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Susie stretched her arms and yawned luxuriously. She wiggled her buttocks against the soiled sheet and watched Dale through slitted eyes while he undressed. He had his back to her, and she could not see much detail in the half darkness of the motorcycle clubhouse, but she had memorized his lithe body long ago anyway.

There was a clink of metal as the boy unbuckled his heavy belt. She heard him unzip his tight jeans, and caught her breath as he pushed them down over his trim, heavily muscles thighs. There was a small clump of black hair at the top of his butt crack, and Susie smiled to herself as she saw it. That tiny patch of fuzz turned her on more than almost anything else about Dale. She wondered why. Whenever he lay on top of her, she always made it a point to reach around and run her fingers over it. The hair was stiff and wiry, but still softer than the lush, curly bush at his crotch. Her fingers would play on down into the nearly hairless cleft of his buttocks. Some men would not even let a girl touch them there. They considered it unmasculine. Dale was different. He loved it when she caressed his crack. He had even let her work her finger into his anus a few times, squirming and groaning with excitement as she explored his interior, his swollen penis growing larger than ever in her pussy.

As usual, Dale could not get his pants off. He had forgotten to take off his cycle boots first. Susie giggled. "Why can't you ever remember to do that?" she asked.

"Aw, Christ, I don't know. It's your fault. You just get me too excited." He bent over to remove the heavy leather boots, struggling to free them from his bunched up pants legs, and Susie caught sight of the tiny, convoluted opening of his ass. Maybe today she would try shoving two fingers into it. She wondered how Dale would like that. Or maybe she could try using her tongue. She shivered with excitement. A boy had done that to her once when she was very young, and she could still recall how wonderful it felt. Would it feel the same to Dale? Maybe she would try to find out.

Dale finished freeing himself from the boots, kicked his pants off, and moved toward her. As always, Susie caught herself gasping at the sight of his burgeoning penis. Dale was huge, only about an inch shorter than Mr. Sommers. By the time he was the teacher's age, Susie guessed his cock would be even larger. Perhaps she should stick around for a few years.

Beneath Dale's huge, arching prick swung a pair of bull-like testicles in a puckery, hair studded sac. Susie's mouth watered as she looked at them. Moist and musky flavored, she knew how wonderful they would taste, especially since they had been encased in tight denim jeans all day long. She longed to lick them clean and then start in on his big, stiff cock, laving it gently with her tongue, wiping away all the accumulated perspiration, dribbles of urine, and other exciting refuse.

"Oh, God, you are beautiful," Dale murmured as he gazed down at the girl's slim, naked body.

Susie tossed about on the narrow cot, impatient for the touch of her boyfriend's hands. "As beautiful as Miss Wingate?" she asked teasingly.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Just that I saw how you were looking at her in class today, and that little display of playing with your cock while she was practically breathing down the back of your neck was pretty obvious too."

"You jealous?" Dale asked, grinning down at her. His hand, went to his low hanging balls, and he scratched them casually.

"Of course not. You can ball anyone you want to. If you got into Miss Wingate it'd be a miracle, though. I bet she's a virgin."

"I could take care of that in a hurry if she gave me the chance."

"You don't have to tell me, I already know it." Reaching out, she took the end of his big, hard penis between her fingers. She looked at closely and gave it a playful squeeze. A large drop of clear liquid oozed slowly from the long slit in its tip.

Giggling excitedly, Susie leaned forward and darted her tongue out, scooping up the musky tasting droplet. Dale caught the back of her hair between his strong fingers.

"Suck it, bitch," he muttered. "Suck the piss out of me."

Susie opened her mouth wide, and her hot breath poured out over his glossy, moist prick head. She was teasing him, making him quiver with desire, letting him wait until she was ready to strike. Through flaring nostrils, she smelled the sweet, earthy odor of male crotch. Dale was so randy she could sometimes smell his maleness when he sat beside her in class. The aroma was the same now, only a thousand times more intense. The saliva snaked from the corner of the girl's mouth. In a few seconds she would taste the salty sweetness of his penis.

"I said suck it, and hurry up," Dale growled. He forced Susie's head forward, and her full, succulent lips capped themselves over his throbbing glans. Throwing his head back, he moaned deep in his throat, like an animal. Susie whipped her tongue back and forth, the tip of it grazing Dale's countless nerve endings. His groaning grew incessant, its tone deeper and more menacing than before. Susie was teasing him to full, ripping arousal. That was the way she wanted him to be. When she had him like that, he turned into a virtual rapist, pushing her flaring buttocks deep into the mattress as he rammed his burgeoning erection into her flaming pussy. She could hardly wait, and she sucked harder and harder in anticipation. Her tongue tip wormed its way into his coronal slit, opening it teasingly and tasting more of his freely leaking pre-seminal fluid.

Dale tossed his head from side to side, his big hands pressing on the back of the girl's head, forcing her to swallow more and more of his rigid, pulsating shaft. Susie loved taking it. The sensation of holding his huge, living tube between her trembling lips gave her a deeply thrilling sense of power. She let her sharp, white teeth graze the smooth, tightly drawn skin. Dale groaned.

"Good," he, muttered. "Feels so fuckin' gooooo-ood. Christ, can you suck cock!"

The girl was all the way down on him now. As he looked down the length of his naked body, he could see that his entire stalk had disappeared into her mouth. Her nose scrubbed its way into his pubic forest, and he could feel her hot breath tingling his skin. Her chin felt soft where his huge, roiling gonads bounced against it. His entire being was enveloped in the burning warmth of his girlfriend's oral cavity. He wondered what it would be like to have Betty Wingate do this. His English teacher would probably throw up at the very idea of taking a man's penis into her mouth. Still, you never could tell.

Susie's long fingers went to Dale's scrotum. She played them over the puckered flesh, making it tingle with excitement. Her hard nails dug into it teasingly, and Dale felt shivers run up the length of his spine. Susie palmed his sac, weighing the big testicles in her hand as though she were trying to determine how big a load he was carrying.

There's enough there to keep you fed, Dale thought to himself, and ten other women besides. He leaned backward, arching his hips and pushing his blunt glans even deeper into the girl's gullet. God, it was so tight, so slippery, fully as exciting as ramming into her cunt. Dale did not know which he liked better. One thing had both acts beaten, and that was anal penetration. Susie had let him try that with her only a few times, and he had to make sure she was completely aroused before he would even suggest it. He had had the best luck with her the times he had gotten her drunk. When Susie drank she became so uninhibited she was ready for anything. He shuddered as he thought of the painful tightness of the girl's rectum squeezing at his hard, unyielding shaft. What if he tried something like that with Miss Wingate. The thought was almost funny. He could imagine the prim and proper teacher, her buttocks high in the air, waiting eagerly for him to force his wide, thick penis into her nether hole. He would blast her open all right. At the thought of forcing his engorged penis into the teacher's tight rectum, Dale's cock swelled even larger in Susie's mouth. She let it slip from her lips, and as the cold air hit the boiling flesh, Dale gave a small, excited gasp.