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Arijana Karčić at Cover It! Designs makes the most beautiful covers I’ve ever seen and I am so grateful for her skills. Thank you for helping me come up with a cover that is as strikingly beautiful as Melanie’s story.

Angela McLaurin at Fictional Formats is my knight in shining armor. I’ll never forget how you came to my rescue at the last minute right before I published Let Love Stay. You’re finishing touches truly bring my words to life on both their virtual and paper pages.

Before a good book can become an exceptional one, it needs a great editor. I am so thrilled that I’ve found one in Becky Johnson at Hot Tree Editing. Thank you for working over my manuscripts with scrutiny and precision. I don’t know how I found you, but I’m so glad I did.

I really don’t know where to begin with thanking my family. I have to admit that when my mom told me that she read Let Love In and she asked for a copy of Let Love Stay, I blushed quite a bit. But, just knowing that she has taken an interest in my writing has helped me feel more confident in sharing it with everyone else. So, thank you Mom for reading and supporting my work. Thank you for being the first person who ever made me feel like I deserved to be loved.

I might very well be the luckiest woman on the planet to have a husband who loves and supports her as much as mine does. So many of the words that Bryan tells Melanie are echoes of the words that he has told me more than once before. Forever my cheerleader and my number one tech-guy, I love you with all of my heart. Thank you so much for helping me see just how beautiful I am.

To my sons, I apologize in advance for any torment that my romance novels cause you when you’re teenagers. I have a good feeling that you might never read these words, but on the off chance that you do (sometime way down the road in the distant future) please know that every time you’ve held one of my books and said it was pretty, or pointed to the computer screen and said “That’s your book, Mommy.”, you’ve made my heart swell with pride.