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I park the Mustang outside Hammel Hall and climb out. Staring up at the building that proved the demise of my college years, I could turn my fist to myself for how immature I was that day Professor Bridges called me out right in the middle of class for not knowing my shit. My cocky self-created a dramatic scene and scuffed out of the class, leaving my books behind. Brady fought me on it, trying to reason with me to push my ego aside and stay in school. But I wasn’t about to grovel down to the same professor that pulled me aside my freshman year, spouting how great my future would be and how intelligent I was. Little did he know, my future was plowed well before I came to Western.

The stars scatter along the dark sky; I wish a shooting star would fly across the sky and I could make a wish to be released from the boulder strapped on my back. Paige has been a wicked storm, uplifting my life in every facet. I’m not sure I’ll land on my feet when she’s done with me. But as long as that double layer brick wall remains, Paige’s chipping will never break through.

A dim light through a classroom window lights up the red brick building and I inch closer. Seeing the auditorium, with lines of chairs and a podium for the instructor to teach their students teases me. A pang of jealousy ignites inside me of the students who will graduate and move on to their future. Everyone that weaves through the sidewalks of this campus every day is moving forward and I’m stalled. Due to my own idiotism. It took Brady two months to convince me to go back to school, but my dad pulled his stunt and my mom fell into a depression. The Krypto tour was a reprieve from the responsibility of taking care of her once she threw me out of her house. Maybe I should take the money from my dad, enroll back in school, and build a future for myself.

Just then my phone dings in my pocket. Paige’s name lights up and I wonder why she’d be calling me. I want to answer and scream to leave my past alone. That I’m a grown man and can take care of my shit myself. When I slide the bar over, all I hear is labored breathing on the other end of the line. She doesn’t say a word and I know instantly that something isn’t right.

“Paige!” I scream and I hear a whimper on the other end, but nothing else.

“No!” Matty yells and then a man’s voice shouts behind him.

“Go upstairs, Matty, this is between me and Paige.”

“You’re hurting me, Carl. Please stop.” My heart calms when I hear Paige, but when her words register, I go into panic mode.

I run to my car, leaving my phone to my ear the entire time. I fumble with my keys, to get them into the ignition. Once I start the car, I peel out of the lot, my foot slams on the gas and the car’s back tires lose traction on the gravel. My hands shake has I try to keep control of the car. The image of a man’s hands on Paige takes over any line of thinking and my heartbeat matches the speed of the car. Clicking over to another line, I dial up Brady.

“What’s up?” A sense of relief arises when he answers on the first ring.

“Get over to my house right now.”

“Why?” He’s too laid back.

“Just go. Some guy’s there. Paige.”

“Sadie! Stay here. I’ll be right back,” he yells into the receiver and I hear the front door slam shut.

“Okay, where are you?” he asks and I can hear his footsteps crossing the street. “There’s a beat up blue Honda in the driveway.”

“I’m turning down Park right now.” I skid around the corner, finally speeding down our street.

“Get the fuck out,” Brady screams just as I throw the car into park in front of the house.

Adrenaline rushes through my veins as nightmare situations flash in my head. If she’s safe, if Matty’s okay. Regret that I should have stayed with them pours out of me. Was the creep waiting for them to come home?

I run up the small hill in front of our house, the screen door wide open. Matty’s small body shakes on the stairs and I point upstairs. “Matty, go upstairs and I’ll be right there.” The kid scurries up, his bare feet barreling up the wooden stairs.

When I enter the living room, Paige is on the ground, holding her cheek and Brady’s on top of the piece of shit. “Get off him, Brady.” I come alongside of him, my voice surprisingly calm because I’m about to go MMA on the man, and there’s no tapping out in my ring.

Brady hears the anger in my voice and places his hands on my chest. “Let’s just talk to him. Calm down, Rob.” My fists clench at my sides and my blood is pumping so fast, I’m afraid I’ll pass out. I haven’t felt this way since that night long ago when I was trying to save another girl from something extremely different.

When the middle-aged man wobbles to his feet, I punch him in his face and he stumbles back down. “Who is this, Paige?” I keep my eyes glued to his, waiting for one of them to answer.

“Matty’s dad, Carl.”

“Carl, huh? Tell me Carl, why the fuck do you think you’re allowed to come into my house?” I glower down above him for an intimidation factor. I’m younger and a hell of a lot stronger than him.

He scoots back on his hands and feet until his back hits our wall. “I’m here for Matty.” He crawls up the wall and I see now, I have a few inches on him, too.

“If you’re here for Matty, why on Earth are your hands on Paige?” I step chest to chest, peering down on him once again. It’s taking everything inside of me not to beat the shit to a pulp.

He leers over to her and I punch the wall next to his face. He startles, eyes wide, focusing on me once again. “Don’t look at her. Look at me, dipshit.” I point to my eyes.

“I don’t know.” His face is pure white.

“You don’t know?” I huff and I catch Paige standing now from the corner of my eye. “Well, then why are you here for Matty?” I cross my arms across my chest and Brady sits on the edge of the couch, remaining close in case I need him.

“Linda told me to come and get him.” He shoves his hands in his pockets.

I glance over to Paige and her eyes fall to the floor and she shakes her head. I guess I’m not the only one with a fucked-up family. “Well, Linda should have called Paige.”

He nods. “And you should have kept your slimy hands off of her.” He nods again. “Tell me why you didn’t?” I egg on because that guilt is already embedded in me that I didn’t stay with her to keep fuck heads like him away.

“What do you want me to tell ya? You have me cornered with a second guy in the wing. I need the money.” He peers at her through the corner of his eye.

“Money?” I cock my head.

“Well . . . yeah,” he stutters and I so want to cold cock him.

“Why would you come to Paige for money?” Paige stalks over, placing her hand on my arm. When Carl doesn’t answer, I inch forward. “Why?”

His head rears back, hitting the wall. “Her dad.”

My head spins to her and her eyes widen in surprise. The Infiniti, nice clothes, movers. “Your dad?” I question and she nibbles on the inside of her cheek and nods.

“You don’t even know who her dad is?” Carl scoffs and my hand lands on his throat, pinning him to the wall.

As Carl’s nails are scratching at my hands in an eager attempt for air, I keep my focus on Paige. “He supports me. Carl seems to think since we are related through Matty, he deserves some of the money I get from my dad.” She steps up to him, her hand on my forearm. “He’s the reason I left my last apartment.”