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I sit down and the fact Carly’s back in town still bothers me, but I have to focus on Matty right now. His mother abandoned him and I’m all he’s got.

Once we’re on the highway, Rob’s eyes keep veering over to me and I detour them by staring out of the window. I’m sure he wants to discuss Carly and me running away, but I don’t.

The one thing about her coming back is this impression of being second. Rob is my first true love and she’s just the reminder that I’m his second. If she would have stuck around after the accident, he would have never been free to be mine. It stings even though it’s irrational.

“Paige?” his voice trembles and I close my eyes before facing him.

“Rob, let me handle this first.” I reach over and squeeze his leg. I’m not mad at him. Hell, I wouldn’t even be mad if he ran to Carly right now. That’s the sick part of being in love with someone; all I want for Rob is for him to be happy. My heart might shatter, and only be fixed with glue, but then it wasn’t meant to be. Hopefully, if another guy comes into my life, he can weld it back together.

“Okay.” His phone rings in his pocket and he pulls it out, inspects it, and then throws it in the cup holder. The name flashes off too soon for me to see.

Figuring I need a distraction, I grab the social worker card and fumble through my purse to find my phone. Then I remember, it’s broken.

I point to Rob’s phone. “Do you mind?”

He picks it up and hands it over to me.

I dial the number and then ask for Ginger Reed, the name on the card.

The music plays over the line and I stare out the window.

“This is Ginger Reed. How can I help you?” She sounds friendly and extremely young. I half-wonder if child services is her first job.

“Hi, Ms. Reed. My name is Paige Kensington—”

“Paige. Yes, I talked with your mom last week.”

“You did?” My heart stammers in my chest and cold chills shiver through my body. Was this her plan? Had she planned to leave him?

“Yes.” Her tone decreases from the magnitude of peppiness. “Were you not aware of—”

“No I wasn’t.” I regret my harshness instantly. “She just left me your card.” My voice rises in pleasantry. It’s not her fault my mom is a basket case.

“Okay, well, paperwork has been filled out. I have a question for you though. Paige, are you ready to have the responsibility for your brother?”

“Yes,” I answer immediately. I’m nowhere near ready, but he’s not going with some family he doesn’t know, or worse one of those families who is only interested in the check. I’m his blood.

“That’s great. Being you’re a family member and your mom and his dad have signed over the rights, there isn’t much to do. Can I have your address? I need to come over and visit, talk with Matty, and do some follow up. It’s rather routine.”

I swallow; I don’t even have a room for Matty.

“How soon will that happen?” I try to hide the panic rising as fast as my blood is pumping.

“We’d like to do it immediately. Paige, is there something we aren’t aware of?” Guess I didn’t do an excellent job of hiding that terror from my voice.

I glance at Rob whose eyes meet mine. He shoots over a reassuring smile. “I’ll be moving. I live with roommates right now, but I’ll make new arrangements.” Rob’s face drops and he flicks forward, shoving the car into a higher gear, speeding past a car on the freeway.

“Okay, don’t worry, Paige. We want you to have Matty, so we’re here to work with you, not against you.” Her words calm me and I release a breath.


“As for now, I’ll begin some paperwork and then I’ll give you a call on Monday. Is this the best number to get a hold of you?” I hear the phone ringing in the background and paperwork shuffling.

“No. My phone just broke. Um . . . can I give you my friend’s number?”

What a great first impression.

I rattle off Chrissy’s number with a little help from Rob.

“Great, I’ll be in touch.”

“Wait.” I stop her before hanging up. “Carl. He signed off Matty?” I can’t help the odd sensation to the fact he’d sign over the one thing he used as a threat to borrow money from me.

“Yes, Paige. Both parents have signed over. You are next of kin.”

“Alright.” I wish I could shake the bad feeling that Carl signing off gives me.

“I’ll be in touch, Paige, but if you need anything. Please let me know.”

“I will; thank you, Ms. Reed.”

“You’re welcome. Please, call me Ginger.”

“Bye . . . Ginger.”

I hang up the phone and realize we’re only fifteen minutes from Western. Man, does Rob drive fast when he’s pissed off.

“You’re moving?” His tone is mean, rude, and direct.

I nibble on the inside of my lip, holding back the tears. “I have no choice, Rob. I can’t allow him to stay in a place he doesn’t even have a room. I’m not even sure he would be able to if we had a fourth bedroom.”

“So, that’s a yes.” He acts like he didn’t just hear my reasons for moving.

“Yes.” I answer how I assumed he wanted me to. No explanation, just one word.

“Where does that leave us?” I’m thrown from his anger. Why is he mad at me?

“The same. I just live somewhere else.” Little is he aware, I have another dart to throw his way, but I’m still grabbing the nerve to fire that one.

“I like you living with me. We just started dating. I don’t want you somewhere else.” He’s so honest; the tears are breaking through the brick wall I’m trying to hold up.

“Me too, but it’s for Matty.”

He releases a breath. “I know.”

“Do you?” I question and his head whips my way.

“Yes, I do. But it doesn’t mean I like it.”

“But you need to respect it and stop giving me attitude,” I snap and stare out the window as we veer off the highway.

“I’m sorry.” His hand lands on my thigh and I wish it didn’t make my stomach flutter. “My whole life just flipped into a fuck you in the last hour.”

There goes one tear. “Me, too.” I whisper and he rolls into a vacant parking lot.

He shuts off the engine and his keys hang in the ignition as his arm weaves between my neck and the seat.

“I’m sorry, baby. I know. This is going to be hard, but I told you, I’ll be there with you. We’ll get through this together. If you have to move, I’ll help you find the place, I’ll pack your boxes, I’ll rent the truck. Just make sure you have enough room for me because I’m not sure I ever want to sleep alone again.”

He urges my head up and he has a plastered on smile from ear to ear. “Thanks, Rob.”

I sniffle because I need to get this out without tears. He has to know how serious I am because I know he’ll fight me even though he has to see my side.

When he moves to hold me into his arms, I place my hand on his chest. “I need you to do one thing for me.” I stare into the eyes I’ve fallen in love with over these months.


“You have to clear your past.”

He releases me and grips the steering wheel. “What?” he shakes his head as though I’m not making sense, but he knows exactly what I’m asking him.

“Please, just listen to me.” His eyes fixate through the window so I continue. “I can’t be with you, always thinking you wish you were with her.”

This grabs his attention and his head sharply jerks to me. Unable to deal with his sad eyes, I escape through the door. I’m not surprised when I hear his door open right after.

“You have to be kidding me?” His voice makes me spin to face him and he stalks toward me. “I fucking told you I loved you.”

“Rob.” I place my hands on his chest to stop his approach and the water wells in my eyes. “You have to talk to her. If you decide you have unfinished love for her, go. I’ll be okay.”