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I lean against the wall of the bar, waiting for my number to be called. It’s a cool place and their music choice is spot on. Maybe my dad would enjoy coming here, especially since they play his band along with most of his friends. Before I realize it, I’m singing the lyrics to myself and not paying attention to my surroundings.

“Hi.” The cute redhead from outside stands in front of me.

“Hi.” My eyes veer anywhere but at her.

“I’m Nora. Nora McConnell.” She twists her fingers, weaving them in and out with each other.

“I’m Paige Kensington.” I smile and she studies me for an uncomfortable second.

“I’m Carly McConnell’s sister.” My shoulders slump and this girl believes I should know who she’s talking about.

“I don’t know a Carly. Is she here?” The girl steps back and her eyebrows furrow.

“No. You’re Robbie’s girlfriend, right?” she clarifies and I wish she’d be more forthcoming in exactly what she wants from me.

“I’m his roommate.”

“Oh, I may have spaced out when I saw you. It’s weird seeing him with someone else.” Her words shock me because you’d think maybe she was an ex, but she’s too young. At least I hope so. She peers back to her table of friends and then back to me. “Do you mind meeting me outside after you get your food?” I narrow my eyes at her because I’m slightly terrified she has a secret plan to kill me. Damn that crime show spree I’ve been on recently. Makes my mind go crazy.

“Sure,” I agree. I desperately want more information about Rob and I’m pretty sure this girl’s got the info.

“I’ll be watching you.” Creepy as all hell, but she walks away. Back to the table. When she sits down, no one even notices she was gone, or acknowledges her existence.

Five minutes later, they call my number and the girl behind the counter hands the bag over to me. She leans over the counter and lowers her voice. “Tell Rob, he’s got this.” She winks and I’m wondering how much she knows of Rob. Then again, there’s no jealousy regarding me bringing him food.

“I will.” I hold up the bag in the air. “Thank you.”

When I step away, my eyes automatically flick to the three tables in the back and I find Nora’s seat empty. Why is this some incognito secret mission to talk to me? I’m not even a step out of the bar and I spot her on the side. I follow her down a dark narrow path between two buildings. Not exactly my smartest move now that I think of it. What am I going to do, suffocate her with a hamburger if she attacks me?

She stops at the end, sidestepping so we are desolate from everyone else. My phone dings again, a text from Rob asking where the food is. Hurriedly, I hammer one back to tell him it should be done in about ten.

“Nora, why exactly are you leading me away from everyone?” I try to remain in the sights of anyone walking by so if she does come after me, at least I’m not lying somewhere no one can find me.

“How is Robbie?” Seriously? Is she trying to find out if he’s available?

“Ask him yourself. I’m done with this detective shit.” I begin to flee and she grabs my arm. Spinning around, I get angry. “Why do you want to speak to me?” My voice is cold and stern so she knows I’m done with this game playing.

“I told you, I’m Nora McConnell, Carly’s sister.” She sounds like a scratched CD.

“I don’t know who Carly is. Do you want to enlighten me?” I cross my arms over my chest and the girl’s face drops.

“He never told you?” Her shoulders slump and she kicks the gravel down with her shoe.

“Who? Rob? I told you, I’m his roommate.” I’m hoping this clueless act I’m portraying profits me with more information.

“I know, but you seem close. I mean the way he took your hand. I assume when you said roommate, you meant more.”

“Nope.” I pop the ‘p’ with significance. “Just roommates.” Not like I’m going to tell her that I want to be a fuck roommate with Rob, instead we just share the rent and divvy up chores.

“Oh.” I’m fairly sure by her sad eyes and slumped body, I ruined whatever information she thought she was going to get from me. “Is he happy?”

Her solemn appearance makes me want to find out exactly what is going on here. “Sometimes. Although it may be an act. I’m trying to figure it out.”

“You care about him?” She phrases it more like a statement than a question. But the way her eyes glisten with hope, I can’t in good conscious lie.

“I do, but he doesn’t always make it easy.”

“He never has, but after the accident he really took a giant back step to assholeville.” I spit out a laugh and she joins in.

“What accident?”

“In high school with Carly. He loved her so much.” Her phone rings and she quickly answers it. “I got my damn period, Xavier. You want to come in here and change my tampon? Yeah, didn’t think so. Give me some space.” She clicks the phone off and shoves it in her purse. “I don’t have much time.”

“Before you go, who’s Xavier and why is he so pissed at Rob?” I step closer as though the secret she’s about to tell me can’t be revealed so out in the open.

“Xavier’s my brother. Carly was Rob’s girlfriend.” She inches away from me and I follow her step by step.

“What was the accident? Was Rob involved?” I’m desperate for information, but she shakes her head.

“If he hasn’t told you, I can’t.” She must notice my pleading eyes begging her for the information. “I’m sorry, I really am, but it has to come from him.” She begins to sprint down the narrow opening, but flips around and jogs back to me. “The reason I wanted to talk to you is, take care of him, okay? Carly would want him happy and living life like he always did.” She throws her arms around me and squeezes me lightly. “He needs to let it go,” she whispers, and I’m stunned into silence as her small frame runs down the path.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I startle. Fumbling for my phone, it almost slips from my grip, but I recover it, seeing Rob’s name across the screen. “I’ll be right there.” I snap before he has a chance to speak.

“I thought someone kidnapped you,” he jokes. Little does he know.

“No.” My voice devoid of any sass that usually comes out when talking with him. A longing to tightly wrap my arms around him rushes through me, and I’m fairly certain he can hear the sympathy in my whisper of a voice.

“Paige?” he questions. Damn, he definitely hears it.

I will myself to get over Nora and what she just told me. “Are you done fucking a random chick?” Knowing I need to throw him off in order to not end tonight in the Emergency Room after a huge fight breaks out. Rob doesn’t seem like the guy who understands when others mingle in his business. Nora seeking me out, telling me things he doesn’t want known could very well escalate a fight between him and Xavier.

The line is silent and I bite my lip quickening my steps to reach Garage four. There’s muffling in the background, but I can’t really figure them out. “You are! You’re fucking someone?” Finding my voice.

“Hell no. I might be an asshole, but give me some damn credit. I wouldn’t ask you to come with me and screw someone else.” He sounds angry and I know I just pissed him off. My questions or the fact he’s wondering what took me so long. “Dan’s here. I gotta race. Meet me at the fence, okay? As soon as I win, we’re leaving.” The line clicks and I suck in a deep breath to come to grips with this man.

Going around, I veer over to the fenced-off drag way. Nora is back by Xavier’s friends in the opposite lane as Xavier’s eyes fixate on Rob from his own car. Rob’s car roars up to the start line and the crowd begins forming quickly after word leaks the race is going to start. He never searches me out, which lightly stabs at my heart. I have to remind myself he has something much bigger going on right now. By the time the two cars slowly inch forward, Nora glances up at me and we share a small smile. Dan gets back in the caged area and it’s the same sequence as Rob’s earlier race.