at them. Susie scowled back and went back to her reading assignment. She could not keep her mind on it, however. Her thoughts were filled with what would occur in the evening. Maybe now she would finally get enough sexual attention to satisfy her ever present lust. Dale's buddies were so much like him, and every one of them turned her on. They were so independent, so openly sensual, so strong. Any one of them was enough to satisfy most girls. The group of them ought to do just fine. She smiled to herself as she thought about tonight's scene, and she felt the moisture breaking out along the length of her pussy.

"Susie, what are you smirking about, if I may ask?" the teacher asked harshly. "The reading is a serious selection. I find no humor in it. What is so funny?"

"Nothing you'd understand, Miss Wingate," Susie replied sweetly just as the bell rang.


When Susie and Dale came roaring up to the motorcycle clubhouse, there were already two cycles parked in front. Susie grinned to herself. The boys must be as eager as she was. She hugged her arms tightly around Dale. How nice it was of him to want to share, she thought. He was so different from most boys, so dedicated to passion and to total sensual fulfillment.

As they pulled to a stop, another motorcycle drove in beside them. On it was Jerry Bova, a tall, lanky redhead who had dropped out of school the year before. He grinned lewdly at Susie. "I hear you've come to entertain," he said bluntly.

Susie nodded her head, suddenly less sure of herself than she had been before. There was a coldness in the boy's green eyes that she did not like.

"Good," he grunted, his hand kneading his bulging crotch. "We'll see how well you do." It was said as though she were trying out for the high school play.

They entered the clubhouse. Two boys smiled up at them from the cot. They were sprawled there side by side, swigging from cans of beer. One of them, a greasy looking blond, already had his cock out of his tight pants. He played with it languidly, flopping it back and forth in his palm. He made no effort to stop or to hide it as Susie entered the room.

"Good," he said, "you're here. Bear and me was wonderin' if you'd chicken out."

Bear, the other boy, grinned up at Susie. He was black, and he was huge in every way. Muscles bulged like mountains along his arms, and the bulge in his crotch was monstrous. He wore leather chaps that were open at the center to let his faded Levi's peep out, making his penis and balls look all the larger. A shiver of something like fear ran through Susie's voluptuous body. However, that excited her all the more. She licked her lips as she looked down at the big Negro, her passion filled eyes focused on his magnificent endowment. He grinned up at her, the spaces between his teeth showing evidence of countless bar room brawls.

"Let's strip her down and get to the fun," he grunted, his dark voice running chills through the teenager's body.

Grabbing her from behind, Dale ripped the front of Susie's blouse from top to bottom. The quickness and brutality of his action took her breath away, and the other three boys laughed lewdly at the frightened cry that passed her lips. Her fear was shortlived, though, because Susie loved everything that was happening to her. She was more than ready for whatever these studs had to give, no matter how horny they might be.

"Jesus Christ!" Jerry Bove shouted, "Look at the size of those jugs!" Reaching with both hands, he caught Susie's huge breasts and began kneading the flesh of them roughly, raising large, red welts on her smooth skin. Susie moaned deeply, like a caged animal and arched her back, pushing her nippled breasts into the palms of his hands.

"Look at the bitch," Bear Jotis muttered. "She's hotter than a demon. Christ, guys, this is gonna be some night!" He unbuckled his heavy leather belt and undid the buttons of his fly, one by one, his grimy fingers moving over them as though he were picking out a tune on some musical instrument. As his pants opened, Susie could glimpse more and more of his black pubic curls, and she caught her breath as she saw the root of his lewdly thick penis come into view. It looked as big around as a beer can, and she could hardly wait to see what it would feel like plowing into her freely leaking cunt. It would push her lips aside, stretching her to the utmost. She trembled from head to toe at the arousing thought.

Bear paused now to pull off his heavy boots, and Susie felt somehow cheated. She knew, though, that soon, very soon, she would see the black youth's penis out in the open, smell its musky, cunt stirring odor. Until he was ready to push his jeans down, she would just have to be patient.

With Tom Zesky it was another matter. The blond boy was still playing with his flopping penis, and she could see that it was growing harder by the second. It's all on account of me, she thought to herself with satisfaction as she watched Tom gazing at her with passion glazed eyes. He licked his lips hungrily as he saw Jerry massaging her melon shaped breasts. His phallic giant was incredibly long, and the head of it was the size of a tennis ball. A large bead of clear, shiny precum crowned the long, wide slit of it, and Susie's mouth watered for a taste. If Dale were not holding her arms, she would dive for it right this minute, scooping it up on her pointed, pink tongue and swallowing it down before it was wasted on the floor.

She could feel the immense hardness of Dale's erection pushing into her buttocks, and she pressed her ass back against it, rubbing from side to side, wanting to excite him enough to take his pants off and to finish stripping her. She could not remember ever being as hot and horny as. this. She wanted them all. She longed to suck their cocks, take them each between her legs, be ripped wide open by their huge, brutal organs. Susie could feel that the crotch of her panties was already sopping wet, and the randy odor of her musky juices filled her flaring nostrils. She wanted to be naked, to be tossed among them, from one to the other. Let each one of them use her as he liked, she thought. That was what she wanted. That was why she had had Dale set this up.

Now, Bear undid his chaps, first concentrating on the buckles that closed behind his knees and then undoing the waist belt. He took them off and threw them over into the corner. Now all that stood between his black flesh and the air were his half open Levi's. He gave one commanding push with his huge, ebony colored hands, and his jeans fell to the floor.

Susie let out a lust filled gasp. Bear's phallic tool slapped up against his flat belly and then stood quivering straight out in front of him. It was easily twelve inches long, the largest she had ever seen. Darker than the rest of his flesh, it jerked at her lewdly. The grin on the man's black face told Susie he was in total control. Reaching down, he wrapped his fist around it, stroking it lovingly. Susie was amazed to see that he could not close his fingers around the enormous girth of it. She whimpered hungrily, her mouth watering and out of control. She worked her lips, imagining how it would feel to have the man's fist-like head pushing between them.

"Come on, you guys," Bear grunted. "Get your pants off and let's blast this little bitch wide open. Pull her skirt down. I can't wait to see what she's got to offer." He strode forward, bringing one of his big hands up to replace Jerry's. His thumb and forefinger closed over her right nipple, and he twisted it cruelly. Pain rushed through Susie's body, and a line of perspiration broke out along her forehead.