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“Hmm . . . usually friends don’t hold hands under the table.” She smiles. At least she isn’t upset. “It’s okay.” She glances back to the hallway and then inches across the table. “You seem nice and Rob needs nice in his life.”

I stare at her in disbelief because how do I reveal I’ve been sleeping with her son for weeks now, but have no idea what we actually are.

“You’re nervous.” She waves her hand. “Don’t be. Listen, did he tell you about Carly?” She whispers it and I wonder what she’d do if I said no.


She leans back in the booth, her hand over her heart. “Good,” her voice relieved. “He’s letting you in. I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.”

I smile again, unsure how exactly to react to her.

“It’s torn Rob apart. So many problems, so much strife, so much heartbreak. It’s torn me apart all of these years, watching the boy I raised be so unhappy and blaming himself for Carly’s—” She abruptly stops and when she glances to the back again, I figure Rob’s on his way back. “Anyway dear, if he’s trusted you with Carly, then you’re in. Stick with him even if he tries to drive you away.” She pats my hand on the table and then unravels her silverware, placing her napkin on her lap as though we were talking about the weather.

Rob slides in next to me, mimicking his mom in the napkin unrolling silverware. “She didn’t pester you too much, did she?” He eyes me and I shake my head.

“No, not at all.” I give a tight smile and it seems to appease him.

“Good, she can be ruthless sometimes.”

She laughs across the table. “Not true, Rob.”

“So true, Mother.”

Their relationship brings a tinge of jealousy that my mom wouldn’t give a second thought about someone helping me with my problems. She would have jumped into Rob’s lap, licked his neck and grabbed his crotch.

ROB ESCORTS HIS mom to her car and they quietly talk to one another. I can only assume it’s either about me, or him returning to school. I wish I knew what was holding him back. He’s an intelligent guy and with money not being a problem, I’m baffled. My heart becomes more invested in him watching the way he cares for his mom. He opens her door and holds her close to him. Not the short and patting type of back hugs you normally witness between a guy and his mom. Theirs is caring and heartfelt. It’s a side of Rob many don’t get blessed with seeing. After she releases her son, she finds me on the sidewalk and waves her hand before climbing into her car.

Rob waits for his mom’s taillights to fade and then he steps up on the curb and quickly rushes over to me. He swoops his arms around my waist and lifts my feet off the ground. There’s always an element of surprise every minute with Rob and I don’t yearn for anything different. I may never know which Rob is about to emerge, but I draw safety in the fact he’s never the asshole everyone raves about. At least not with me. “I want you,” he whispers in my ear and a hot jolt runs through my veins.

“Chrissy’s done with classes. She’ll be home in an hour after the gym.” My shoulders slump from the disappointment that there isn’t enough time for him to cherish me like I need him to.

“All I have to do is sneak you into my room. As long as you can keep those beautiful lips shut, we’re golden.” He grabs my hand and practically drags me to the car as though we have an invisible clock above our heads clicking down.

“I’m coming, jeez, you’re going to rip my arm off,” I joke and my footsteps quicken to meet his. Not that I don’t love how eager he is to have me.

He skids to a stop at his car, opening the passenger door for me. “Let’s go.” His arm waves into the car, and I purposely stop, pretending to investigate my nails.

“Did I tell you that I broke my nail today?” My stance falls lazy as I concentrate on my fingers.

“Paige,” he warns and I purse my lips to keep from smiling. He’s way too easy to play with.

“It really hurt.” I thrust my hand in front of his face. “See.”

He releases a breath, grabs my hand and glances down fast. “I’ll get you a Band-aid when we get home.”

“Oh, that would be so nice.” I continue to delay us because I’m finding great amusement in Rob’s tapping foot.

“Now get in, baby.” He steps to the side of the door, enclosing me further into the small space between him and the car. He’s trying to be nonchalant in his act of urging me to climb into my seat.

“Maybe I should get a manicure.” My eyes scan the street for a nail salon. “Is there a place around here? Chrissy’s nails are always so nice.”

“You’re nails are gorgeous.”

I examine him and the impatience he’s trying to hide makes me giggle inside. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t picked me up and plopped me in the car by now.

“Yeah, but I should get them professionally done. You know, manicure and maybe a pedicure? What do you think? We could do it together?” I widen my eyes at him and his face falls.

“Paige, get in the damn car.” His voice is all deep, alpha, and demanding. I love it.

“So, that’s a no?” I scrunch my eyebrows.

“Yeah, baby, that’s a no. I’ll paint your nails if you get in the damn car.” He steps closer to me, and I practically stumble into the car.

“Is that a promise?” I ask, swinging my legs in.

He doesn’t answer, the door shuts, and he jogs around the car. He’s barely in the car before the key is cranked in the ignition and the car drives away from the curb.

“Are you in a hurry?” I question and he shakes his head, beginning to chuckle.

“Paige, you’ll be the one complaining when I only make you come two times instead of four. Just remember you decided to be funny when you’re begging me for more.”

After his rant, my laughter bursts out and I bend forward. “Your face was so cute. All concerned about my nails.”

“Yeah, it was hilarious.” He winds the car around the curves and I notice he’s winding through neighborhoods for a short cut home.

“I’m holding you to it though; you’re painting my nails tonight.” I hold my hands up, inspecting how overdue I am for a manicure. I’ve never been one to have a standing appointment every month, but it’s been too long now.

“As long as I can pick the color.” He winks as the Mustang slows down in front of a light.

“You could match my panties.” His eyes flit over to me and a small smile creases his lips.

His tongue sneaks out and swipes across his lips. “Give me a glimpse.”

We’re stopped at the light and his eyes veer down to my crotch. Since I’m not wearing a skirt, I have no choice but to unzip my pants. Knowing we only have seconds before the light changes, my fingers slowly twist the button and even a more tortuous pace to unzip my jeans. “Paige.” His voice is pained. I spread the sides of jeans open, revealing my lacy white pair of panties and he inhales a deep breath. “Jesus,” he whispers and his hand roams over the center console.

I slap his hand and he retracts it a millimeter. “Uh uh,” I shake my head and he narrows his eyes.

“Don’t tease me.” His hand ventures again and it’s hard to forbid him to snake that hand down my pants, his fingers diving into the wetness he induced.

I scrape my teeth along my bottom lip and his chest heaves again. This is fun, making him squirm with want. “The light is green,” I tell him with hooded eyes. Right after horns honk behind us, his extended hand fists into a ball and a low growl erupts from his throat.

“You will regret what you just did.” He throws the car into first through the light and quickly shifts to second.

“Will I?” I shrug one shoulder still giving him the come fuck me eyes.